Profile of Dr. Md. Rashidul Islam


Dr. Md. Rashidul Islam


Department of Fisheries Biology & Genetics (FBG)

Faculty of Fisheries

Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science & Technology University, Dinajpur.




    Proteins: Functional Foods, Cosmetics, Tissue Engineering, & Regenerative Medicines


  1. Doctor of Philosophy, 2021

    Hokkaido University, Japan

  2. Master of Science in Fisheries Biology & Genetics, 2010

    Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh

  3. Bachelor of Science in Fisheries, 2008

    Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science & Technology University, Dinajpur, Bangaldesh


  1. Assistant Professor
    Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University

    February 01, 2014 to Present

  2. Lecturer
    Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University

    February 01, 2012 to January 31, 2014


Journal Papers

  1. Mia MJ, Naher J, Azom MG, Sabuz MSR, Islam MH & Islam MR. 2019. Spatiotemporal variations in diversity indices and finfish assemblage in relation to ecological indicators of the Atrai River, Dinajpur, Bangladesh. Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research, 45, 175-182. [Scopus Index]

  2. Islam MR, Mia MJ & Shirin S. 2019. Fish assemblage and structure with its hydrological parameters at Karatoya fish sanctuary, Panchagarh, Bangladesh. Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences, 18, 140-162. [Q3, Scopus Index, IF = 0.446]

  3. Akter MM, Azom MG, Sabuz MSR, Islam MH & Islam MR. 2019. Sexual dimorphism of Canthophrys gongota (Teleostei: Cobitidae) using landmark-based geometric morphometrics in the Atrai river of Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research, 54, 187-194. [Thomson & Reuters]

  4. Islam MR & Azom MG. 2018. Parameters associated with growth factors of five fish species in the Atrai River, Dinajpur, Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 53, 155-160. [Thomson & Reuters]

  5. Mamum M, Ferdous J, Lee S, Islam MR, & An K. 2017. Climate change cost upon ecosystem services in the Sundarban mangrove forest in Bangladesh. Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences, 11, 50-55. [Thomson & Reuters]

  6. Islam MR, Roy S, Mia MJ & Amin AKMR. 2018. Length-length, length-weight relationships and condition factors for four freshwater fishes from the Atrai River, Dinajpur, Bangladesh. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 34, 200-202. [Q2, IF = 0.845]

  7. Islam MR, Mia MJ & Lithi UJ. 2017. Spatial and temporal disparity of fish assemblage relationship with environmental factors in the Tangon and Kulik Rivers, Thakurgaon, Bangladesh. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 17, 1209-1218. [Q4, Scopus Index, IF = 0.566]

  8. Islam MR, Azom MG, Faridullah M & Mamun M. 2017. Length-weight relationships and condition factors of 13 fish species collected from the Atrai and Brahmaputra Rivers, Bangladesh. Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences, 10, 123-133. [Thomson & Reuters]

  9. Islam MR, Nahar MT, Mia MJ, Akter MM & Mehbub MF. 2016. Morphological seclusion among three isolated river stocks of Tank Goby (Gobiidae: Glossogobius giuris Hamilton, 1822) based on truss network analysis. World Journal of Fish and Marine Sciences, 8, 36-46.

  10. Islam MR & Mia MJ. 2016. Length-weight and length-length relationships for five fish species from Atrai River, Dinajpur, Bangladesh. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 32, 1371-1373. [Q2, IF = 0.783]

  11. Hossain MA, Pal RK, Islam MR & Haque MR. 2014. A comparative study on livelihood status of fish farmer, stockist and fish retailer in Trishal Upazila of Mymensingh District. Journal of Science and Technology Bangladesh, 12, 41-47.

  12. Islam MR & Mollah MFA. 2013. Morphological observation and PG-induced breeding of Glossogobius giuris (Hamilton, 1822). Journal of Science and Technology, 11, 171-180.

  13. Molla MAG, Islam MR, M. Anissuzzaman M & Salam MA. 2009. Socio-economic status of crab collectors and fatteners in the southwest region of Bangladesh. Journal of Bangladesh Agricultural University, 7, 411-418. [Thomson & Reuters]

Conference Papers

  1. 12th Joint International Symposium [December, 2019]

    National University of Singapore, Singapore

    Award: Outstanding Oral Presentation

  2. International Fisheries Symposium [November, 2019]

    Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

    Presentation: Oral 

  3. 11th Joint International Symposium [December, 2018]

    Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, Tokyo, Japan

    Presentation: Poster

  4. 11th Joint International Symposium [December, 2018]

    Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, Tokyo, Japan

    Award: Best Oral Presentation 


  1. Islam MR & Mollah MFA. 2017. Morphology and Breeding Biology of Tank Goby, Glossogobius giuris. ISBN: 978-3-330-31814-4


  1. Islam MR. 2010. Morphological observation and PG-induced breeding of Glossogobius giuris (Hamilton, 1822). Master's thesis (Mater of Science in Fisheries Biology and Genetics) submitted to the Departement of Fisheries Biology and Genetics, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh. pp 54. 


  1. Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship 2017

    Funded by: Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (Japan)

  2. NST-Fellowship (2010-2011)

    Funded by: Ministry of Science and Technology (Bangladesh)


  1. An assessment on fish diversity of two major rivers Tangon and Kulik of Thakurgaon district in Bangladesh

    Funded by: Institute of Research and Training (HSTU) and University Grant Commission (UGC), Bangladesh

    Position: Principal Investigator

    Description: Stream fish assemblage and their association with major ecological factors were spatiotemporally conducted from January to December 2015 at the Tangon and Kulik Rivers of Thakurgaon district in Bangladesh. A total of 6,561 specimens belonging to 53 fish species dominated (> 4.86%) by Aspidoparia jaya, Pethia ticto, Puntius sophore, Channa punctatus and Canthophrys gongota both in rivers and seasons. Based on space and time, significant differences (P < 0.05) were observed in the values of diversity indices between two rivers. Spatial and temporal patterns influenced species copiousness and richness that higher in winter season due to little water echelon. Fish communities were differed between rivers (R = 0.46, P < 0.01) and seasons (R = 0.21, P < 0.01) stressing as 0.24 and dividing into two clusters at a value of 87.65% union. Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) specified that water depth, water temperature and transparency were key environmental factors affecting fish assembly, abundance and distribution. Therefore, advanced plans and management strategies should be taken to save threatened fishes at low water depth during dry and winter seasons than others.

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