Profile of Dr. Md. Mohidul Hasan

Dr. Md. Mohidul Hasan
Department of Plant Pathology (PLP)
Faculty of Agriculture
Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science & Technology University, Dinajpur.
Mobile: +8801718545630
- To become an ideal teacher and a good researcher as well
- Molecular Plant-Microbe Interaction, Formulation of bio-control agent
- PhD in Biotechnology, 2014
Department of Biotechnology, Yeungnam University, Republic of Korea
- MS in Plant Pathology, 2004
Dept. of Plant Pathology, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Bangladesh
- Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (B.Sc.Ag. Hons.), 2000
Bangladesh Agricultural Universty, Bangladesh
- HSC, 1996
Cant Public School and College, Bogra, Rajshahi, Bangladesh
- SSC, 1994
Gabtali Pilot High School, Bogra, Rajshahi, Bangladesh
- Member, Executive Committee 2023-2025
Bangladesh Phytopathological SocietyJune 10, 2023 to Present
- Member, Executive Committee 2023-2025
Bangladesh Society for Safe FoodFebruary 22, 2023 to Present
- Review Editor
Frontiers in MicrobiologyJune 28, 2022 to Present
- Life member
Bangladesh society for safe foodJanuary 01, 2018 to Present
- Professor
Dept. of Plant Pathology, Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology UniveristyMay 15, 2017 to Present
- International Research Professor
Department of Biotechnology, Yeungnam University, Republic of KoreaSeptember 01, 2016 to August 31, 2017
- Associate Professor
Dept. of Plant Pathology, Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology UniveristyMay 15, 2013 to May 14, 2017
- Assistant Professor
Dept. of Plant Pathology, Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology UniveristyJanuary 16, 2008 to May 14, 2013
- Lecturer
Dept. of Plant Pathology, Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology UniveristyMay 15, 2005 to January 15, 2008
- Life Member
Bangladesh Phytopathological SocietyJuly 07, 2005 to Present
- Editorial Board Member
Universal Journal of Agricultural ResearchJune 03, 2015 to Present
Journal Papers
J Suleiman, M Muzahid-E-Rahman, M Arifuzzaman, A Ahmed, MM Islam, and MM Hasan (2024). Screening of tropical maize inbred lines for disease resistance in Bangladesh. Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection, 57(1), 22–34.
Read MoreMS Huda, SMM Hossain, ATMS Islam, MM Hasan, MM Islam and MR Islam, December 2023. Impact of advancing generations on production of quality seed potato. Bulletin of the Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Kyushu University.
Read MoreMost. Ummey Qulsum , Md. Mukul Islam, Md. Emran Khan Chowdhury , Sheikh Md. Mobarak Hossain and Md. Mohidul Hasan*. August 2023. Management of bacterial wilt (Ralstonia solanacearum) of brinjal using Bacillus cereus, Trichoderma harzianum and Calotropis gigantea consortia in Bangladesh. Egyptian Journal of Biological Pest Control. 33:74. (IF: 2.3)
Read MoreN.J., Nezu, M.S., Islam, M.S., Hasan, A.T.M.S., Islam and M.M. Hasan*. June 24, 2023. Eco-friendly management of anthracnose of chili using, formulated Trichoderma and indigenous medicinal plant. Ecology Journal. 5 (1): 73-79.
Read MoreHabib, M.A.; Islam, M.M.; Islam, M.M.; Hasan, M.M. *; Baek, K.-H. April, 2023. Current Status and De Novo Synthesis of Anti-Tumor Alkaloids in Nicotiana. Metabolites. 13, 623. (IF: 5.581)
Read MoreHabib, MA., Islam, MM., Islam, ATMS., Hassan, SME., and Hasan, MM*. March 2022. In vitro and in vivo efficacy of some chemicals against common scab (Streptomyces scabies) of potato. Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection. 55 (7): 886-899. (IF: 0.735).
