Profile of Dr. Md. Abu Hasan


Dr. Md. Abu Hasan


Department of Crop Physiology & Ecology (CPE)

Faculty of Agriculture

Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science & Technology University, Dinajpur.


Mobile: +8801713163324


    To learn and teach the new era of plant physiology in relation to climate change


    Stress physiology


  1. Ph. D in Crop Botany, 2009

    Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University, Gazipur, Bangladesh

  2. M.S. in Crop Botany, 2002

    Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University, Gazipur, Bangladesh

  3. Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, 1996

    Hajee Mohammad Danesh Agricultural College affilliated by BAU, Mymensingh.

  4. Higher Secondary Certificate (H.S.C), 1988

    Nilphamari Govt. College, Nilphamari (Rajshahi Board)

  5. Secondary School Certificate (S.S.C), 1986

    Nilphamari Govt. Boys High School (Rajshahi Board)


Journal Papers

  1. Jahan M.N., Hasan M.A. and Islam M.R. 2022. Effect of defoliation on growth and yield of maize. Bangladesh Agron. J. 25(2): 31-41

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  2. Sinthy, T.A., Hasan, M.A., Hoque, M.N., Hafiz, M.H.R., Momin, M.A., Sharmin, S., Nuruzzaman, M. and Islam, M.R. 2024. Germination and early seedling growth of a medicinal plant giant milkweed (Calotropis gigantea) under salinity stress. Int. J. Agril. Res. Innov. Tech. 14(1): 10-17.

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  3. Islam MR, TA Sinthy, MA Hasan, MN Hoque, SK Pramanik, MS Rahman and MA Sayed. 2024.  Assessment of seedling emergence, growth traits and physiological indices of a medicinal plant Calotropis gigantea (l.) Aiton f. under NaCl induced salinity stress. Pakistan Journal of Botany.  56(4):1-9.

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  4. Haque, M. N., S. K. Pramanik, M. A. Hasan M. R. Islam and S. Sikder. 2022. Foliar application of potassium and gibberellic acid (GA3) to alleviate drought stress in wheat. Journal of Science and Technology. 20 (December 2022): 1-10.

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  5.  Sedratul J., M. A. Hasan, A. K. M. M. B. Chowdhury., M. H. R. Hafiz, S. T. Ara, S. K. Pramanik and M. R. Islam. 2023. Physiological Indices and Yield Traits of Wheat Genotypes under Drought Stress Condition. International Journal of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine. 11 (1): 21-30.

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  6. Ahmed M. T., M. R. Islam, S. K. Pramanik, S. Sikder and M. A. Hasan. 2021. Amelioration of Adverse Effect of Drought Stress on Mung bean through Supplemental Agronomic Practices. The Agriculturists. 19(1&2):73-85.

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  7. Pramanik S. K., S. Sikder and M. A. Hasan. 2021. Wheat Physiology and Yield as Affected by Water Deficit Stress. The Agriculturists. 19(1&2):211-33.

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  8. Era MA, Hasan MA, Chowdhury AKMMB, Islam MR and Pramanik SK. 2021. Effect of supplemental irrigation to alleviate
    the adverse impact of terminal drought stress on aman rice. Intl. J. Agric. Med. Plants. 2(2): 8-15.

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  9. S. Suchana and M.A. Hasan. 2021. Effect of parent plant growing temperature on yield performance of wheat in succeeding season. Journal of Science and Technology 19 (June 2021): 1-11.

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  10. T.K. Roy, M.A. Hasan, S.K. Pramanik and S. Sikder. 2021. Yield performance of rice varieties under NaCl induced salinity stress in boro season. Journal of Science and Technology 19 (June 2021): 40-51.

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  11. M.N. Haque, S.K. Pramanik, M.A. Hasan and S. Sikder. 2021. Evaluation of drought tolerance in hybrid maize based on selected morpho-physiological and yield traits. Journal of Science and Technology 19 (June 2021): 20-31.

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  12. S. Sharmin, M.A. Hasan and S. Sikder. 2021. Effect of late seeding warmer condition on phenology and yield of wheat. Bangladesh Agron. J. 24(1): 13-23.

