Profile of Dr. Kaniz Fatema


Dr. Kaniz Fatema

Associate Professor

Department of Fisheries Management (FMG)

Faculty of Fisheries

Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science & Technology University, Dinajpur.


Mobile: +8801720803066


    1. To develop myself in teaching and research; & 2. To innovate and disseminate knowledge.


    Aquatic ecology, Aquatic pollution, Environmental toxicology, Climate change


  1. Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), 2023

    Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh

  2. M.S. in Fisheries Management, 2011

    Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh

  3. B.Sc. in Fisheries (Honors), 2009

    Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University, Dinajpur

  4. Higher Secondary Certificate (H.S.C.), 2005

    Dinajpur Government Women’s College, Rajshahi Board

  5. Secondary School Certificate (S.S.C.), 2003

    Saint Philip’s High School, Dinajpur, Rajshahi Board


  1. Associate Professor
    Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University

    August 18, 2021 to Present

  2. Assistant Professor
    Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University

    August 18, 2015 to August 17, 2021

  3. Lecturer
    Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University

    August 18, 2013 to August 17, 2015


Journal Papers

  1. Fatema K, Islam MJ, Sarker MAI, Elahi KS, Alam MJ, Hasan SJ, Rashid H (2024) Occurrence of microplastics in fish gastrointestinal tracts belongs to different feeding habits from the Bangladesh coast of the Bay of Bengal. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 31: 24329–24343.

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  2. Fatema K, Hawa MA, Masnoon S, Alam MJ, Islam MJ, Hasan MM, Siddiquee MAM, Uddin MH, Sumon KA, Bhandari RK, Rashid H (2023) Microplastic pollution in surface waters and sediments matrices of the Sundarbans – the largest single block of tidal halophytic mangrove forest in the world. Regional Studies in Marine Science 67:103226.

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  3. Fatema K, Auditi TI, Biswas S, Ayesha SB, Uddin MH, Sumon KA, Goswami C, Bhandari RK, Rashid H (2023) Investigations of hemato-biochemical and histopathological parameters, and growth performance of walking catfish (Clarias batrachus) exposed to PET and LDPE microplastics. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology 102:104250.

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  4. Fatema K, Sumon KA, Moon SM, Alam MJ, Hasan SJ, Uddin MH, Arakawa H, Rashid H (2023) Microplastics and mesoplastics in surface water, beach sediment, and crude salt from the northern Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh coast. Journal of Sedimentary Environments 8:231–246.

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  5. Fatema K, Rahman T, Islam MJ, Sumon KA, Uddin MH, Hasan SJ, Kawsar SMA, Arakawa H, Haque MM, Rashid, H (2022) Microplastics pollution in the river Karnaphuli: a preliminary study on a tidal confluence river in the southeast coast of Bangladesh. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 30:38853–38868.

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  6. Fatema K, Nur M (2020) Status of the Fishermen Living at the Tangon River Bank- A Case Study from the North-west of Bangladesh. Journal of Environmental Science and Natural Resources 13(1-2):70–75.

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  7. Fatema K, Roy KC, Ferdoushi Z (2020) Some aspects of water quality of the Tangon River in Bangladesh. Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences 15(4):59–66.

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  8. Fatema K, Naher K, Roy KC, Pervin R (2018) Pond fish culture and socio-economic status of fish farmers in Parbatipur upazila of Dinajpur district, Bangladesh. Journal of Fisheries 6(3):639–644.

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  9. Ferdoushi Z, Chowdhury RH, Fatema K, Islam A (2015) A study on limnological aspects of Ramsagar Lake in Dinajpur district. Journal of the Bangladesh Agricultural University. 13(1):145–152.

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  10. Ferdoushi Z, Rana M, Mamun M, Fatema K (2013) Water quality and planktonic biodiversity of Punarbhaba River in the north-west part of Dinajpur. Journal of the Bangladesh Society for Agricultural Science & Technology. 10(1&2):89–96

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  11. Pervin R, Wahab MA, Fatema K, Khan MSR (2012) Effects of addition of mola at different densities on production of giant freshwater prawn. Journal of the Bangladesh Agricultural University. 10(1):163–167.

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  12. Fatema K, Wahab MA, Pervin R, Khan MSR, Roy HC (2011) Comparison of growth and production performance between male and female giant freshwater prawn in combination with mola. Journal of Environmental Science & Natural Resources 4(2):137–142.

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  13. Parvez I, Khan MMR, Rahman SMZ, Fatema K, Amin AKMR (2010) Artificial breeding of two geographically separated wild stocks of endangered sarpunti, Puntius sarana (Hamilton). Bangladesh Journal of Zoology 38(1):51–59.

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Conference Papers

  1. Fatema K, Monira MUH, Jahan N, Alam MA, Parvez I. Hematological indices and growth performance of striped catfish (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus) exposed to polyethylene terephthalate microplastics. Abstract Proceedings, p. 67. International Fisheries and Aquaculture Conference, 2024. University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi, Bangladesh (held 8-9 June 2024).

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  2. Rashid H, Fatema K, Hawa MA, Masnoon S, Siddiquee MAM, Uddin MH, Sumon KA. Microplastic pollution in surface waters and sediments matrices of the Sundarbans – the largest single block of tidal halophytic mangrove forest in the world [TS-2.17, Submission ID: 1152). Abstract Proceedings. 7th International Marine Debris Conference, Busan, Republic of Korea (held 18-23 September 2022).

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  3. Rashid H, Fatema K, Auditi TI, Biswas S, Hasan SJ, Karim E, Mahmud Y, Uddin MH, Sumon KA. Investigations of hemato-biochemical and histopathological parameters of walking catfish (Clarias batrachus) exposed to microplastics [TS-2.9, Submission ID: 1176). Abstract Proceedings. 7th International Marine Debris Conference, Busan, Republic of Korea (held 18-23 September 2022).

