Profile of Md. Abubakar Siddik

Md. Abubakar Siddik
Assistant Professor
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE)
Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering
Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science & Technology University, Dinajpur.
Mobile: +8801737551414
- The only objective is to protest, prevention, and retaliation against the trickster.
- Communication Protocols, Performance Evaluation, Mathematical Modeling, Network Simulation
- M. Sc. Engg. in Information and Communication Technology (ICT), 2017
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka, Bangladesh
- B. Sc. in Telecommunication and Electronics Engineering (TEE), 2011
Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University (HSTU), Dinajpur, Bangladesh
- Higher Secondary School Certification (HSC), 2006
Cantonment Public School and College, Saidpur, Nilphamari, Bangladesh
- Secondary School Certificate (SSC), 2004
Cantonment Board High School, BUSMS, Parbatipur, Dinajpur, Bangladesh
- Faculty Member
Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University (HSTU), Dinajpur, BangladeshSeptember 01, 2014 to Present
- Faculty Member
City University (CU), Dhaka, BangladeshApril 08, 2014 to August 28, 2014
- Faculty Member
Prime University (PU), Dhaka, BangladeshMay 25, 2013 to April 07, 2014
Journal Papers
Fahim Shahriyar Abir, Rubina Parveen, Md Samiul Islam, Md. Abubakar Siddik and Mahfujur Rahman, "An Antenna with Second−iteration Fractal Patch and Parallel−plane Grounds for UWB/X/Ku /K Band Applications," Telematics and Informatics Reports, vol. 16, no. 100174, pp. 1-10, Nov. 2024.
Md. Rajiul Islam, Jakia Akter Nitu, Md. Mahabub Hossain, Md. Mehedi Islam and Md. Abubakar Siddik, "I-SBA: An Improved SBA Broadcast Protocol to Minimize Forwarding for Wireless Ad-hoc Networks," International Journal of Information Technology, April 2024.
Nasrin Sultana and Md. Abubakar Siddik, "Characterization of Visible Range Gain in Praseodymium Doped Fiber Amplifier," International Journal of Research and Review, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 140-146, Jan 2024.
Md. Abubakar Siddik, Most. Anju Ara Hasi, Md. Rajiul Islam and Jakia Akter Nitu, “Effects Investigation of MAC and PHY Layer Parameters on the Performance of IEEE 802.15.6 CSMA/CA ,” International Journal of Wireless & Mobile Networks (IJWMN), vol. 15, no. 6, pp. 25-46, Dec. 2023.
Md. Abubakar Siddik, Md. Rajiul Islam, Md. Mahafujur Rahman, Zannatul Ferdous, Sumonto Sarker, Most. Anju Ara Hasi and Jakia Akter Nitu, “Performance Evaluation of IEEE 802.11 for UAV-based Wireless Sensor Networks in NS-3,” American Journal of Engineering Research (AJER), vol. 11, no. 8, pp. 1-10, Aug. 2022.
Md. Abubakar Siddik, Most. Anju Ara Hasi, Jakia Akter Nitu, Sumonto Sarker, Nasrin Sultana and Emarn Ali, “ A Modified IEEE 802.15.6 MAC Scheme to Enhance Performance of Wireless Body Area Networks in E-health Applications ,” International Journal of Wireless & Mobile Networks (IJWMN), vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 63-85, Aug. 2022.
Md. Abubakar Siddik, Jakia Akter Nitu, Natasha Islam, Most. Anju Ara Hasi, Jannatun Ferdous, Md. Mizanur Rahman and Md. Nahid Sultan, “Effects of MAC Parameters on the Performance of IEEE 802.11 DCF in NS-3,” International Journal of Wireless & Mobile Networks (IJWMN), vol. 13, no. 6, pp. 1-20, Dec. 2021.
Md. Ariful Islam Khan, Saiful Islam, SanjidaTasnim Shorno, Sumonto Sarker, Md. Abubakar Siddik, “Early Detection of Alzheimer's Disease using Machine Learning Techniques,” International Journal Of Advanced Research (IJAR), vol. 7, no. 11, pp. 235-242, Nov. 2019.
Md. Abubakar Siddik, Shafika Showkat Moni, Mohammad Shah Alam and William A. Johnson, “SAFE-MAC: Speed Aware Fairness Enabled MAC Protocol for Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks,” Sensors, vol. 19, no. 10, pp. 1-28, May 2019.
Md. Abubakar Siddik, Md. Mahabub Hossain, Md. Dulal Haque and Md. Omar Faruque, “Design and Radiation Characterization of Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna for Millimeter-wave Communication,” American Journal of Engineering Research (AJER), vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 273-281, Jan. 2019.
Md. Selim Hossain, Md. Biplob Hossain, Md. Mahasin Ali, Md. Dulal Haque and Md. Abubakar Siddik, “An Efficient Searching Algorithm for Data Mining in Bioinformatics,” International Journal of Computer Science and Software Engineering (IJCSSE), vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 24-27, Feb. 2016.
Md. Selim Hossain, Md. Mahasin Ali, Md. Biplob Hossain, Md. Dulal Haque and Md. Abubakar Siddik, “Performance Analysis of Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) System by using Peak to Average Power Ratio (PAPR) Algorithm,” International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, vol. 6, no. 6, pp. 302-306, Jun. 2015.