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  13. Chowdhury, M.K., M.A Hasan, M.M. Bahadur, M.R Islam, M.A. Hakim, M.A. Iqbal, T. Javed, A. Raza, R. Shabbir, S. Sorour. N. E. M. Elsanafawy, S. Anwar, S. Alamri, A. E. Sabagh and M. S. Islam. 2021. Evaluation of Drought Tolerance of Some Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Genotypes through Phenology, Growth, and Physiological Indices. Agronomy. 11, 1792.

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  14. S. Sikder, M. M. Bahadur, M. A. Hasan, M. Hasanuzzaman and A. K. M. M. B. Chowdhury. 2006. Study of grain growth pattern and yield performance of wheat under normal and late seeding condition. Journal of Science and Technology. 4: 137-143.

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  15. Sharmin S., M. A. Hasan and S. Sikder. 2020. Physiological evaluation of wheat genotypes for high temperature tolerance. The Agriculturists 18(2):112-125.

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  16. M. A. Hossain, M. A. Hasan, A. K. M. M. B. Chowdhury  and M. S. Sarker. 2017. Physiological traits and yield performance of mungbean (Vigna radiata (L) Wilczek) as influenced by light intensities. Bangladesh Agron. J. 20(2): 67-74.

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  17. Hossain M. A., M. A. Hasan, S. Sikder andA. K. M. M. B. Chowdhury. 2017. Leaf characteristics and yield performance of mungbean (Vigna radiata L.) varieties under different levels of shading. The Agriculturists. 15(2): 40-51.

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  18. Reja M. S., S. Sikder, M. A. Hasan and S. K. Pramanik. 2020. Effect of gibberellic acid (GA3) on morpho-physiological traits and yield performance of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). IOSR Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science. 13(7): 20-28.

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  19. Chowdhury A. K. M. M. B., M. A. Hossain, J. Alam, M. A. Hasan and M. Z. Islam. 2020. Amelioration of adverse effect of drought on rice (Oryza sativa L.) variety BRRI Dhan 28 through application of poultry litter based compost. The Agriculturists 18(1): 42-55

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  20. Hasan M. A., H. R. Hafiz, N. Siddiqui, M. Khatun, R. Islam, A. Mamun. 2015. Evaluation of wheat genotypes for salt tolerance based on some physiological traits. J. Crop Sci. Biotech.18 (5): 333-340.

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  21. Hasan M. A., J. U. Ahmed, T. Hossain, M. A. K.Mian, M. M. Haque. 2013. Evaluation of the physiological quality of wheat seed as influenced by high parent plant growth temperature. J. Crop Sci. Biotech.16 (1): 69-74.

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  22. Hasan M. A. and J. U. Ahmed. 2012. Evaluation of Seed Reserve Utilization Efficiency during Germination in relation to heat tolerance of wheat. Thai J. Agril Sci. 45(1): 29-36

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  23. Ahmed J. U. and M.A. Hasan. 2011. Evaluation of seedling proline content of wheat genotypes in relation to heat tolerance. Bangladesh J. Bot. 40(1):17-22.

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  24. Ikbal, T.M.T., M.M. Bahadur, M.A. Hasan and D.A.N. Majumder. 2001. Improvement of okra seed quality by presoaking in H2O2 solution. PJBS. 4(6): 639-641.

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  25. Haque, M.M., J.U. Ahmed, M.A. Hasan and M.S. Rahman. 2004. Effect of different light levels on the phenology, dry matter partitioning and yield of cucumber. J. Agric. Rural Dev. 3(1&2):79-83.

  26. F. Rahman, M. A. Hasan, M. H. R. Hafiz and M. S. Islam. 2011. Evaluation of seed invigoration techniques to improve germination and seedling vigour of wheat. Bangladesh J. Prog. Sci. & Tech. 9(1): 133-136.