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  4. Siddiquee MAM, Saha S, Fatema K, Uddin MH, Hasan MM, Rashid H. Microplastics ingestion by fish and crab species in the Sundarbans mangrove waters. Abstract Proceedings. Fisheries Society of Bangladesh Biennial Conference (FSB2021), BAU, Mymensingh, Bangladesh (held 25-26 December 2021).

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  5. Biswas S, Fatema K, Auditi TI, Sumon KA, Goswami C, Rashid H. Study of hemato-biochemical parameters of walking catfish Clarias batrachus exposed to microplastics. Abstract Proceedings. Fisheries Society of Bangladesh Biennial Conference (FSB2021), BAU, Mymensingh, Bangladesh (held 25-26 December 2021).

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  6. Auditi TI, Fatema K, Siddiquee MAM, Rashid H. Microplastics ingestion brings changes in histo-architecture of Clarias batrachus liver. Abstract Proceedings. Fisheries Society of Bangladesh Biennial Conference (FSB2021), BAU, Mymensingh, Bangladesh (held 25-26 December 2021).

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  7. Fatema K, Moon SM, Hasan SJ, Uddin MH, Sumon KA, Kawsar SMA, Bhandari RK, Arakawa H ­, Rashid H. Plastic Pollution in the northern Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh Coast. Abstract Proceedings, p. 232. SETAC North America 41st Annual Meeting, Virtual (held 15-19 November 2020).

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  8. Rahman T, Fatema K, Elahi KS, Sarker MAI, Hasan SJ, Uddin MH, Haque MM, Arakawa H, Bhandari RK, Rashid H. Distribution of microplastic pollutants in lower stretches of the River Karnafuli – a coastal tidal river in the south-east Bangladesh. Abstract Proceedings, p. 146. Fisheries Society of Bangladesh Biennial Conference (FSB2019), BAU, Mymensingh, Bangladesh (held 27-28 December 2019).

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  9. Moon SM, Fatema K, Sarker MAI, Rahman T, Hasan SJ, Sumon KA, Arakawa H, Bhandari RK, Rashid H. Microplastic pollution from coastal waters and beach sediments in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. Abstract Proceedings, p. 145-146. Fisheries Society of Bangladesh Biennial Conference (FSB2019), BAU, Mymensingh, Bangladesh (held 27-28 December 2019).

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  1. Attended a capacity-building webinar on Best Practices for Microplastic Research, organized by Kyushu University, Japan, held on 17 May 2024.

  2. Completed 24 Days Hands-on Virtual Workshop on Statistical Data Analysis Using SPSS, organized by North Bengal Information and Communication Technology Laboratory, NBICT Lab, Dinajpur, Bangladesh, Session: October to December 2021.

  3. Attended The Aqua Show 2020 Virtual Knowledge Conclave, organized by Aquavet Consulting and Indian Poultry Review, held on 19 September 2020.

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  4. Completed a training course on Data Analysis: R and SPSS, organized by Graduate Training Institute, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, held from 01 to 12 March 2020.

  5. Completed a Statistical Analysis Training Program (SATP) including CropStat, GenStat, SPSS, STATA, R language, and MATLAB software under the Higher Education Quality Enhancement Project (HEQEP) CP3319, UGC, titled ‘Improvement of Research Capabilities of the Teachers and Postgraduate Students of HSTU through Training on Research Methodology and Statistical Analysis Techniques and Development of Digital Statistics Laboratory’, organized by the Department of Statistics, HSTU, Dinajpur, Bangladesh, held from 18 to 27 February 2017.

  6. Completed 6th Advanced Training Course on Research Methodology, jointly organized by Bangladesh Peace and Development Mission (BPDM) and National Academy for Educational Management (NAEM), Ministry of Education, Dhaka, Bangladesh, held from 11 March to 19 April 2012.


  1. UGC PhD Fellowship 2020

    Funded by: University Grants Commission of Bangladesh


  1. Investigation of hematological indices and growth performance of striped catfish (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus) exposed to polyethylene terephthalate microplastics

    Funded by: Institute of Research and Training, HSTU

    Position: Principal Investigator

    Description: Duration – 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024

  2. Microplastic pollution in coastal-marine fish & bivalve species from the upper Bay of Bengal off Bangladesh coast

    Funded by: Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute

    Position: Research Associate

    Description: Duration- 2018 to 2021

  3. Study on present status of integrated aquaculture-agriculture systems (IAAS) at Dinajpur sadar upazila of Dinajpur district

    Funded by: Institute of Research and Training, HSTU

    Position: Principal Investigator

    Description: Duration- 1 July 2017 to 30 June 2018

  4. Adaptive research on improving quality seed production of carps and tilapia in selected private hatcheries in Mymensingh and Rangpur CSISA Hub areas in Bangladesh

    Funded by: USAID funded CSISA-BD Project of WorldFish

    Position: Intern

    Description: Duration- 1 January 2013 to 30 June 2013

  5. Development of technologies for mass production of micro-nutrient rich small fish mola (Amblypharyngodon mola) in ponds and pond connected rice-fields of farmers in north-west Bangladesh

    Funded by: USAID funded CSISA-BD Project of WorldFish

    Position: Intern

    Description: Duration- 1 July 2012 to 31 December 2012

  6. Comparison between monoculture and polyculture of freshwater giant prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) with different densities of mola (Amblypharyngodon mola)

    Funded by: Collaborative Research Support Program (CRSP)

    Position: Research Fellow

    Description: Duration - 1 July 2010 to 30 November 2011


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