Conference Papers
Mahabuba Khatun, Md. Shajib Hossain, Md. Fazle Hasan Mihad, Mahfujur Rahman and Md. Abubakar Siddik, "Design of a Dual Band Microstrip Patch Antenna for 5G mm-Wave Applications", 3rd International Conference on Signal Processing, Information, Communication and Systems (SPICSCON), Khulna, Bangladesh, Nov. 2024.
Md. Rajiul Islam, Jakia Akter Nitu, Md. Mahabub Hossain, Md. Mehedi Islam and Md. Abubakar Siddik, " TA-TDP: A Topology Aware Total Dominant Pruning Broadcast Protocol to Reduce Forwarding Stations in Wireless Ad-hoc Networks," 6th International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Information & Communication Technology (ICEEICT), Dhaka, Bangladesh, May 2024.
Jakia Akter Nitu, Md. Rajiul Islam, Md. Mehedi Islam, Md. Mahabub Hossain and Md. Abubakar Siddik, " TA-PDP: An Topology Aware Partial Dominant Pruning Broadcast Protocol to Minimize Forwarding for Wireless Ad-hoc Networks ," 5th International Conference on Telecommunication and Photonics (ICTP), Dhaka, Bangladesh, Dec. 2023.
Md. Rajiul Islam, Jakia Akter Nitu, Md. Mahabub Hossain, Md. Mehedi Islam and Md. Abubakar Siddik, "T-SP: A Timer-based Self-Pruning Broadcast Protocol using One-hop Neighbor Information," 26th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, Dec. 2023.
Jakia Akter Nitu, Md. Rajiul Islam, Md. Mehedi Islam and Md. Abubakar Siddik, "E-SP: An Enhanced Self-Pruning Broadcast Protocol for Wireless Ad-hoc Networks using One-hop Neighbor Information ," 6th International Conference on Electrical Information and Communication Technology (EICT), Khulna, Bangladesh, Dec. 2023.
Md. Abubakar Siddik and Ashikur Rahman, "IT-SBA: An Improved Timer-based Scalable Broadcast Algorithm for Wireless Ad-hoc Networks," 10th International Conference on Networking, Systems and Security (NSysS), Khulna, Bangladesh, Dec. 2023.
Md. Abubakar Siddik, Tawsif Shahriar, SM Zuhair Zawhar Zaki, Monirul Haque Imon, Ashikur Rahman, Raqeebir Rab and Abderrahmane Leshob, "A novel FRTS/FCTS-based MAC Protocol for In-band Full-duplex Wireless Ad-hoc Networks", 19th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob), Montreal, Canada , June 2023.
Most. Anju Ara Hasi, Md. Dulal Haque and Md. Abubakar Siddik, “Traffic Demand-based Grouping for Fairness among the RAW Groups of Heterogeneous Stations in IEEE802.11ah IoT Networks,” 2nd International Conference on Advancement in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (ICAEEE), Bangladesh, Feb. 2022.
Saiful Islam, Md. Ariful Islam Khan, Sanjida Tasnim Shorno, Sumonto Sarker and Md. Abubakar Siddik, “Performance Evaluation of SDN Controllers in Wireless Network,” 1st International Conference on Advances in Science, Engineering and Robotics Technology (ICASERT), Bangladesh, May 2019.
Md. Abubakar Siddik, Shafika Showkat Moni and Mohammad Shah Alam, “An Efficient MAC Protocol for provisioning fairness in Vehicle-to-Roadside Communications,” 9th International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (ICECE), Bangladesh, Dec. 2016.
Jaya Roy, Md. Abubakar Siddik, Shafika Showkat Moni and Mohammad Shah Alam, “An Efficient Cooperative MAC Protocol for Enhancing QoS of IEEE 802.11e EDCA in Saturated Conditions,” 9th International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (ICECE), Bangladesh, Dec. 2016.
- Dean’s List Award
Funded by: HSTU, Dinajpur
- Best Student Scholarship 2008
Funded by: Grameen Bank, Bangladesh
- Analysis and Design of a Non-invasive Way of Measuring and Monitoring Blood-sodium Concentration Level using Near-infrared Spectrosscopy
Funded by: IRT, HSTU, Dinajpur
Position: Principle Investigator
Description: Completed
- Design a Fair Channel Access Time (F-Cat)-based Grouping for Heterogeneous Traffic Condition of Stations in Dynamic and Dense IEEE 802.11ah IoT Networks
Funded by: IRT, HSTU, Dinajpur
Position: Principle Investigator
Description: Completed
- Development of a Web-based Faculty Management System and Schedule-based Navigation for the Faculties of HSTU.
Funded by: IRT, HSTU, Dinajpur
Position: Principle Investigator
Description: Running
- Design an IEEE 802.15.6-based MAC Protocol to Enhance QoS of Wireless Body Area Networks in E-Health Applications
Funded by: IRT, HSTU, Dinajpur
Position: Principle Investigator
Description: Completed
- Google Scholar Profile
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- Profile
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