Profile of Dr. Dipak Kumar Sarkar

Dr. Dipak Kumar Sarkar
Department of English (ENG)
Faculty of Social Science and Humanities
Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science & Technology University, Dinajpur.
Mobile: +8801724243267
- Willing to work with various people under difficult situation, work with great sense of sincerity, initiative and commitment and will certainly enjoy the challenge of new situation to develop innovative ideas for the betterment of the Institution I shall work.
- Shakespeare, John Donne, Western Ideas, Theories and Victorian Literature
- Ph. D, 2020
Bankura University, Kolkata, India
- M.A in English Literature, 2009
University of Rajshahi
- B.A (Hon's) in English, 2007
University of Rajshahi
- Asssistant Professor
Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science & Technology UniversityFebruary 01, 2014 to February 01, 2020
- Lecturer
Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science & Technology UniversityFebruary 01, 2012 to January 31, 2014
- Senior Lecturer
University of Information Technology and Sciences (UITS)July 01, 2009 to January 31, 2012
Journal Papers
Queer Shakespeare; Focus on Henry IV (Part I & II)
Read MoreAge in the Eye of Shakespeare, focus on; As You Like It
Read MoreThe Sketch of Age in Shakespeare's Henry IV (Parts 1 and 2)
Read MoreOroonoko: A Drama of Soul in Disguise of Authority, Law, and Colonialism
Read MoreExploration of Propensity for Using Acrolect in Code-switching among the Youths of Bangladesh: A Psychological Study of Bilingualism
Shakespeare's View on Ageing; Focus on King Lear
Read MoreAvoiding Homosexuality: A Critical Perspective of Bangladeshi Readers to English Literature
Read MoreThe Role of Achitophel in Dryden’s Absalom and Achitophel: A Representation of the Unscrupulous and Ambitious Politicians with Extraordinary Intellect
John Donne, a Poet More of Spirituality than of Sensuality
Read MoreJohn Donne, and the Reasons of His Success
Read MoreJustice; a topic of Controversy in Shakespearean Plays
Read MoreFilm Adaptation; a Justice or an Injustice to the Main Literary Text: Focus on Hamlet (1990), a Movie by Franco Zeffirelli
A Modern Book of English
Funded by: U.G.C, Bangladesh through Institute of Research & Technology, H.S.T.U, 2019-20
Position: Project Director
Description: Living in this 21st century, it has really been a great challenge for the humans to live a meaningful and peaceful life. The destruction of nature, morality, ethics really been matter of everyday life. Though the humans are the best creation of Almighty, they are needed to be chain to be in right order. Jean-Jacques Rousseau said, "Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chainsâ€. This is the question then why chain is needed. What the result will be if there is no chain to constrain humans from bad. Plato in his famous Allegory of Cave compared the ordinary human existence to that of chained prisoners in a cave. According to Plato, we are all stuck in a false reality in this world like prisoners in a cave. His cave theory still applies today in the sense that the people are influenced and controlled by the world around them. They do not want to realize or seek the truth; instead they wish to live in the comfort zone inside the cave. (THE ALLEGORY OF THE CAVE: PLATO, REPUBLIC). Buddha’s first expression of enlightment was “all is illusion†.All Buddhist practices aimed at disabusing a person of their illusions. There is a report about the hadith of Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) who said: The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “When the first night of Ramadan comes, the devils and mischievous jinn are chained up, and the gates of Hell are closed, and none of its gates are opened. The gates of Paradise are opened and none of its gates are closed …†Narrated by at-Tirmidhi (682) and Ibn Maajah (1642). It was classed as hasan by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Jaami‘ (759). So, chain or restriction has been discussed in our religions to philosophy too, though they have used chain for the purpose of goodness of humans. Muhammad Fatih Suhadi and Fakultas Sastra of Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia in a conference Paper, “The Downfall of the Protagonist in Christopher Marlowe’s Play Doctor Faustus†says that if emotion supersedes logic and faith is floating, the person concerned will be trapped in forbidden lust. According to Muhammad Fatih Suhadi and Fakultas Sastra humans are in a conflict between what religion considers being sin and man’s desire for infinite knowledge, power, beauty and wealth. Humans’ attempt to assent their will in opposition to both God and Devil, and they fail, as it is obvious that humans are presumptuous enough to be a God, to gain a deity. All the branches of knowledge cannot help them reach their ridiculous goal and they enter into a contract with the devil to achieve what they wish. Their insatiable passion, inability to distinguish between fantasy and reality, and uncontrollable praxis of necromancy make resort to the devil. From the surface level, a successful man may appear a hero but in reality he is a man who meets his downfall. Eta Marie Enis in her thesis, “MARLOWE'S DOCTOR FAUSTUS FINDS REALITY:IN THE CCMIC MASK†says that the original morality was a psychomachia, an allegorical conflict of man's soul between good and evil whose outcome is a triumph for good. It shows that the humans are always tied to evil effects. These evil characters sin through burlesque techniques. Thus exaggeration and distortion make their sins appear absurdly horrid. Besides, in a thesis submitted to the Discipline of English in University of Adelaide by Marion Jane Nelson it is said that there is always a question of humans working as with autonomy. She also says that the arguable proportions generated might include that man is responsible for his own fate and therefore she says institutions regularly sets theories, ideas, and rules to take them to right path, otherwise they may be astrayed. These reviews touch the surface level of the desired research of this particular project. They all talk about humans’ intrinsic reality but the reality that can be seen in everyday life is still untouched with the question of their holy creation. So, this project supposes to be an unique one as it will be one of a kind.
- Ageing and Its Effect on Shakespeare’s Writing; Focus on King Lear
Funded by: U.G.C, Bangladesh through Institute of Research & Technology, H.S.T.U, 2016-17
Position: Project Director
Description: Research on Shakespeare's King Lear from Gerontological Point of View.
- Students’ Demand and in Field Reality of the Academic Disciplines in University Education; Focus on:H.S.T.U
Funded by: U.G.C, Bangladesh through Institute of Research & Technology, H.S.T.U, 2016-17
Position: Project Director
Description: A Research Done on 'Students’ Demand and in Field Reality of the Academic Disciplines in University Education; Focus on: H.S.T.U'.