Profile of Dr. Md. Shaha Nur Kabir


Dr. Md. Shaha Nur Kabir


Department of Agricultural & Industrial Engineering (AIE)

Faculty of Engineering

Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science & Technology University, Dinajpur.


Mobile: +8801737676930


    • Smart Farming using AI • Precision agriculture technologies • Standardized testing of agricultural machinery • Safety and comfort of agricultural machinery • Controlled environment agriculture • Post-harvest technologies • Supply and value chain analysis of agricultural machineries


  1. Doctor of Philosophy, 2015

    Chungnam National University, Daejeon, Republic of Korea (South Korea)

  2. Master of Science (M.S.) in Farm Power and Machinery, 2008

    Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh

  3. Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Agricultural Engineering, 2006

    Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh


  1. Professor
    Dept. of Agricultural & Industrial Engg, Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science & Technology University

    December 18, 2020 to Present

  2. Associate Professor
    Dept. of Agricultural & Industrial Engg, Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science & Technology University

    August 25, 2015 to December 17, 2020

  3. Assistant Professor
    Dept. of Agricultural & Industrial Engg, Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science & Technology University

    May 06, 2010 to August 24, 2015

  4. Lecturer
    Dept. of Agricultural & Industrial Engg, Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science & Technology University

    February 20, 2008 to May 05, 2010

  5. Agricultural Engineer
    Department of Agricultural Extension, Ministry of Agriculture, Bangladesh

    June 23, 2006 to August 01, 2007


Journal Papers

  1. Yield monitoring systems for non-grain crops: A review.

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  2. Thermal Imaging and Computer Vision Technologies for the Enhancement of Pig Husbandry: A Review

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  3. Layout of Suspension-Type Small-Sized Dehumidifiers Affects Humidity Variability and Energy Consumption in Greenhouses

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  4. Short-range sensing for fruit tree water stress detection and monitoring in orchards: A review.

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  5. Leaf Area Prediction of Pennywort Plants Grown in a Plant Factory Using Image Processing and an Artificial Neural Network

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  6. Vibration and Slope Conditions during Harvesting Affect Radish Mass Measurements for Yield Monitoring: An Experimental Study Using a Laboratory Test Bench

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  7. Technological Trends and Engineering Issues on Vertical Farms: A Review.

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  8. Spatial, Temporal, and Vertical Variability of Ambient Environmental Conditions in Chinese Solar Greenhouses during Winter

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  9. Comparison of heating modules for suspension-type multipoint temperature variability management in smart greenhouses

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  10. Analysis of operating speed and power consumption of a gear-driven rotary planting mechanism for a 12-kW six-row self-propelled onion transplanter

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  11. Evaluation of a 0.7 kW  Suspension-Type Dehumidifier Module in a Closed Chamber and in a Small Greenhouse

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  12. Analysis of Rollover Characteristics of a 12 kW Automatic Onion Transplanter to Reduce Stability Hazards

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  13. Vibration Assessment of a 12-kW Self-Propelled Riding-Type Automatic Onion Transplanter for Transplanting Performance and Operator Comfort

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  14. Theoretical transmission analysis to optimise gearbox for a 2.6 kW automatic pepper transplanter

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  15. Kinematic analysis of a hopper-type dibbling mechanism for a 2.6 kW two-row pepper transplanter

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  16. Analysis of quality changes in bell pepper cultivars in response to delayed cooling in a controlled chamber

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  17. Stress and Fatigue Analysis of Picking Device Gears for a 2.6 kW Automatic Pepper Transplanter

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  18. Analysis of Driving Stability and Vibration of a 20-kW Self-Propelled 1-Row Chinese Cabbage Harvester

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  19. Agricultural Mechanization in Bangladesh: Status and Challenges towards Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

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  20. Kinematic Analysis of a Clamp-Type Picking Device for an Automatic Pepper Transplanter

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  21. Influence of delayed cooling on the quality of tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum L.) stored in a controlled chamber

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  22. Method of pump, pipe, and tank selection for aeroponic nutrient management systems based on crop requirements

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  23. Performance Evaluation of a Suspension-Type Dehumidifier with a Heating Module for Smart Greenhouses

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  24. Physicochemical Quality Changes in Tomatoes during Delayed Cooling and Storage in a Controlled Chamber

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  25. Theoretical Analysis of Bending Stresses to Design a Sprocket for Transportation Part of a Chinese Cabbage Collector

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  26. Monitoring the Operating Status of an Automatic Harmful Fly Collector for Smart Greenhouses

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  27. Performance Evaluation of Trenchless Subsurface Drainage Piping Machine

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  28. Kinematic Analysis for Design of the Transportation Part of a Tractor-Mounted Chinese Cabbage Collector

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  29. Influence of delayed cooling on quality of bell pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) stored in a controlled chamber

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  30. Variable Fertilizer Recommendation for Grass Production by Image-based Growth Status

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  31. Performance Evaluation of a Driving Power Transmission System for 50 kW Narrow Tractors

