Profile of Dr. Md. Hassanur Rahman


Dr. Md. Hassanur Rahman


Department of Horticulture (HRT)

Faculty of Agriculture

Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science & Technology University, Dinajpur.


Mobile: +8801719468999


    Molecular mechanisms of plant embryogenesis. Regulation of flowering of fruit plant. Sustainable agriculture and safe food production.


  1. PhD, 2019

    Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan

  2. Exchange Research Program, 2017

    University of Seoul, South Korea

  3. MS, 2011

    Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University

  4. B Sc Ag, 2009

    Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University


  1. Professor
    Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science & Technology University, Dinajpur.

    March 14, 2023 to Present

  2. Associate professor
    Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University

    March 14, 2019 to March 13, 2023

  3. Assistant Professor
    Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University, Bangladesh

    February 01, 2014 to March 13, 2019

  4. Lecturer
    Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University

    February 01, 2012 to January 31, 2014


Journal Papers

  1. L. Ali, M. A. Rahman, M.H. Rahman, M.L. Begum, M. Rukunuzzaman, M.T. Islam 2023. Effect of pre-harvest fruit bagging on the quality of Gopalbhog mango, Journal of Science and Technology 21: 12-22

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  2. 1. Rahman M.H., Rahman M.H., Halder B.C., Ahmed M., Nishi N.J. 2023. Applying Paclobutrazol and Flower Bud Pruning Modifies the Fruiting Time and Fruit Quality of ‘Amrapali’ Mango (Mangifera indica L.). The Horticulture Journal. Impact factor- 1.076

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  3. M. A. Sohag, M. H. Rahman, M. O. Kayess, M. F. Ifty 2023. Effect of pre-harvest fruit bagging on yield, postharvest quality and shelf life of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) cv. BARI Tomato-2. Journal of applied and natural Science. 15 (1):220-226. (Scopus indexed) 

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  4. M. H. Rahman, M. T. Aktar, M. A. Kabir, M. H. Rahman and M. T. Abedin. 2022. Effect of smoking as post-harvest treatment on the ripening and quality of banana (Musa sp). Journal of Science and Technology. 20(2): 30-36.

  5. N. J. Nishi, M. H. Akand, A. J. Kakon and M. H. Rahman 2022. Study on growth and yield of oyster mushroom as influenced by composted sawdust-based substrates. Journal of Science and Technology. 20 (2): 11-19.

  6. M. H. Rahman, D. Nag and B. C. Halder  2023. Influence of preservative solutions on the vase life of gladiolus. Journal of Experimental Biosciences. 14 (1): 55-60.

  7. Mimi UH, Islam MJ, Sarker BC, Nishi NJ, Rahman MH (2019) Assessment of biochemical and mineral constituents of guava grown in Rangpur. J. Bangladesh Soc. Agric. Sci. Technol., 16(1- 4):69-73.

  8. Islam, M. T., Zoha, M. S., Uddin, M. S., Bari, M. A., Rahman, M. H., Akter, M. M. and Akter, N. (2020). Effect of different time of bagging for ensuring quality mangoes Cv. Mishribhog. Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research, 25(02), 2114-2121.

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  9. Islam MT, Akter MM, Rahman MH, Uddin MS, Bari MA, Islam M, Rahman MA, (2020) Effect of Bagging on Quality and Shelf Life of Mango (Mangifera indica L.) cv. BARI Mango- 4. Journal of Agricultural and Horticultural Research. 6(3): 37-45.

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  10.  Md. Sabbir  Hossain, M. Hasanuzzaman, and Md. Arifuzzaman and  Md. Hassanur Rahman (2022) In vitro Regeneration of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Using Sprout Explant. Asian Journal of Advances in Agricultural Research, 20 (3). pp. 10-15. 

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  11. Hassanur RAHMAN, ALAM Mahedy, Nusrat Jahan NİSHİ, Mohammad Sohidul ISLAM (2022). Influences of Transplanting Approaches of Propagation on Growth, Yield and Economics of Ginger (Zingiber officinale rose.) Cultivation.  ISPEC Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 6(4): 752-761.