Read MoreM. M. Islam, A.T.M. S. Islam*, M. M. Hasan*, M. M. Rashid and Sk. M. M. Hossain, March, 2022. Potentiality of native Trichoderma harzianum in controlling damping off and foot rot of chilli and its viability in different storage conditions. Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 59(1): 29-34. (IF: 0.748).
Read MoreIslam, MM., Zafor MA., Chowdhury, MEK., Islam, ATMS., and HASAN, MM*, April 2021. Biological control of damping off and foot rot of chilli using an indigenous Trichoderma harzianum. East African Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Life Sciences. 4(4): 101-105.
Read MoreTudu, SLD, Habib, MA, Islam, MM, Chowdhury, MEK and Hasan, MM*. December, 2021. Management of seed associated fungi and Alternaria leaf spot disease of black mustard (Brassica nigra L.) using botanicals. Bangladesh J. Agril. Res. 46(4): 407-416.
Read MoreSarkar, M.N.H., Islam, M.M.*, Habib, M.A., Islam, A.T.M.S. and Hasan, M.M.*. May 2021. Biocontrol efficacy of the isolated Trichoderma harzianum against damping off and foot rot diseases of country bean. Int. J. Sustain. Crop Prod. 16(2):20-25.
Read MoreIslam, MM, Tudu, SLD, Chowdhury, MEK, Hossain,SkMM and Hasan, MM*. December, 2020. Efficacy of some selected botanicals in controlling Alternaria leaf blight of yellow mustard (Brassica campestris L.). BOU J. Agric. Rural Dev. 12(2): 17-27.
- Parvin R, Fancy R, Chowdhury
, Hassan*
S.M.E. and HASAN*
September 2019.
Efficacy of some chemicals to control the major diseases of banana at Thakurgaon and Dinajpur districts. International Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 9(2): 13-19.
Read More Bashir, T., Mishra, R.C., Hasan, M.M., Mohanta, T.K. and Bae,H. November 2018. Effect of hybridization on somatic mutations and genomic rearrangements in plants. International Journal of Molecular Sciences (Switzerland). 19: 3758. (IF: 4.210)
Read MoreBegom, M.M., Hasan, M.M.*, Sarker, A., Mondal, A.K. and Islam, M.M. April, 2018. Antibacterial Efficacy of Ricinus communis Against Bacillus cereus and Escherichia coli. Food and Pharma International (India). 1 (4):194-198.
Read MoreHossain, S.M.M, Islam, M.S., Hassan, S.M.E. and Hasan, M.M. December, 2017. Reaction of some local rice cultivars against four major fungal diseases of rice under natural Epiphytotic condition. Bangladesh Journal of Plant Pathology. 33 (1&2): 49-56.
Read MoreMondal, A.K. Hasan M.M.*, Ananya, S. Begom M.M. and Shafiqul Islam A.T.M. December, 2017. Antibacterial efficacy of four selected medicinal plants against Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae. Bangladesh Journal of Plant Pathology. 33 (1 & 2): 37-42.
Read MoreHasan M.M., Dhakal R. and Baek K.-H. September, 2017. Accumulation of taxadiene by root culture of Nicotianabenthamiana domin transformed with taxadiene synthase. Bangladesh Journal of Botany. 46(3): 899-905. (IF: 0.233)
Read MoreHasan M.M., Tufail Bashir, Ritesh Ghosh, Sun keun Lee and Bae H. August, 2017. An overview of LEDs effects on the production of bioactive compounds and crop quality. Molecules (Switzerland) 22 (9): 1420. (IF: 2.988)
Read MoreHasan M.M., Tufail Bashir and Bae H. June, 2017. Use of ultrasonication technology fo the increased production of plant secondary matabolites. Molecules (Switzerland) 22 (7): 1046. (IF: 2.988)
Read MoreHasan M.M., and Bae H. February, 2017. An overview of stress-induced resveratrol synthesis in grapes: perspective for resveratrol-enriched grape products. Molecules (Switzerland) 22 (2): 294. (IF: 2.988)
Read MoreBegom MM, Hasan MM, Islam, MM, Islam, NB, Alam MA, Hossain, MM. 2017. In vitro antimicrobial efficacy of Calotropis procera (Ait) against some foodborne bacteria. Food and Pharma International (India). 1 (2): 93-98.
