Profile of Dr. Md. Sadequl Islam

Dr. Md. Sadequl Islam
Associate Professor
Department of Anatomy & Histology (ANH)
Faculty of Veterinary and Animal Science
Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science & Technology University, Dinajpur.
Mobile: +8801721417598
- Working independently along with self-made decision is a corner stone of my success that will obviously act upon research work. Eager to support Bangladesh for the development of livestock sector by the production of quality veterinarian.
- Cell and developmental biology, Gene expression
- PhD, 2020
Bangladesh Agricultural University
- MS in Anatomy, 2010
Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University
- DVM, 2008
Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University
- Lecturer
Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University, Dinajpur, BangladeshAugust 18, 2013 to August 17, 2015
- Assistant Professor
Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University, Dinajpur, BangladeshAugust 18, 2015 to August 17, 2020
- Associate Professor
Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University, Dinajpur, BangladeshAugust 18, 2020 to Present
Journal Papers
Prevalence, antibiotic resistance patterns, and virulence factors of
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Staphylococcus aureus isolates associated with bovine mastitis in
northern BangladeshBeyond Serology: AMeta-Analysis of Advancements in
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Molecular Detection of Brucella spp. in Seronegative
Animals and Biological SamplesPolystyrene microplastic exposure in mice: oxidative stress-induced testicular damage,
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AR gene suppression, and histopathological alterationsEffects of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles on Chick Embryo:
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Immunomodulatory, Hepatic and Biochemical AlterationsImmunomodulatory and biochemical alterations in chick embryos exposed to
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polystyrene microplasticsIsolation and characterization of duck viral enteritis (duck plague) virus from ducks in
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field outbreaks in Bangladesh4G mobile phone radiation alters some immunogenic and vascular gene expressions, and gross and microscopic and biochemical parameters in the chick embryo model.
Read MoreA simple, inexpensive and portable on-farm test for pregnancy diagnosis
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and ovary status in cows via chemical analysis of urinePresence of Brucella spp. in milk and dairy products: A comprehensive review and its perspectives
Read MoreDietary Exposure to Lead (pb) Related with Biochemical and Histomorphological Changes in Testes and Kidney of Rabbit
Read MoreDuck virus enteritis (duck plague) outbreak in an Australian black swan (Cygnus atratus)
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flock at safari park in Bangladesh: A case reportAnalysis of Prevelance of Infectious Bursal Disease in Broiler flocks in Dinajpur.
Read MoreMorphometric analysis of vesicular glands of indigenous bull.
Read MoreAge Related Observations on Gross and Microscopic Changes of Bursa of Fabricius of Commercial Broiler Chicken
Read MoreEffect of dietary mulberry leaf meal on egg quality on laying hens. Journal of science and Technology
Read MoreBiometrical and Histological studies on the epididymis of ram in chars of pabna region
Read MoreCongenital defects and its body system affection in calves and kids
Read MoreEffects of dietary supplementation of lead (Pb) on biochemical, gross and histo-morphological changes in different organs of broiler chicken
Read MoreHisto morphometric evaluation of testes of Black Bengal goats.
Read MoreMolecular detection of Brucella spp. from milk of seronegative cows from some selected areas in Bangladesh
Read MoreDietary Effect of Mulberry Leaf (Morus alba) Meal in the Reduction of Blood Cholesterol of Laying Hens
Read MoreEffects of age on Gross and Microscopic Changes of bursa of Fabricius and Thymus of Commercial Broiler Chicken.
Read MoreFirst genome sequence of Brucella abortus biovar 3 strain BAU21/S4023, isolated from a dairy cow in Bangladesh
Read MoreFirst isolation, identification and genetic characterization of Brucella abortus biovar 3 from dairy cattle in Bangladesh
Read MoreSalmonellosis in layer chickens: Molecular detection and histopathological features of Salmonella spp. from laying hens.
Read MoreUsing Electrolytes in Drinking Water on the Performances of Broiler during Summer Season.
