Profile of Dr. Habiba Khatun

Dr. Habiba Khatun
Associate Professor
Department of Food Science & Nutrition (FSN)
Faculty of Engineering
Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science & Technology University, Dinajpur.
Mobile: +8801701694847
- Antioxidant activity of food, functional food products, Edible insects
- PhD in Food Technology, 2022
KU Leuven, Belgium
- MS in Food Engineering, 2011
Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh
- B.Sc in Food and Process Engineering, 2009
Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology university
- Chairman
Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology UniversityOctober 16, 2014 to September 16, 2017
- Assistant Professor
Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology UniversityFebruary 01, 2014 to Present
- Lecturer
Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology UniversityFebruary 01, 2012 to February 01, 2014
Journal Papers
Khatun, Habiba, Siebe Lievens, Ruben Smets, Mohammad Akhtaruzzaman, Mik Van Der Borght, and Johan Claes. 2022. "Optimizing the Rheological and Textural Properties of Chapatti Enriched with House Crickets (Acheta domesticus) Flour Using Hydrocolloids by an I-Optimal Design" Foods 11, no. 21: 3467. (IF= 5.561)
Read MoreKhatun, H.; Van Der Borght, M.; Akhtaruzzaman, M.; Claes, J. Rheological Characterization of Chapatti (Roti) Enriched with Flour or Paste of House Crickets (Acheta domesticus). Foods 2021, 10, 2750.DOI: 10.3390/foods10112750 (IF=5.561)
Read MoreKhatun, H., Claes, J., Smets, R., Winne, A. De, Akhtaruzzaman, M., 2021. Characterization of freeze ‑ dried , oven ‑ dried and blanched house crickets ( Acheta domesticus ) and Jamaican field crickets ( Gryllus assimilis ) by means of their physicochemical properties and volatile compounds. Eur. Food Res. Technol. (IF=3.498)
Read MoreS. Dev, K. Hasan, J.Claes, M. N. Mozahid, H. Khatun, M. F. Mondal; 2020. Practices of entomophagy and entomotherapy in Bangladesh; Journal of Insects as Food and Feed: 0 (0)- Pages: 1 - 10 (IF 5.099)
Read MoreH. Khatun, M. R. Haque, M. M. Hosain and M. H. A. Amin. 2013. Evaluation of weaning foods formulated from germinated wheat and lentil flour from Bangladesh Research Publication Journal.8(2): 152-158
M. R. Haque, M. M. Hosain, H. Khatun, R. Alam and M. O. Gani. 2013. Evaluation of nutritional composition and sensory attributes of weaning food prepared from sweet potato and soybean. Bangladesh Research Publication Journal. 8(2): 127 - 133.
M. Sarker, M.A. Hannan, Quamruzzaman, M.A. Ali, H. Khatun. 2014. Storage of tomato powder in different packaging materials. Journal of Agricultural Technology Vol. 10(3): 595-605
Debashis Kumar Dutta Roy, Tanny Saha, Moriom Akter, Mojaffor Hosain, Habiba Khatun and Manik Chandra Roy. 2015.Quality Evaluation of Yogurt Supplemented with Fruit Pulp (Banana, Papaya, and Water Melon). International Journal of Nutrition and Food Sciences. 4(6): 695-699. DOI: 10.11648/j.ijnfs.20150406.25)
Mojaffor Hosain, Raihanul Haque, Md. Nazrul Islam, Habiba Khatun And Md. Shams-Uddin. 2016. Effect of Temperature and Loading Density on Drying kinetics of Wheat, Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences; Volume 4(2).DOI:
Habiba Khatun, Nusrat Jahan, Mojaffor Hosain, Trisna Mardy and Shahinur Rahman.2016. Effect of papaya and storage time on the quality of the newly developed papaya crackers. Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences, Volume 4(2). DOI:
Md. Mamunur Roshid , Md. Abdul Wazed , Md. Rakibul Islam , Md. Sultan Mahomud , Habiba Khatun. 2016. Preparation of gluten free bread using the mixture of different cereals grain flour. International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research. 3(5): 9-16
Roy, J. K., R. Akram, M. A. F. Shuvo, H. Khatun, M. S. Awal, and M. Sarker. 2017. Effect of ethanol vapor on ripening of tomato. Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal, 19(2): 168-175.
- IRO Doctoral Scholarship-2018
Funded by: KU Leuven, Belgium