Read MoreHasan M.M., Islam N.B., Naznin S., Islam M.M. and Mustarin K.E. December, 2016. Management of Cercospora leaf spot of Indian spinach (Basella alba L.) with BAU bio-fungicide and a plant growth promoting hormone. Universal Journal of Plant Science (USA) 4(4): 43-49. (Indexed in CABI, CAS, Copernicus etc.)
Read MoreHasan M.M., Hasan M,S, Naznin S., and Islam N.B. and Mustarin K.E. December, 2016. Bio-control of root-knot (Meloidogyne incognita) of Indian Spinach (Basella alba L.). Universal Journal of Agricultural Research (USA) 4(6): 247-253. (Indexed in CABI, CAS, Copernicus etc.)
Read MoreHasan M.M., Kim H.S., Jeon J.H, Kim S.H, Moon B., Song J.Y., Shim S.H. and Baek K.H. June, 2014. Metabolic engineering of Nicotiana benthamiana for the increased production of taxadiene. Plant Cell Reports (Germany) 33(6): 895-904. (IF: 3.088)
Read MoreHasan M.M., Yun H.K., Kwak, E.J. and Baek K.H. March, 2014. Preparation of resveratrol-enriched grape juice from ultrasonication treated grape fruits. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry (Netherlands) 21(2): 729-734. (IF: 4.556)
Read MoreHasan M.M., Cha M., Bajpai V.K. and Baek K.H. September, 2013. Production of a major stilbene phytoalexin, resveratrol in peanut (Arachis hypogaea) and peanut products: a mini review. Reviwes in Environmental Science and Biotechnology (Netherlands). 12: 209–221. (IF: 4.352)
Read MoreHasan M.M. and Baek K.H. August, 2013. Induction of resveratrol biosynthesis in grape skins and leaves by ultrasonication treatment. Korean Journal of Horticultural Science and Technology (South Korea) 31(4): 496-502. (IF: 0.339)
Read MoreBajpai V.K., Kan S.C., Kim S., Hasan M.M, Dhakal R., Park E, and Baek K.H. February, 2012. Microbial conversion of tomato by Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. Carotovorum 21: a biotechnological approach to control pathogenic Candida species. Romanain Biotechnological Letters (Romania) 17 (1): 6989-6998. (IF: 0.412)
Read MoreIslam N.B., Hossain S.M.M.*, Hasan M.M., Hassan S.M.E and Islam M.M. 2016. Incidence and severity of black point disease of wheat. Int. J. Expt. Agric. 6(2):12-19.
Read MoreIslam M.M., Hassan S.M.E., Hossain S.M.M.*, Hasan M.M. and ISLAM N.B. 2016. Prevelence and management of some major diseases of mango at Dinajpur district of Bangladesh. Int. J. Expt. Agric. 6(2):1-11.
Read MoreHossain SMM, Hasan MM, Alam MA, Islam MM. 2015. Study on epidemiology and chemical control of rhizome rot disease of ginger (Zingiber officinale rose). J.Sci.Technol. (Dinajpur). Vol. 13: 75-81.
Read MoreHasan M.M., Khatun A., Bachchu M.A., Bhuyan M.M.H. and Hossain M.A. 2011. Efficacy of akanda (Calotropis gigantean L.) against some phytopathogenic bacteria. J. Agrofor. Enviorn. 5(1): 15-18.
Read MoreChowdhury E.K., Hasan M.M., Mustarin K.E., Hasan M.S. and Fancy R. 2009. Efficacy of different fungicides in controlling rhizome rot of ginger. J. of Agrofor. Environ. 3(1): 179-181
Hasan M.S., Hasan M. M., Rashid M.M. and Hossain M.F. 2009. Combined management of cercospora leaf spot and anthracnose in okra seed production. J. of Agrofor. Environ. 3(1): 119-122.