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  27. Bahadur, M.M., M.A. Kabir, T.M.T. Iqbal, M.A. Hasan and M. Sq. Rahaman. 2005. Changes of groundnut seed quality due to controlled deterioration. Int. Sustain. Agril. Tech. 1(4): 59-64

  28. Bahadur, M.M., M.A. Hasan, M.A. Hakim, M.F. Chowdhury and M.J. Islam. 2001. Evaluation of maize growth and yield under different tillage systems in the northern Bangladesh. J. Agric. Tech. 2(1): 71-76.

  29. Bahadur M.M., M.Z.R. Chowdhury, M. Obaidul Islam, M.A. Hasan and S. Sikder. 2005. Effect of different sowing dates on phenology, morphology and yield of three modern wheat varieties. Journal of Science and Technology. 2: 77-83.

  30. Bahadur M.M., M.Z.R. Chowdhury, M. Obaidul Islam, M.A. Hasan and S. Sikder. 2005. Effect of different sowing dates on phenology, morphology and yield of three modern wheat varieties. Journal of Science and Technology. 2: 77-83.

  31. Alam, M. S., M. S. Zaman, M. A. Salam, M. S. Bari and M.A. Hasan. 2005. Effect of pruning on tree height and trunk circumference in five agroforestry tree species. Tropical Agricultural Research and Extension, Volume 8: 22-27.

  32. Azad A.K., A. K. M. Shamsuddin, B. K. Biswas, M. A. Hasan and S. Huda. 2009. Combing ability analysis in spring wheat. Intl. J. BioRes. 4(4): 41-45.

  33. Mian, M. H., R. Banu and M. A. Hasan. 2005. Growth of Azolla as influenced by plant spacing and Azolla inoculum rate and evaluation of the effect of Azolla – urea application on some soil characters in rice field. Journal of Science and Technology. 2:10-16.

  34. Sikder, S., J. U. Ahmed, M.M. Hoque, M. A. Hasan and M. M. Bahadur. 2004. Mobilization of seed reserves in wheat varieties as influenced by temperature regimes. Journal of Science and Technology.2:29-33.

  35. Sikder S., M. A. Hasan, M. S. Hossain, M. H. R Hafiz and A. K. M. M. B. Chowdhury. 2009. Influence of non-irrigated water stress on morphological and yield performance of maize. J. Sci.Tech. 7: 58-66.

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  36. Sikder S., M. A. Hasan, M. Hasanuzzaman A. K. M. M. B. Chowdhury and M. H. R Hafiz.   2009. Effect of post-anthesis heat stress on grain development of wheat cultivars. J. Sci.Tech. 7: 50-57.

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  37. Hasan, M. A., J. U. Ahmed, M. M. Hossain, T. Hossain and M. A. Ullah. 2004. Germination characters and seed reserve mobilization during germination of different wheat genotypes under variable temperature regimes. J. Natn. Sci. Foundation Sri Lanka 32(3&4):97-107

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  38. Hasan, M. A. and J. U. Ahmed. 2005. Kernel growth physiology of wheat under late planting heat stress. J. Natn. Sci. Foundation Sri Lanka 33(3):193-204.

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  39. Hasan, M. A, J. U.Ahmed, M. M.Bahadur, M. M.Haque and S.Sikder. 2007. Effect of late planting heat stress on membrane thermostability, proline content and heat susceptibility index of different wheat cultivars. J. Natn. Sci. Foundation   Sri Lanka. 35(2):109-117.

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  40. Sikder S., M. A. Hasan and M. S. Hossain. 2009. Germination characteristics and mobilization of seed reserves in maize varieties as influenced by temperature regimes. J. Agric. Rural Dev. 7(1&2): 51-58.

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  41. Hasan S. M. E., S. M. M. Hossain, A.K. Azad, M. A. Hasan, H.F.El Taj and M. A. Hossain. 2011. Effect of BAU-fungicide and plant extracts against root-knot of Okra. Inter. Journal of Bio-resource and stress management 2(4): 432-436.

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  42. Rehana Banu, M.H. Mian, M. Jahiruddin and M.A. Hasan. 2003. Effect of Azolla-urea application on yield and NPS uptake by BRRI Dhan 29 in Boro season. PJBS. 6(11): 968-71.