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  12. Biki SP, Mahmud S, Akhter S, Rahman MH and Ahmed M (2023). Bacteriocin production by Lactococcus lactis LL‐HSTU‐FPP strain isolated from fermented rice and evaluation of the biopreservation potentiality of bacteriocin on shrimp. Journal of Food Safety. e13042. Impact factor 2.44

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  13. Rahman MH, Toda E, Kobayashi M, Kudo T, Koshimizu M, Takahara M, Iwami M, Watanabe Y, Sekimoto H, Yano K, Okamoto T 2019 Expression of genes from paternal alleles in rice zygotes and involvement of OsASGR-BBML1 in initiation of zygotic development. Plant and cell physiology. 60(4); 725-737. This article was an outstanding article rated as the Editor's Choice with author profile ( Impact Factor: 4.059    

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  14. Chayan AAIM, Rahman MH, Sultana R and Islam MR. 2010. Initial moisture content and different storage container potentiality on vigourity of stem amaranth (Amaranthus oleraceus) seed. Bangladesh Res. Pub. J., 3(4):1197-1203.

  15. Islam MT, Mamun MAA, Khan MA, Sayem SM and Rahman MH 2011. Effect of different level of irrigation and potassium fertilizers on the growth and yield of potato cv.granola. J. Environ. Sci. and Natural Resources, 4(1):105-109.

  16. Rahman MH, Halder BC and Khan MA 2011. Effect of zinc and manganese on growth and yield of potato. J. Bangladesh Soc. Agric. Sci. Technol., 4 (2): 30-33

  17. Rahman MH, Khan MA and Islam MR 2013. Effect of ABT-6 hormone on growth and yield of BINA tomato-5. Journal of Natural Products, 6(1): 103-108.

  18. Halder BC and Rahman MH 2013. Performances of some weed extracts on pest, yield and quality of litchi. J. Sci. Technol., 11 (1): 68-72.

  19. Islam MJ, Rahman MS, Mamun MAA, Farhana F, Shamsuzzoha M, Rahman MH, Akter M, Hanif MA 2016. Assessment of Heavy Metals in Roadside Soil, Water and Vegetables of the Dinajpur-Rangpur Highway in Bangladesh. J. of Chem. Bio. Phy Sci., 6(2); 237-247.

  20. Rashid MM, Hasan SM, Rahman MH, Ahmmed ANF, Khalequzzaman KM 2016. Physiological and Structural Abnormalities of Coconut Plants (Cocos nucifera L.) at Different Stages of Growth and Plantation Sites under Low Temperature Condition in Bangladesh. The Agriculturists, 13 (2): 113.

  21. Islam MT, Mamun MAA, Rahman MH, Rahman MA, Akter MM, Ashraf MS 2016. Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Phytochemicals in Some Medicinal Plants in Bangladesh, J. of Chem. Bio. Phy Sci., 6(2); 530-540.

Conference Papers

  1. Rahman MH, Toda E, Kobayashi M, Kudo T, Ohnishi Y, Yano K, Okamoto T 'Possible contribution of a paternally expressed AP2-type transcription factor to early zygotic development in rice' Taiwan-Japan Plant Biology 2017 Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, November 3-6, 2017. (Presentation award)

  2. Rahman MH, Toda E, Kobayashi M, Kudo T, Ohnishi Y, Yano K, Okamoto T 'A Paternally Expressed AP2-Type Transcription Factor, OsASGR-BBML1, possibly Contribute to Early Zygotic Development in Rice' The 59th Annual Meeting of The Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists, Sapporo, Japan, March 28-30, 2018.

  3. Toda E, Kobayashi M, Takahara M, Ohnishi Y, Kudo T, Rahman MH, Watanabe Y, Iwami M, Yano K, Okamoto T 'Effects of an imbalanced parental genome ratio on development of rice zygotes and possible function of genes expressing in zygotes with paternal allele-specific manner' The 25th international congress of sexual plant reproduction, Gifu, Japan, June 11-16, 2018.

