Profile of Dr. Md. Abu Sayed Mondol
Dr. Md. Abu Sayed Mondol
Department of Agricultural Extension (AEX)
Faculty of Agriculture
Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science & Technology University, Dinajpur.
Mobile: +8801716302787
- 1. Agricultural communication for technology transfer among the farmers,
2. Climate change and its effect on farming in the northern Bangladesh.
- Ph.D in Agricultural Communication, 2010
Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University, Dinajpur (UGC. Fellow)
- M.S. in Agricultural Extension Education, 1995
Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh
- B.Sc.Ag. (Hons.), 1990
Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh
- Professor (2nd Grade)
Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University, DinajpurDecember 13, 2015 to Present
- Professor
Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University, DinajpurDecember 12, 2012 to December 12, 2015
- Assistant Professor
Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University, DinajpurAugust 21, 2008 to December 11, 2012
- Assistant Professor
Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University, DinajpurMay 24, 2004 to August 20, 2008
- Lecturer
Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University, DinajpurMarch 13, 1997 to March 12, 1997
- Farm Superintendent
Bangladesh Agricultural Institute, Sher-E-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka-1207May 05, 1996 to March 12, 1997
Journal Papers
Goswami, P., S. Huda, M.A.S. Mondol, (2020). Adoption of Four Crops Cultivation Pattern by the Farmers. International Journal of Science and Management Studies (IJSMS). 3(4): 190-168.
Murmu, S., M.A.S. Mondol, M.F. Hasan, (2019). Women Farmers’ Perception on Vermicompost as Environment Friendly Fertilizer. BOU J Agric Rural Dev, 11(2):69-76.
Ara, N., M.A.S. Mondol, S. Huda, (2019). Farmers’ Attitude towards Organic Farming Practices in Sadar Upazila under Dinajpur District. BOU J Agric Rural Dev, 11(2):85-91.
Karim, M.R., M.N. Hossain, S.M.G. Sarwar and M.A.S. Mondol, (2018). Comparative Analysis of Training Needs of CCDB Beneficiaries and Non-Beneficiaries for Biochar Promotion. Bangladesh Rural Development Studies, 22(2): 1-14.
M.M. Begum, M.A. Alam, M.A.S. Mondol, M.S. Rahman and S.M.A.B.S. Islam, (2017). Use of Communication Channel in Income Generating Activities by the Women Beneficiaries of BRAC. J. Innov. Dev. Strategy, 11(3):12-16.
Sufian H. M. A., M. R. Karim, M. A. S. Mondol, M.S. Rahman and N. Muhammad, (2016). Participation of the Saotal Farmers in Agricultural Activities of CARITAS in Dinajpur District of Bangladesh. Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics and Sociology, 9 (3): 1-10. Available at www.sciencedomain.ord
Rashid, M. M., M. A. S. Mondol, M.S. Rahman and M.R.A.F. Noman, (2015). Use of Union Communication Sources by the Women Beneficiaries of RDRS in Income Generating Activities. International Journal of Agricultural Extension, 3 (03): 187-194. Available at http//
Muhammad, N., M.A.S. Mondol, and M. F. Hasan, (2015). Effectiveness of Union Information and Service Center in Utilization of Farm Information. International Journal of Agricultural Extension, 03 (01): 37-45.
Nuruzzaman, M., M. A. S. Mondol, M. F. Hasan and A.B.M.S. Mahmud, (2014). Use of Union Information and Service Center by the Farmers in Receiving Farm Information. Journal of Agroforestry and Environment, 8 (1): 147-150.
Mahmud, A.B.M.S., M. A. S. Mondol and M. Nuruzzaman, (2013). Adoption of Modern Wheat Cutivation Technologies by the Farmers of Birganj Upazila under Dinajpur District. Journal of Agroforestry and Environment, 7 (1): 97-101.
Rahman, M.S., M.R. Karim, S.M. Syem, S. Huda and M. A. S. Mondol, (2010). Farmers’ Attitude towards Winter Vegetables Cultivation for their Sustainable Livelihood Improvement. Journal of Science and Technology, 8: 53-58.
Mondol, M.A.S., (2010). Use of Interactive Electronic Channel by the Farmers in Receiving Farm Information from the Sub-Assistant Agricultural Officers. Bangladesh Journal of Environmental Science, 18: 62-66.
Mondol, M.A.S., (2010). Use of Interpersonal Communication Source by the Farmers in Receiving Agricultural Information. Journal of Agroforestry and Environment, 4 (1): 129-134.
Mondol, M.A.S., M.A. Kashem, M.M. Ali and M.Z. Rahman, (2009). Farmers’ Constraints in Receiving Farm Information from the Communication Media and their Suggestions to Overcome the Constraints. Journal of Agroforestry and Environment, 3 (2): 11-14.