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  43. Ali M. S., M. A. Hasan, S. Sikder, M. R. Islam and M. H. R. Hafiz. 2013. Effect of seedling age and water management on the performance of Boro rice variety BRRIdhan 28. The Agriculturists 11(2): 28-32.

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  44.  Khatun M.,M. H. R. Hafiz, M. A. Hasan M. A. Hakim and M. N. Siddiqui. 2013. Response of wheat genotypes to salt stress in relation to germination and seedling growth. International Journal of Bio-resource and Stress Management 4(4):635-640.
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  45. Hasanuzzaman M., M. A. Hasan, M. Sadekuzzaman, M. M. Bahadur and M. R. Islam. 2014. Dry matter accumulation, leaf characteristics and yield of Aman rice as influence by seedling ages. J. Bangladesh Soc. Agric. Sci. Technol. 11(1&2): 35-40.

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  46. Hafiz M. H. R., M. M. Bahadur, M. A. Hasan, A. K. M. M. B. Chowdhury and M. M. Sultana. 2009. Phenology and growth of barley as influenced by micro-environment manipulation through changing sowing date and irrigation frequency. J. Environ. Sci. & Natural Resources 2(1): 155-161.

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  47. Hafiz M. H. R, M. M. Bahadur, S. Sikder, M. A. Hasan, and A. K. M. M. B. Chowdhury. 2010. Influence of sowing date and irrigation frequency on yield and yield attributes of barley (Hordium  vulgare L.). J. Sci.Tech. 8: 6-12.

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  48.   Effects of water stress on growth and yield attributes of aman rice genotypes.

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  50. Influence of Fertilizer Levels on the Growth and Yield of Black Cumin (Nigella sativa L.)

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  51.  Banu R., A. J. M. S. Karim and M. A. Hasan. 2012. Effect of organic manure and crop residue incorporation on soil physical properties and productivity under wheat- mungbean- T. aman cropping pattern. Journal of Science and Technology. 10: 139-148.

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  52. Reza, M. M, M. M. Bahadur, M. A. Hasan, M. S.Bari and M. H. R. Hafiz. 2007. Effects of irrigation and fertilization on yield and quality of litchi (Litch chinensis Sonn) J. Sci. technol. 5: 52-59.

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  53. Bilkis A., M. R. Islam, M. H. R. Hafiz and M. A. Hasan. 2016. Effect of NaCl induced salinity on some physiological and agronomic traits of wheat. Pak. J. Bot. 48(2): 455-460.

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  54. Pramanik A. H. M. M., M. A. Hasan, M. G. Hossain and M. R. Islam. 2015. Foliar fertilization on BRRIdhan 28 to reduce soil application of nitrogenous fertilizer. Journal of Science and Technology 13: 64-74.

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  55. Hasanuzzaman M., M. A. Hasan, M. Sadekuzzaman and M. R. Islam. 2015. Response of direct seeding and seedling ages on yield and yield attributes in aman rice (Oryza sativa) varieties. Journal of Science and Technology 13: 60-63.

  56. Rana M. S., M. A. Hasan, M. M. Bahadur and M. R. Islam. 2017. Effect of Polyethylene Glycol Induced Water Stress on Germination and Seedling Growth of Wheat (Triticum aestivum). The Agriculturists. 15(1) 81-91.

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  57. Khaled A. M., S. Sikder, M. R. Islam, M. A. Hasan and M. M. Bahadur. 2015. Growth Yield and Yield Attributes of Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) as Influenced by Indole Acetic Acid. J. Environ. Sci. & Natural Resources. 8(1): 139-145.

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  58. Rana M. S., M. A. Hasan, M. M. Bahadur and M. R. Islam. 2017. Physiological    evaluation of wheat genotypes for tolerance to water stress. Bangladesh Agron. J. 20(2): 37-52.