Read MoreExtract of neem (Azadirachta indica) leaf exhibits bactericidal effect against multidrug resistant pathogenic bacteria of poultry.
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- Effects of 2G, 3G and 4G mobile radiation on the development of chicken embryo
Funded by: IRT (2021-22)
Position: PI
Description: Background. The risks to human health have grown over the past ten years due to excessive use of mobile phones. The study determined the deleterious effects of 4G mobile phone radiations on the expression of the immunogenic and vascular genes as well as gross, microscopic and biochemical alterations in the development of chicken embryos. Methods. Mobile phones (SAR 1.4 W/kg, 2100MHz) were placed near the exposure group (n=60) in the incubator within 12 cm. The total exposure time of video calling was 60 minutes per night for 14 days. For histopathological examination, hematoxylin and eosin (H & E) staining was done. Cresyl violet staining was performed for measuring the numbers and evaluates the normal and abnormal neurons of brain. The biochemical parameters of amniotic fluid were analyzed using photometry method. The vascular gene (VEGF-A) and immunity genes (AvBD9, IL6) expression were done by real-time PCR (qPCR) technique. Results. In comparison to the control, the exposure group's body weight and length significantly decreased (p<0.05). Subcutaneous bleeding was seen in exposure group. Urea, creatinine, alkaline phosphatase (ALP), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT) levels were all significantly higher than in the control group (p< 0.05). In microscopic examination of liver of exposed group found some pathological lesions. In cerebral cortex found degenerated neurons with lightly stained nuclei in exposed group. The number of hyperchromatic neurons in exposure group (58.8± 2.39) was significantly higher (P < 0.05) than control (6.6± 0.55). The quantity of lymphocytes in exposed group (86.8±6.09) per slide was reduced compared to control (147.2± 11.23) (P < 0.05). Vascular gene mRNA expression was higher in the exposed group compared to the control group, but immune gene expression was lower. Conclusion. Gross, microscopic and biochemical alteration and gene expression might lead to hampering embryonic development due to mobile phone radiation exposure
- Effects of monosodium glutamate on liver and kidney of chicken embryo
Funded by: IRT (2020-21)
Position: PI
Description: Monosodium glutamate (MSG) commonly used as a flavoring agent (E621) to increase the flavor of food, canned vegetables, soups and processed meats etc.Fertile chicken eggs (Sonali cross-breed) with the average egg weight of 53gm were injected with 0.1 ml of the MSG solution (0.75mg MSG/gm. egg weight and 1.0mg MSG/gm. egg weight) in the air cavity before incubation.Control group was injected with 0.1 ml of distilled water. A total of 300 eggs were divided into three groups. Each group was containing 100 eggs. Embryos were extracted on day 7, 10, 14 and 18 of incubation, twentyfive for each group.A significant decrease was seen for whole body weight, whole body length and beak length of day 7, 10, 14 and 18 day treated embryos compared to the controls except neck length. The p-value is < .00001 at 5% level of significance. Abdominal hernia, delay in growth, subcutaneous bleeding, brain and beak deformities were seen in several treated embryos of day 10, 14 and 18. The number of abdominal hernia and subcutaneous bleeding were seen more in treated group B than the treated group A.Histological cross sections of liver of 18 day treated with MSG chicken embryos showed less density of hepatocyte. Hemorrhages were found in central vein and sinusoids. Several empty areas were seen in the peripheral parts of the liver. The nucleus of treated groups embryos were shrinkage. Phagocytic cells were also found in various blood sinusoids.The histopathological observations of kidney of day 18 treated with MSG chicken embryos showed that various cytoplasmic vacuolation, degeneration of tubules, cellular swelling, karyorrhexis and pyknotic of cells. It was concluded thatthe effects of MSG on liver and kidney of chicken embryo, express that there are significant histo-pathological changes occurred in the liver and kidney tissues.
- ResearchGate Profile
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