Profile of Humaira Begum

Humaira Begum
Associate Professor
Department of Finance and Banking (FIB)
Faculty of Business Studies
Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science & Technology University, Dinajpur.
Mobile: +8801766397707
- Radiate my career as an academician in a dynamic environment that grants me to permeate both my academic and technical caliber towards the growth of the organization.
- Financial Distress (NPLs), Financial Technology (Fintech), Financial and Non-Financial Institutions, Machine Learning, and Corporate Governance
- M.B.A.(Major in Finance), 2014
Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University, Dinajpur, Bangladesh.
- B.B.A.(Major in Finance), 2011
Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University, Dinajpur, Bangladesh.
- H.S.C (Science), 2006
Govt. Technical College, Saidpur, Nilphamari
- S.S.C (Science), 2004
Lions High School, Saidpur, Nilphamari
- Assistant Professor
Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University, DinajpurFebruary 01, 2018 to Present
- Lecturer
Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University, DinajpurFebruary 01, 2016 to February 01, 2018
- Lecturer
Sonargaon University, DhakaApril 02, 2015 to January 30, 2016
- Lecturer
Bangladesh University of Business and Technology (BUBT)February 01, 2015 to April 01, 2015
Journal Papers
Transparency in Central Bank and Credit Expansion: Empirical Evidence from Asian Countries
Read MoreCSR exposures of Bangladesh's Small and Cottage Industries Corporation enlisted firms during COVID-19
Read MoreInvestigation and prediction of users’ sentiments toward food delivery apps applying machine learning approaches
Read MorePredicting Future Government Revenues Generation Using Artificial Intelligence for Ensuring Economic Development of Bangladesh
Read MoreThe impact of e-banking service quality on customer satisfaction: evidence from Sonali Bank Limited, Bangladesh
Read MoreThe influence of capital structure on the financial performance of Sonali Bank Limited
Read MoreImpact of capital structure on bank performance: a study on Janata Bank Limited of Bangladesh
Read MoreImpact of factors affecting customer satisfaction towards corporate loan in the Banking Sector of Bangladesh
Read MoreDeterminants of Employee Job Satisfaction: An Empirical Analysis of the Banking Sector in Bangladesh
Read MoreEffect of GDP Growth, Inflation and Interest Rate on National Savings Rate of Bangladesh: An Assessment from 2000 to 2020
Read MoreEffect of liquidity on the profitability of banks using revisited panel data analysis: does ownership structure matter?
Read MoreGreen Talent Management and Sustainability: A Study on Power Sector in Bangladesh
Read MoreMeasuring the relationship and trend analysis among the macro-economic variables (Revenues, per capita income, GDP, and annual budget) in the successive periods of Bangladesh
Read MoreThe Impact of Export Processing Zones on Economic Development of Bangladesh.
Read MoreImpact of COVID-19 on Stock market in Bangladesh.
Read MoreFactors Influencing the Trading Behavior of Investors in Capital Market: An Empirical Study on Dhaka Stock Exchange, Bangladesh
Read MoreFactors Influencing Customers in Bank Selection: A Study on Northern Region of Bangladesh
Read MoreEvaluation of Credit Management of Uttara Bank Ltd-A case study from the customers’ point of view
Read MoreEntrepreneurship Development through Islamic Banks in Bangladesh: A case study on Ibbl and Aibl
Read More
Conference Papers
The Effect of Fintech Investments on Bank Performance: Evidence from Bangladesh
International Conference on" South Asia in the Post COVID Global Crisis: Politics, Economy, and Society,"
Organizer: Faculty of Social Science, University of Rajshahi
User sentiment analysis and prediction of food delivery app reviews using machine learning approaches
2nd International Conference on Business and Economic Challenges (ICBEC), 2022
Organizer: Faculty of Business Studies, HSTU, Dinajpur
- Prime Minister Gold Medal- 2013
Funded by: University Grand Commission of Bangladesh
- Deans Scholarship
Funded by: Dean, Faculty of Business Studies, HSTU, Dinajpur
- Higher Secondary Board Scholarship
Funded by: Rajshahi Education Board
- Primary School Scholarship
Funded by: Rajshahi Education Board
- 'Does FinTech have an impact on the performance of banking sectors of Bangladesh?'
Funded by: Institute of Research and Training (IRT), HSTU
Position: Principal Investigator/Research Supervisor
Description: The objective of this research is to examine the correlation between the adoption of Financial Technology (FinTech) and the performance of banks in Bangladesh from 2014 to 2021. The study utilizes data from 32 commercial banks and uses panel static models and Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) approaches for analysis. The results of the study reveal a strong and statistically significant correlation between the adoption of FinTech and the performance of banks in the setting of Bangladesh. Moreover, the research highlights the dimensions of bank size, loan portfolio, and deposit levels as significant determinants of bank performance, highlighting the complex and interconnected nature of this association. The correlation between bank performance and macroeconomic indicators, such as inflation and GDP, has been observed to be statistically significant in the context of Bangladesh. The findings underscore the significant impact of FinTech on molding the overall operational outcomes of banks within the dynamic and growing financial environment of Bangladesh. Keywords: Bank performance; FinTech; Bangladesh; GMM.
- Effect of Liquidity on Profitability of Private and State-Owned Commercial Banks of Bangladesh: Revisited Panel Data Analysis.
Funded by: Institute of Research and Training (IRT), HSTU
Position: Principal Investigator/Research Supervisor
Description: This study aims at examining the effect of liquidity management on the profitability of banks. To accomplish this objective, 32 banks of Bangladesh including second and third generation banks are taken as a sample. The secondary sources of data have been used for this study. Hausman specification test is run to identify the appropriate model which suggests that random effect model is suitable for this study. Current ratio is taken as a proxy variable for liquidity of bank which is also found to have a positive impact on profitability of bank whereas capital adequacy ratio, interest rates are also found to statistically significant for influencing the performance of the bank. So, this study also suggests that proper management of current ratio, interest rate and capital adequacy ratio will raise the profitability of the banks and the policy makers should focus on this. Keywords: Liquidity, Banks, Current Ratio, Profitability, Bank Performance
- Prospects and Problems of Digital Currency and Possible Opportunities in Bangladesh.
Funded by: Institute of Research and Training (IRT), HSTU
Position: Principal Investigator/Research Supervisor
Description: This study attempts to present the prospects and problems of digital currency in Bangladesh as well around the world. To demonstrate the prospect price and trading volume of selected ten digital currencies being presented for observing the emerging demand. From our country's perspective, the opinions of the respondents collected through questionnaires shed light on the prospect of digital currency in Bangladesh. Additionally, the study presents a systematic literature review (SLR) of research on digital currency. The review incorporated 11 articles presenting several issues related to digital currency. This study uses data from 2013 to 2020 for respective currencies. Price and trading volume are graphically presented to demonstrate their trading pattern. As well respondent’s opinions collected through questionnaires are presented as per percentage. This study also makes theoretical contributions to the extant literature. The findings demonstrate that digital currency is now successfully traded in most of the countries around the world except a few. Descriptive statistics of price and trading volume indicate that most of the variables are highly skewed with large outliers and kurtosis column shows that all the variables are near to normal distribution and investment regarding these values indicates a safe trading. Whereas the consents of 175 respondents present a positive attitude of the general public towards digital currency. Besides that, the SLR findings suggest that a secure system and advanced technology should be attached to the blockchain system to ensure better performance. The SLR findings also point out that digital currency is obviously a better alternative to cash, although it has some risks.
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