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  59. Ninad T. A., M. M. Bahadur, M. A. Hasan, M. M. Alam and M. S. Rana. 2017. Effect of spacing and seedling per hill on the performance of aus rice var. BRRI dhan48.       Bangladesh Agron. J. 20(2): 17-26.

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  60. Sultana E., M. A. Hasan, S. Sikder, M. S. Rana and F. Alam. 2017. Seedling growth of wheat as affected by soil salinity. Bangladesh Agron. J. 20(2): 53-66.

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  61. Sultana E., M. A. Hasan, S. Sikder, M. S. Rana and F. Alam. 2017. Effect of salinity on germination and seedling growth of wheat genotypes. Int. J. Expt. Agric. 7(2): 1-8.

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  62. Rahman M. M., M. A. Hasan, M. F. Chowdhury, M. R. Islam and M. S. Rana. 2018. Performance of wheat varieties under late planting-induced heat stress condition. Bangladesh Agron. J. 21(1): 9-24.

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  63. Roy T. K., M. H. R. Hafiz, M. R. Islam, M. A. Hasan and M. N. Siddiqui. 2013. Late planting heat stress on ear growth physiology of wheat. Int. J. Biosci. 3(11): 8-19.

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  1. Physiological evaluation of mungbean genotypes for drought stress tolerance

    Funded by: University Grants Commission (UGC) of Bangladesh (2019-2020)

    Position: Project Director

    Description: On going

  2. Effect of defoliation in different levels on grain and fodder yield of maize

    Funded by: Institute of Researchand Training (IRT), HSTU, Dinajpur, Bangladesh (2019-20)

    Position: Principal Investigator

    Description: The experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of defoliation on grain and fodder yield of maize at the research field and laboratory of Crop Physiology and Ecology Department, Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University, Dinajpur– 5200, Bangladesh during the period of December 2019 to June 2020. It was followed randomized completely block design with seven treatments and three replications. The experimental treatments were T1–Control (without leaf removal), T2–Defoliating all leaves except ear and adjacent two leaves above the ear at 7 days after silking (DAS), T3 – Defoliating all leaves except ear and adjacent two leaves above the ear at 14DAS, T4 – Defoliating all leaves below the ear at 7DAS, T5 –Defoliating all leaves below the ear at 14 DAS, T6 –Detopping except two leaves above the ear at 7DAS and T7 – Detopping except two leaves above the ear at 14 DAS. Light intensity in the crop canopy was increased (66.9 to 81.05%) when only lower leaves (T5) or both upper and lower leaves (T2) were removed, but when only the upper leaves (T6) were removed it was not increased. SPAD value was increased (13.58 to 24.5%) but number of leaves and leaf area plant -1 were reduced ((60.5 to 63.09% and 64.4%) due to defoliation. Substantial amount of green fodder was obtained (0.776 Kg m-2) due to defoliation of maize. Grain yield of maize was reduced (5.56 to 21.83%) due to different defoliation treatments but the yield reduction was not significant when only lower (T4) or upper (T7) leaves were removed and it was significant when both upper and lower leaves (T2) were removed. Reduction in grain yield due to defoliation was contributed mainly by reduction in grains row-1 , grains cob-1, grain size, and single cob weight. Finally, substantial amount of green fodder was obtained due to defoliation of only lower or upper leaves of maize without significant grain yield reduction

  3. Improvement of drought tolerance of wheat through exogenous application of potassium and gibberellic acid

    Funded by: Ministry of Science and Technology, Bangladesh (2018-19)

    Position: Associate Project Director

    Description: Abstract

  4. Evaluation of newly released wheat varieties for salt tolerance (Code-4829)

    Funded by: Institute of Researchand Training (IRT), HSTU, Dinajpur, Bangladesh (2018-19)

    Position: Principal Investigator

    Description: Abstract

  5. Improvement of drought tolerance of wheat by increasing level of potassium application (Code- 5921)

    Funded by: Institute of Researchand Training (IRT), HSTU, Dinajpur, Bangladesh (2018-19)