Mustarin K., Uddin M.N., Hasan M.M. and Bhuyan M.M.H. 2009. Control of root-knot disease of soybean by Trichoderma harzianum. Bangladesh J. Prog. Sci. & Tech. 7(1): 41-44.
Khatun A., Hasan M.M., Rahman M.M., Hasan M.S. and Khandakar N. 2009. In Vitro regeneration in two potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) varieties. Bangladesh J. of Prog. Sci. and Tech. 7(1): 21-24.
Hossain S.M.M., Hassan S.M.E., and Hasan M.M. 2008. Field performance and disease incidence of farmers’ saved wheat seed collected from major wheat growing regions of Bangladesh. Bangladesh J. of Seed Sci. 12(2): 163-168.
Khatun M.T., Kabir M.A., Hasan M.M., Kabiraj R.C. and Ahmad M.U. 2008. Efficacy on root-knot (Meloidogyne javanica) of tomato of two alcoholic plant extracts with emphasis on chemical investigations. Journal of Science and Technology. 6: 97-102.
Read MoreHossain S.M.M., Hasan M.M. and Hassan S.M.E. 2008. Health of farmers’ saved wheat seed of some wheat growing ares of Bangladesh. Bangladesh J. of Seed Sci. 12(2): 157-162.
Hassan S.M.E., Hossain S.M.M., Hasan M.M. and Mustarin K. 2008. Effect of side dressing of furadan 5G and miral 3G against root-knot (Meloidogyne javanica) of brinjal. Bangladesh Res. Publ. J. 1 (2): 156-165.
Hossain M.T., Hasan M.M., Alam, M.A., Khatun A. and Alam M. 2008. Efficacy of hot water treatment device and some fungicides against Phomopsis vexans of eggplant. Int. J. BioRes. 4 (6): 54-58.
Hossain M.M., Hasan M.M., Hasan M.S., Alam M.A. and Islam M.T. 2007. Screening of tomato and brinjal against bacterial wilt caused by Ralstonia solanacearum; Int. J. Sustain. Agril. Tech. 3 (1): 12-15.
Rashid M.M., Hassan S.M.E. and Hasan M.M. 2006. A benchmark study on quality seed production by the farmers of Dinajpur districts. J.Sci.Technol. (Dinajpur). Vol. 4: 133-136.
Hasan M.M., Ahmad M.U., Khokon M.A.R. and Maung Z.T.Z. 2005. Bio-control of root-knot of mungbean. Bangladesh Journal of Crop Science. 16 (1): 59-63.
- Development of bio-fungicide using beneficial bacteria (2022-2024)
Funded by: Institute or Research and Training (IRT), Hajee Mohamamd Danesh Science and Technology University
Position: Principal Investigator
Description: The aim of the project is to develop bio-fungicide using the isolated beneficial bacteria
- Up-scaling the Formulation of bio-fungicide and bio-fertilizer to increase vegetable yield
Funded by: Bangladesh Bureau of Educational Information & Statistics (BANBEIS) (2022-20250
Position: Principal Investigator (PI)
Description: The aim of the project is to improve the beneficial bacteria based formulation for the sustainable management of vegetable diseases and increase the yield without disturbing the nature
- Evaluation of Antibacterial Efficacy of Akanda (Calotropis giganta L.) and castor (Ricinus communis)
Funded by: Institute of Research and Training (IRT), Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University
Position: Principal Investigator (PI)
Description: Akanda and Castor the two important medicinal plants available in Bangladesh. Different solvent extracts of both the plant were used to test their antibacterial efficacy against different plant pathogens
- Molecular identification of beneficial bacteria showing antibacterial efficacy against Ralstonia solanacearum responsible for wilt disease of brinjal
Funded by: IRT, HSTU, through UGC, Govt. of Bangladesh (20121-22)
Position: Principal Investigator (PI)
Description: The goal of the project was to find out a potential beneficial bacteria that can be applicable for the control of bacterial wilt of brinal
- Identification of native Trichoderma sp. to screen against different soil borne fungi including Sclerotinia sclerotiorum
Funded by: IRT, HSTU, through UGC, Govt. of Bangladesh (20120-21)
Position: Principal Investigator (PI)
Description: We have isolated and identified four potential strain of Trichoderma on the basis of molecular techniques in order to control different diseases especially caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, the emerging problem in Bangladesh
- Production of bacterial bio-pesticide for the management of nursery diseases of chilli
Funded by: University Grant Commission (UGC), Bangladesh (2019-2020)
Position: Principal Investigator (PI)