  4. Okamoto T, Toda E, Koiso N, Rahman MH, Takebayashi A, Ichikawa M, Kiba T, Osakabe K, Osakabe Y, Sakakibara H, Kato Norio 'Development of gene expression and genome editing systems in rice egg cells and zygotes by direct delivery of macromolecules' The 25th international congress of sexual plant reproduction, Gifu, Japan, June 11-16, 2018.

  5. Rahman MH, Toda E, Ohnishi Y, Koiso N, Okamoto T 'A paternally expressed transcription factor, OsASGR-BBML1, possibly initiates rice early zygotic development' The 25th international congress of sexual plant reproduction, Gifu, Japan, June 11-16, 2018.


  1. Md Hassanur Rahman, Erika Toda, Takashi Okamoto. (2020) In Vitro Production of Zygotes by Electrofusion of Rice Gametes. Plant Embryogenesis: Methods in Molecular Biology. Springer nature. 2122: 227-267  (Book Chapter) 

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  2. Md Hassanur Rahman, 2013, Role of zinc and manganese on the production of potato, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing Gbbh & C. KG, Germany.


  1. Talk

    Md Hassanur Rahman 'Functional analysis of a paternal allele-dependent gene encoding an AP2-type transcription factor, termed BBM, in rice zygote' Bioconference (TMU-UOS exchange program), Seoul, South Korea, February 02, 2017.


  1. Guest Scientist (October, 2018 - September, 2019)

    Funded by: Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan

  2. Japan Local Goverment Scholarship (THRFCD)

    Funded by: Goverment of Japan

  3. NST Fellowship

    Funded by: Minstery of Science and Technology, Bangladesh


  1. Effect of chitosan enriched with turmeric rhizome extract coating on postharvest preservation and quality of mango (Mangifera indica L.) fruit

    Funded by: IRT (2022-2023)

    Position: Principal Investigator (PI)

    Description: On going

  2. Development of interactive e-learning tools for teaching plant materials

    Funded by: ICT-Division, Bangladesh (2021-2022)

    Position: Principal Investigator (PI)

    Description: The project was conducted to develop of interactive e-learning tool using different images for teaching plant materials.

  3. Effect of pre-harvest fruit bagging on post-harvest yield and quality of tomato

    Funded by: IRT (2021-2022)

    Position: PI

    Description: This experiment was conducted to determine the effect of preharvest fruit bagging on yield and quality of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) cv. BARI Tomato-2.

  4. Establishment of the eco-friendly smoking chamber and its effect on ripening behavior and quality of banana fruits

    Funded by: MOST (2021-2022)

    Position: PI

    Description: The research was conducted to investigate the effects of smoking treatments on the physio-chemical properties of banana fruits.

  5. Effects of transplanting method of propagation on growth, yield and economics of ginger (zingiber officinale rose.) cultivation

    Funded by: IRT (2020-2021)

    Position: PI

    Description: The present study was undertaken with the objective to find out the effects of the transplanting method of propagation on growth, yield and economics of ginger cultivation.

  6. Off-season flower induction in mango fruit using paclobutrazol and branch tip pruning

    Funded by: UGC (2019-2020)

    Position: Principal Investigator (PI)

    Description: The present study was intended to evaluate the effect of paclobutrazol doses combined with branch tip pruning on the flowering induction, fruiting and quality of mango tree fruits.

  7. Effects of pre-harvest fruit bagging on post-harvest quality of banana cv. Sagor

    Funded by: Institute of Research and Training (IRT 2019-2020)

    Position: Principal Investigator (PI)

    Description: Research objectives: (i) To investigate the effect of different bagging materials on the physical and chemical quality of banana. (ii) To protect banana from diseases, pest attacks using minimum pesticide application.


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