    Position: Principal Investigator

    Description: Abstract

  6. Morpho-physiological evaluation of different soybean varieties for their potentiality as intercrop

    Funded by: Institute of Researchand Training (IRT), HSTU, Dinajpur, Bangladesh (2017-18)

    Position: Principal Investigator

    Description: A field experiment was carried out at the research field of Crop Physiology and Ecology department, Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University, Dinajpur during the period from February to June 2018 to evaluate the four soybean varieties in regard to morpho-physiological, yield and yield contributing characters under different light levels. The experiment was laid out in a split plot design with three replications. Three light levels i.e. natural light, 50 and 30 percent of natural light were assigned in the main plot while four soybean varieties (BARI Soybean-5, BARI Soybean-6, Sohag and BU Soybean -1) were assigned in the sub-plot. Light levels were reduced using mosquito nets of different mesh sizes and color. Different light levels had a significant effect on morpho-physiological characteristics like plant height, number of primary branches, number of leaves, leaf area, SPAD value, chlorophyll content, dry weight of leaf at different days after shading. Plant height and leaf area were increased but number of leaves per plant and number of primary branch were reduced under partial shade condition. Dry weight of leaf was reduced but leaf area was increased due to partial shade condition. SPAD value and total leaf chlorophyll were increased and the increment in chlorophyll content was mainly for the increment of chlorophyll b content under partial shade condition. Leaf thickness was reduced due to shading. Yield and yield attributes of different soybean varieties were affected due to partial shading but Sohag and BU Soybean -1 affected more in 50% of natural light and Sohag affected more than other three varieties in 30% of natural light.

  7. Morpho-physiological evaluation of different grain legumes for their potentiality as intercrop

    Funded by: Institute of Researchand Training (IRT), HSTU, Dinajpur, Bangladesh (2016-17)

    Position: Principal Investigator

    Description: An experiment was carried out to evaluate the performance of grain legumes under different light levels and find out potential legume as intercrop at the Crop Physiology and Ecology Research Field, Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University (HSTU), Dinajpur during the period from February to June 2017. The experiment was laid out in a split plot design with four replications. Two light levels (Full sunlight and partial shade) were assigned in main plots and three grain legumes Mungbean (BARI Mung-5), Blackgram (BARI Mash-3) and Soybean (BARI Soybean-6) were arranged in subplots. Mosquito nets were used for maintaining partial shade. The grain yield per plant was decreased in different grain legumes due to partial shade but the reduction in grain yield per plant was more in mungbean (31.25%) and blackgram (52.25%) and less in soybean (19.57%). The grain yield per m-2was reduced due to partial shade but the reduction in grain yield per m-2was significant in mungbean (47.54%) and blackgram (34.04%) but it was insignificant in soybean (4.35%). Greater leaf area, greater specific leaf area, better leaf dry weight, higher leaf chlorophyll content, greater proline accumulation in leaf, higher pods plant-1, higher seeds pod-1, greater grain size and better grain yield plant under partial shade condition were contributed to better tolerance of soybean under partial shade.

  8. Physiological evaluation of wheat for sustaining yield and seed quality under late planting heat stress environment

    Funded by: Ministry of Science and Technology, Bangladesh (2015-16)

    Position: Principal Investigator

    Description: Abstract

  9. Morpho-physiological evaluation of mungbean varieties for their potentiality as intercrop

    Funded by: Institute of Researchand Training (IRT), HSTU, Dinajpur, Bangladesh (2015-16)

    Position: Principal Investigator

    Description: Abstract

  10. Physiological evaluation of wheat genotypes for sustaining yield in drought prone area

    Funded by: Ministry of Science and Technology, Bangladesh (2014-15)

    Position: Principal Investigator

    Description: Abstract

  11. Physiological evaluation of wheat genotypes for drought prone area

    Funded by: Institute of Researchand Training (IRT), HSTU, Dinajpur, Bangladesh (2014-15)

    Position: Principal Investigator

    Description: Abstract

  12. Foliar fertilization on BRRIdhan 28 to reduce soil application of nitrogenous fertilizer

    Funded by: Institute of Researchand Training (IRT), HSTU, Dinajpur, Bangladesh (2012-13)

