Profile of Dr. A.K.M Rohul Amin

Dr. A.K.M Rohul Amin
Department of Fisheries Biology & Genetics (FBG)
Faculty of Fisheries
Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science & Technology University, Dinajpur.
Mobile: +8801741261397
- To be a good teacher and researcher
- Microbial diversity focusing on antibiotic resistance, biodiversity of endangered fishes, feeding management for sustainable aquaculture
- Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), 2017
Hokkaido University, Japan
- Master of Science (MS), 2014
Hokkaido University, Japan
- Master of Science (MS), 2003
Bangladesh Agricultural University
- B. Sc. in Fisheries (Hons.), 2001
Bangladesh Agricultural University
Journal Papers
Melatonin inhibits reproductive activity through changes of serotonergic activity in the brain of freshwater catfish (Mystus cavasius). Aquaculture, 526, 735378. Impact Factor: 3.224
Updating the Vibrio clades defined by mutilocus sequence phylogeny: proposal of eight new clades, and the description of Vibrio tritonius sp. nov. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2014. 4, 414. Impact factor (IF): 4.16
Effect of inclusion of prawn and mola on water quality and rice production in prawn-fish-rice culture system. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 8 (1), 15-23. Impact factor (IF): 0.6
Biodiversity study of SIS (Small Indigenous Species) of fish in Northwest part of Bangladesh and detection of threatened species. Biological Diversity and Conservation Journal (BioDiCon.) 3 (1). 56-65.
Production performance of sutchi catfish Pangasianodon hypophthalmus S. in restricted feeding regime: effects on gut, liver and meat quality. Aquaculture Research. 43 (4), 621-627. Impact factor (IF): 1.6
Advanced microbial taxonomy combined with genome-based approaches reveals that Vibrio astriarenae sp. nov., an agarolytic marine bacterium forms a new clade in Vibrionaceae. PLoS ONE. 10 (8). e0136279. Impact factor (IF): 3.54
Impacts of organophosphate pesticide, sumithion on water quality and benthic invertebrates in Aquaculture ponds. Aquaculture Reports.3, 88-92. Impact factor not announced yet.
Vibrio ishigakensis sp. nov. in Halioticoli clade isolated from seawater in Okinawa coral reef area, Japan. Systematic and applied Microbiology. 39 (5), 330-335. Impact factor (IF): 3.69
The first temporal and spatial assessment of Vibrio diversity of the surrounding seawater of coral reefs in Ishigaki, Japan. Frontiers in Microbiology. Vol. 7, article-1185. Impact factor (IF): 4.16
Vibrio aphrogenes sp. nov., in the Rumoiensis clade isolated from a seaweed. PLoS ONE 12(6): e0180053. Impact factor (IF): 3.54
Thaumasiovibrio occultus gen. nov., sp. nov. and Thaumasiovibrio subtropicus sp. nov. within the family Vibrionaceae, isolated from coral reef seawater off Ishigaki Island, Japan. Systematic and Applied Microbiology. DOI: 10.1016/j.syapm.2017.04.003. Impact Factor (IF): 3.69
- Japanese govt. scholarship 'monbukagakusho (MEXT) scholarship' for doing PhD in the Hokkaido University, Japan, during 2014-2017.
Funded by: japanese government
- Japanese govt. scholarship 'monbukagakusho (MEXT) scholarship' for doing MS in the Hokkaido University, Japan, during 2011-2014
Funded by: Japanese government
- University Grants Commission (UGC) Scholarship for B. Sc. (Hons.) Part I, Part II and Part III best results
Funded by: UGC
- Compensatory growth response of Thai Pangas (Pangasius hypophthalmus), Indian major carps and fresh water Prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii): Potential benefit for rural fish farmers in Bangladesh’
Funded by: SUFER (Support for University Fisheries Education and Research) Project of DFID, UK
Position: Research fellow
Description: Proposed a potential feeding management protocol for sustainable aquaculture of Thai Pangas (Pangasius hypophthalmus), Indian major carps and fresh water Prawn.
- Comparison of the current diversity status and seasonal variation of endangered fishes along with plankton and benthos in the upstream and downstream regions of Teesta barrage
Funded by: UGC (University Grants Commission of Bangladesh)
Position: PI (Principal Investigator)
Description: Compared the current diversity status and seasonal variation of endangered fishes along with plankton and benthos in the upstream and downstream regions of Teesta barrage
- Studying the diversity and seasonal variation of endangered fishes, olankton, and benthos in Kanchan river of Dinajpur
Funded by: UGC
Position: PI (Principal Investigator)
Description: Studied the diversity and seasonal variation of endangered fishes, olankton, and benthos in Kanchan river of Dinajpur
- Study of the present status of the endangered fish species of North-West part of Bangladesh
Funded by: UGC
Position: Principal Investigator (PI)
Description: Studied the present status of the endangered fish species of North-West part of Bangladesh focusing on Dinajpur district