Barman, K.S., M.A. Kashem, M.Z. Rahman and M.A.S. Mondol, (2009). Use of mobile Phone by the Farmers in Receiving Agricultural Information from the Input Dealers. Bangladesh Journal of Extension Education, 21 (1&2): 89-95.
Mondol, M.A.S., M.A. Kashem, M.M. Ali and M.Z. Rahman, (2009). Use of Mass Communication Channel by the Farmers in Receiving Farm Information. Bangladesh Journal of Extension Education, 21 (1&2): 9-15.
Khatun, M.A., M.A.S. Mondol and Yeasmin Akhter, (2008). Effect of Azolla (Azolla pinnata) Based Diet on the Performance and Egg Quality of Laying Hens. International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Technology, 4 (2): 6-12.
Miah, M.M.U., M.S. Islam, M.S.I. Sarker, M.A.S. Mondol and S. Huda, (2008). Performance of Tomato Under Ghoraneem and Sissoo Based Agroforestry System. Journal of Innovation and Development Strategy, 2 (1): 39-42.
Rashid, M.M., M.S. Hasan and M.A.S. Mondol, (2008). Occurrence and Prevalence of Alternaria species in Cruciferas Groun in Dinajpur District. Bangladesh Journal of Agriculturist, 1 (1):59-62.
Amin, M.R., M.M.U. Miah and M.A.S. Mondol, (2007). Farmers’ Perception Towards the Consequences of Homestead Agroforestry in Dinajpur District. Journal of Agroforestry and Environment, 1 (1): 55-59.
Miah, M.M.U., M.A.S. Mondol, M.S.I. Sarker and M.A.Khatun, (2006). Relative Prefalance and Species Richness of Tree Species and Their Effects on Understorey Crops in Homestead and Cropland Agroforestry Systems in Dinajpur District. Journal of Science and Technology, 4: 82-89.
Mondol, M.A.S., M.F. Choudhury and M.M. Bahadur, (2005). Effect of Existing Homestead Agroforestry on the Socio-economic Development in two Selected Upazillas of Dinajpur District. Bangladesh Journal of Training and Development, 18 (1&2):79-86.
Rahman, M.A., M.A.K. Miah, M.M.U Miah and M.A.S. Mondol, (2005). Diversity of Mango at Homestead of Bangladesh Based on Morphological Parameters. Journal of Science and Technology, 3: 45-50.
Hossain, M.F., U.K. Majumder, M.A.S. Mondol, M.Z. Haque and M.M. Haque, (2003). Fertilizer Recommended for Grafted Tomato. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, 6 (3):242-245.
Mondol, M.A.S., M.M. Rashid and M.S.I. Sarker, (2002). Adoption of Modern Practices of Wheat Cultivation among the Farmers of Dinajpur District. Bangladesh Journal of Training and Development, 15 (1&2):17-24.
Sarker, C.K. and M.A.S. Mondol, (2002). Impact of Result Demonstration on Transfer of Technologies among the Farmers of Gaibandha District. Bangladesh Journal of Training and Development, 15 (1&2): 25-32.
Choudhury, M.F., A Halim, M. Zulfikar Rahman and M.A.S. Mondol, (2002). Farmers Perception of Aforestattion Programme of BMDA at Barind Area of Rajshahi District. Bangladesh Journal of Extension Education, 14 (1&2): 69-74.
Laiju, M.N. M.J. Islam, M. Hasamuzzaman, M.A.S. Mondol and G. Kabir, (2002). Metroglyph in Two Species of Hordium. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, 5(11): 1217-1219.
Mondol, M.A.S and M.M. Ali, (1997). Identification of Indicator Attributes of Farmers Communication Behaviour. Bangladesh Journal of Training and Development, 10(1&2): 55-64.
- Perceived Adoption of Improved Ginger Production Technology by the Farmers in Northern Bangladesh
Funded by: IRT and University Grants Commission
Position: Principal Investigator
Description: Duration: 2020-2021
- Perception of Paddy Growers towards Climate Change in Dinajpur District
Funded by: IRT and University Grants Commission
Position: Principal Investigator
Description: Duration: 2019-2020
- Farmers’ Perception on Climate Change in Panchagarh District
Funded by: IRT and University Grants Commission
Position: Principal Investigator
Description: Duration: 2018-2019
- Training Needs of Sub-Assistant Agriculture Officers for ICT Application in Agriculture
Funded by: IRT and University Grants Commission
Position: Principal Investigator
Description: Duration: 2018-2019
- Training Needs for Rural Women on Agricultural Activities
Funded by: IRT and University Grants Commission
Position: Principal Investigator
Description: Duration: 2015-2016
- Planning and Execution of a Self-Assessment Exercise for the Faculty of Agriculture
Funded by: World Bank and University Grants Commission
Position: Associate Sub-Project Manager
Description: Duration: 2012-2014