    Position: Principal Investigator

    Description: An experiment was conducted to find out the effect of foliar fertilization (Magic growth) on performance of BRRIdhan 28 and to calculate how much urea can be saved by foliar fertilization of Magic growth without any yield reduction at the research field and laboratory of Crop Physiology and Ecology department, Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University, Dinajpur during the period of November 2012 to June 2013. The experiment was conducted in a split plot design with three replications. Two levels of foliar fertilization (no foliar fertilization and foliar fertilization with magic growth) were placed in the main plots as main plot treatments whereas four nitrogen fertilizer levels (0, 50, 75 and 100% of the recommended nitrogen fertilizer) were placed randomly in the sub plots as sub plot treatments. Foliar fertilization with magic growth showed higher plant height, tillers hill-1, SPAD value of the youngest fully expanded leaf and above ground biomass at 40, 55, and 70 DAT (days after transplanting) compared to no foliar fertilization treatment. All the parameters were also increased with the increment of nitrogen level. Foliar fertilization and increasing nitrogen fertilizer levels significantly influenced effective tillers hill-1, spikelets panicle-1, grains pnicle-1, thousand grains weight, grain yield and straw yield of BRRIdhan 28. In general, foliar fertilization (F1) treatment provided greater grain yield compared to no foliar fertilization treatment (F0) in all nitrogen levels. On the other hand, with the increment of nitrogen level the grain yield was increased up to N100 in no foliar fertilization treatment (F0) but in foliar fertilization treatment (F1), grain yield was increased with the increment of nitrogen level up to N75 and thereafter decreased in N100. Foliar fertilization with magic growth along with 50% of the recommended nitrogen fertilizer saved 50% of the recommended nitrogen fertilizer without any yield reduction. Foliar fertilization with magic growth along with 75% of the recommended nitrogen fertilizer increased 16.9% grain yield with a saving of 25% of the recommended nitrogen fertilizer whereas foliar fertilization along with 100% recommended nitrogen fertilizer increased 9.33% grain yield compared to recommended practice alone.

  13. Evaluation of wheat genotypes for salt tolerance during germination and seedling growth

    Funded by: Institute of Researchand Training (IRT), HSTU, Dinajpur, Bangladesh (2012-13)

    Position: Principal Investigator

    Description: To evaluate germination characters and seedling growth of wheat as screening criteria against salt stress twenty wheat genotypes were tested at Crop Physiology and Ecology Laboratory, Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University (HSTU), Dinajpur during January to February 2013. Speed of germination as expressed by rate of germination, co-efficient of germination and germination vigor index of all wheat genotypes was delayed due salinization but the magnitude of delay in germination from control to 12 dSm-1 salinity level was different in different wheat genotypes. Shoot length and root length and seedling dry weight of 10 days old seedlings were found to be affected due to salinization and the increment in root to shoot length ratio at saline condition indicated shoot was more affected than root in saline condition. The magnitude of variation in all the four parameters from control to 12 dSm-1 salinity level was not similar for all wheat genotypes. Shatabdi, BAW 1135 and Bijoy showed more than 0.6 Salt tolerance index (STI) based on seedling dry weight, the wheat genotypes BARI Gom 26, BAW 1122 and BAW 1148 provided less than 0.4 STI and the other wheat genotypes (Prodip, BARI Gom 25, BAW 1111, BAW 1118, BAW 1130, BAW 1138, BAW 1140, BAW 1142, BAW 1143, BAW 1146, BAW 1147, BAW 1150, Sonora and BAW1153) showed 0.4 to 0.6 STI value. Two salt tolerant (Shatabdi and BAW 1135) and two salt sensitive (BARI Gom 26 and BAW 1122) wheat genotypes selected from experiment-1 were grown on artificially developed saline soil of three salinity levels (control, 6 dSm-1 and 12 dSm-1) to observe the sensitivity of physiological traits during March to April 2013. Salt tolerant wheat genotypes maintained lower level of leaf Na, higher level of leaf K and greater K to Na ratio in saline condition than the sensitive one. Due to salt stress leaf proline content was increased in salt tolerant wheat genotypes whereas proline level was decreased in sensitive one compared to control. Salt sensitive genotypes showed greater increment in SPAD value at moderate salt stress on the other hand they showed greater reduction in SPAD value at high salt stress compared to control than that showed by tolerant one.