Description: We aimed to isolate new potential strain of beneficial bacteria to formulate a new bio-pesticide for the management of different nursery diseases of chilli
- Evaluation of Antibacterial Efficacy of Akanda (Calotropis giganta L.) and castor (Ricinus communis)
Funded by: (IRT), Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University (2019-2020)
Position: Principal Investigator (PI)
Description: Akanda and Castor the two important medicinal plants available in Bangladesh. Different solvent extracts of both the plant were used to test their antibacterial efficacy against different plant pathogens
- Development of an eco-friendly management practice for bacterial wilt (Ralstonia solanacearum) of brinjal with formulated bacteria and medicinal plant extracts
Funded by: Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt. of Bangladesh
Position: Principal Investigator (PI)
Description: We want to manage the bacterial wilt of brinjal with our previously identified beneficial bacteria along with some botanicals
- Isolation and characterization of beneficial bacteria from soil for the biological control of bacterial wilt of brinjal
Funded by: IRT, HSTU, through UGC, Govt. of Bangladesh
Position: Principal Investigator (PI)
Description: Our aim was to isolate and identify the potential beneficial bacteria from rhizosphere able to show antibacterial effect against Ralstonia solanacearum causing bacterial wilt of brinjal
- Evaluation of Antibacterial Efficacy of Akanda (Calotropis giganta L.) and castor (Ricinus communis)
Funded by: Institute of Research and Training (IRT), Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University
Position: Principal Investigator (PI)
Description: Akanda and Castor the two important medicinal plants available in Bangladesh. Different solvent extracts of both the plant were used to test their antibacterial efficacy against different plant pathogens
- Biochemical characterization of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae isolated from bacterial leaf blight disease of rice
Funded by: IRT (5921), HSTU, through UGC, Govt. of Bangladesh
Position: Principal Investigator
Description: We want to characterize the bacterial leaf blight disease causing Xanthomonas oryazae pv. oryzae through different biochemical processes
- Biochemical characterization of Erwinina carotovoa isolated from soft-rot disease of potato
Funded by: IRT (5921), HSTU, through UGC, Govt. of Bangladesh
Position: Principal Investigator
Description: We want to identify the isolated bacterium from soft rot symptom of potato by means of biochemical characterization
- Evaluation of antibacterial efficacy of ata and bael leaf extracts against Erwinia carotovora
Funded by: IRT, HSTU through UGC (4829), Govt. of Bangladesh
Position: Principal Investigator
Description: We aimed to evaluate the efficacy of ata and bael against a devastating bacterial pathogen cause soft rot disease of potato
- Evaluation of some plant extracts against Ralstonia solanacearum
Funded by: Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of Bangladesh
Position: Principal Investigator (PI)
Description: Five different important medicinal plants were selected and tested against Ralstonia solanacearum, a soil borne wilt causing bacterium
- Comparative Studies on The Antimicrobial Effect of Ata (Annona Squamosa) and Turmeric (Curcuma Longa) Leaf Against Ralstonia Solanacearum
Funded by: Institute of Research and Training (IRT), Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University
Position: Principal Investigator (PI)
Description: Different solvent extracts of turmeric and ata were tested against Ralstonia solanacearum, a devastating vegetable wilt pathogen, and also compare their efficacy as well
- Evaluation of Antibacterial Efficacy of Akanda (Calotropis giganta L.) and castor (Ricinus communis)
Funded by: Institute of Research and Training (IRT), Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University
Position: Principal Investigator (PI)
Description: Akanda and Castor the two important medicinal plants available in Bangladesh. Different solvent extracts of both the plant were used to test their antibacterial efficacy against different plant pathogens
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