Profile of Dr. A.K.M Rohul Amin


Dr. A.K.M Rohul Amin


Department of Fisheries Biology & Genetics (FBG)

Faculty of Fisheries

Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science & Technology University, Dinajpur.


Mobile: +8801741261397


    To be a good teacher and researcher


    Microbial diversity focusing on antibiotic resistance, biodiversity of endangered fishes, feeding management for sustainable aquaculture


  1. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), 2017

    Hokkaido University, Japan

  2. Master of Science (MS), 2014

    Hokkaido University, Japan

  3. Master of Science (MS), 2003

    Bangladesh Agricultural University

  4. B. Sc. in Fisheries (Hons.), 2001

    Bangladesh Agricultural University


Journal Papers

  1. Melatonin inhibits reproductive activity through changes of serotonergic activity in the brain of freshwater catfish (Mystus cavasius). Aquaculture, 526, 735378. Impact Factor: 3.224

  2. Updating the Vibrio clades defined by mutilocus sequence phylogeny: proposal of eight new clades, and the description of Vibrio tritonius sp. nov. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2014. 4, 414. Impact factor (IF): 4.16

  3. Effect of inclusion of prawn and mola on water quality and rice production in prawn-fish-rice culture system. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 8 (1), 15-23. Impact factor (IF): 0.6

  4. Biodiversity study of SIS (Small Indigenous Species) of fish in Northwest part of Bangladesh and detection of threatened species. Biological Diversity and Conservation Journal (BioDiCon.) 3 (1). 56-65.

  5. Production performance of sutchi catfish Pangasianodon hypophthalmus S. in restricted feeding regime: effects on gut, liver and meat quality. Aquaculture Research. 43 (4), 621-627. Impact factor (IF): 1.6

  6.  Advanced microbial taxonomy combined with genome-based approaches reveals that Vibrio astriarenae sp. nov., an agarolytic marine bacterium forms a new clade in Vibrionaceae. PLoS ONE. 10 (8). e0136279. Impact factor (IF): 3.54

  7. Impacts of organophosphate pesticide, sumithion on water quality and benthic invertebrates in Aquaculture ponds. Aquaculture Reports.3, 88-92. Impact factor not announced yet.

  8. Vibrio ishigakensis sp. nov. in Halioticoli clade isolated from seawater in Okinawa coral reef area, Japan. Systematic and applied Microbiology. 39 (5), 330-335. Impact factor (IF): 3.69

  9.  The first temporal and spatial assessment of Vibrio diversity of the surrounding seawater of coral reefs in Ishigaki, Japan. Frontiers in Microbiology. Vol. 7, article-1185. Impact factor (IF): 4.16

  10. Vibrio aphrogenes sp.   nov., in the Rumoiensis clade isolated from a seaweed. PLoS ONE 12(6): e0180053. Impact factor (IF): 3.54

  11. Thaumasiovibrio occultus gen. nov., sp. nov. and Thaumasiovibrio subtropicus sp. nov. within the family Vibrionaceae, isolated from coral reef seawater off Ishigaki Island, Japan. Systematic and Applied Microbiology. DOI: 10.1016/j.syapm.2017.04.003. Impact Factor (IF): 3.69


  1. Japanese govt. scholarship 'monbukagakusho (MEXT) scholarship' for doing PhD in the Hokkaido University, Japan, during 2014-2017.

    Funded by: japanese government

  2. Japanese govt. scholarship 'monbukagakusho (MEXT) scholarship' for doing MS in the Hokkaido University, Japan, during 2011-2014

    Funded by: Japanese government

  3. University Grants Commission (UGC) Scholarship for B. Sc. (Hons.) Part I, Part II and Part III best results

    Funded by: UGC


  1. Compensatory growth response of Thai Pangas (Pangasius hypophthalmus), Indian major carps and fresh water Prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii): Potential benefit for rural fish farmers in Bangladesh’

    Funded by: SUFER (Support for University Fisheries Education and Research) Project of DFID, UK

    Position: Research fellow

    Description: Proposed a potential feeding management protocol for sustainable aquaculture of Thai Pangas (Pangasius hypophthalmus), Indian major carps and fresh water Prawn.

  2. Comparison of the current diversity status and seasonal variation of endangered fishes along with plankton and benthos in the upstream and downstream regions of Teesta barrage

    Funded by: UGC (University Grants Commission of Bangladesh)

    Position: PI (Principal Investigator)

    Description: Compared the current diversity status and seasonal variation of endangered fishes along with plankton and benthos in the upstream and downstream regions of Teesta barrage

  3. Studying the diversity and seasonal variation of endangered fishes, olankton, and benthos in Kanchan river of Dinajpur

    Funded by: UGC

    Position: PI (Principal Investigator)

    Description: Studied the diversity and seasonal variation of endangered fishes, olankton, and benthos in Kanchan river of Dinajpur

  4. Study of the present status of the endangered fish species of North-West part of Bangladesh

    Funded by: UGC

    Position: Principal Investigator (PI)

    Description: Studied the present status of the endangered fish species of North-West part of Bangladesh focusing on Dinajpur district

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