  14. Evaluation of wheat genotypes for water deficit stress tolerance

    Funded by: Institute of Researchand Training (IRT), HSTU, Dinajpur, Bangladesh (2011-12)

    Position: Principal Investigator

    Description: An experiment was conducted at the Research farm and laboratory of Crop Physiology and Ecology Department, Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University, Dinajpur during November 2011 to June 2012 to evaluate physiological tolerance for sustaining wheat yield under water deficit stress. The experiment was laid out in split plot design with three replications. Two water regimes (well watered and water deficit stress) were considered as main plot treatment and four wheat genotypes (BARI Gom-26, BAW-1158, BAW-1167 and BAW-1169) were considered as sub plot treatment. Wheat genotypes BARI Gom-26, BAW-1158 and BAW-1169 maintained higher level of flag leaf and kernel proline, greater level of flag leaf chlorophyll and greater relative flag leaf water content under water deficit condition than BAW-1167. BAW-1158 and BAW-1169 showed longer spike growth duration, greater spike dry matter accumulation at peak, lesser reduction in grain dry weight per main shoot spike, greater spike number per m², greater grain number per spike under water deficit condition than BAW-1167. All these parameters contributed to greater grain yield and lower stress susceptibility index in BAW-1158 and BAW-1169 under water deficit condition compared to BAW-1167. BARI Gom-26 also provided lower grain yield and greater stress susceptibility index mainly due greater reduction in spike number per m² and grain number per spike under water deficit condition.

  15. Eco-physiological studies of wheat genotypes to develop heat tolerant variety

    Funded by: Ministry of Science and Technology, Bangladesh

    Position: Co- Investigator

    Description: Abstract

  16. Evaluation of wheat genotypes by exploiting appropriate traits for salt tolerance

    Funded by: Institute of Researchand Training (IRT), HSTU, Dinajpur, Bangladesh

    Position: Principal Investigator

    Description: Abstract

  17. Evaluation of stored reserve utilization to grain development for sustaining wheat yield under late planting heat stress

    Funded by: Institute of Researchand Training (IRT), HSTU, Dinajpur, Bangladesh (2009-10)

    Position: Principal Investigator

    Description: An experiment was conducted at the Research farm and laboratory of Crop Physiology and Ecology Department, Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University, Dinajpur during November 2010 to May 2011 to evaluate stored reserve utilization to grain development for sustaining wheat yield under late plating heat stress. The experiment was laid out in Split Plot design with three replications. Two sowing dates (November 30 and December 30) were considered as main plot treatment and four wheat genotypes (Bijoy, BAW 1059, BAW 1064, and Sonora) were considered as sub plot treatment. Bijoy, BAW 1059 and BAW 1064 showed less than 50% membrane injury and were considered as heat tolerant (HT) genotypes and Sonora showed more than 50% membrane injury and was considered as heat sensitive genotype (HS). The HT genotypes maintained higher level of proline both in flag leaf and kernel in late planting heat stress condition than the sensitive one. Due to late planting heat stress condition, Sonora exhibited greater decrease in fresh leaf chlorophyll (98%) than that of HT genotypes, Bijoy and BAW 1064 (64%). But another HT genotype BAW 1059 showed greater reduction in flag leaf chlorophyll content as like as HS genotype. The heat tolerant genotypes showed longer ear growth duration, greater dry matter accumulation at peak, higher stem reserve utilization, lesser stored reserve contribution to grain, lesser reduction in grain dry weight per main ear, greater ear number per m², higher individual grain size, greater grain number per ear, higher relative grain yield and low susceptibility index for grain yield under late planting heat stress condition compared to heat sensitive genotype.

  18. a

    Funded by: cv

    Position: v

    Description: asddfg


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