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  32. Measurement and evaluation of whole body vibration of agricultural tractor operator

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  33. Sensor Comparison for Grass Growth Estimation

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  34. Performance Comparison of Single and Multi-GNSS Receivers under Typical Agricultural Fields in Korea

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  35. Visibility Evaluation for Agricultural Tractor Operators According to ISO 5006 and 5721-1 Standards

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  36. Comparison of Test Standards for the Performance and Safety of Agricultural Tractors: A Review

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  37.  Research Trends for Performance, Safety, and Comfort Evaluation of Agricultural Tractors: A Review

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  38. Path planning for autonomous lawn mower tractor
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  39. Pre-processing of load data of agricultural tractors during major field operations
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  40. Number of sampling leaves for reflectance measurement of Chinese cabbage and kale

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  41. Processing and Quality Evaluation of Crackers from Cassava Flour

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  42. Supply and Value Chain Analysis of Rice Mill

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  43. Effect of Different Extractions of Juice on Quality and Acceptability of Guava Jelly

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  44. Utilization Pattern of Biomass for Rural Energy Supply in Bangladesh

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  45. Management practices in some selected cold storage in Bangladesh

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Conference Papers


  2. Design and Fabrication of a Single-Row Corn Picker Prototype for Small-Scale Farming in Bangladesh

  3. "Sensor Comparison for Yield Monitoring Systems of Small-sized Potato Harvesters". The 14th International Conference on Precision Agriculture (ICPA), June 24-27, 2018, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

  4. "Performance Comparison of Single and Multi-GNSS Receiver in Stationery and Moving Conditions". Proceedings of the KSAM 2013 Fall Conference, October 31-November 1, 2013, Jeju, Korea.

  5. "Reliability Rating Test Standards for High Efficiency Agricultural Tractors". Proceedings of the 5th Asian Conference on Precision Agriculture (ACPA), June 2013, Jeju, Korea.

  6. "Evaluation of Single and Multi-GNSS Receivers in Agricultural Field Conditions" (Poster presentation). The 12th International Conference on Precision Agriculture (ICPA), July 20-23, 2014. California, USA.

  7. "Design of Measurement Systems for Reliability Rating Technology Development of High Efficiency Large Tractors". 2014. 2014 ASABE and CSBE | SCGAB Annual International Meeting, July 13 - July 16, 2014, Montreal, Quebec Canada.

  8. "Visibility Measurement and Evaluation for Agricultural Tractor Operators According to ISO 5006 and 5721-1 standards"Proceedings of the KSAM 2014 Fall Conference, Korea, P: 25-26.

  9. "Development of Tractor Modes for Major Field Operations. Environmentally friendly agriculture and forestry for future generations". XXXVI CIOSTA CIGR V Conference, May 26 -28, 2015, Saint Petersburg, the Russian Federation.

  10. "Whole Body Vibration Measurement and Evaluation for Agricultural Tractor Operators". Proceedings of the KSAM & KSBEC 2015 Spring Conference, Korea, P: 19-20.

  11. "Sensor Comparison For Grass Growth Estimation"6th Asian Conference on Precision Agriculture (ACPA), November 16-20, 2015, Guangzhou, China.


  1. Factors affecting the accuracy and precision of ion-selective electrodes for hydroponic nutrient supply systems

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  2. Performance evaluation of commercial ion-selective electrodes for hydroponic cultivation system

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  1. Outstanding Overseas Scientist (Invited Scientist)

    Funded by: National Research Foundation (NRF) of Korea (Brain Pool Program)

  2. Post-doctoral Fellowship (Dec 2017 to September, 2019)

    Funded by: Prof. Sun-Ok Chung, Precision Agriculture Lab, Chungnam National University, Republic of Korea

  3. Post-doctoral Fellowship (August 2015 to February 2016)

    Funded by: Prof. Sun-Ok Chung, Precision Agriculture Lab, Chungnam National University, Republic of Korea

  4. "Korean Government Scholarship Program"-2011

    Funded by: National Institute for International Education (NIIED), Republic of Korea

  5. "Outstanding Presentation Award" for an oral presentation entitled on “Review on Reliability Rating Test Standards of High Efficiency Large Tractors”

    Funded by: 5th Asian Conference on Precision Agriculture (ACPA), June 2013, Jeju, Korea

  6. "Award of Excellence", In recognition of excellent academic research results, and for improving the reputation of the Agriculture and Life science School of Chungnam National University during doctoral program

    Funded by: President, Agriculture & Life science School, Chungnam National University, Daejeon, Korea


  1. Enhancing Shelf Life and Postharvest Quality of Litchi (Litchi Chinensis) Fruit Through a Low-Cost Solar-Powered Smart Storage Structure

    Funded by: Ministry of Science and Technology, Bangladesh (July, 2023 ~June, 2024)

    Position: Principal Investigator

    Description: There is a lack of extensive research on extending the shelf life and postharvest quality of litchi fruit. Therefore, this research aims to apply evaporative storage techniques to enhance the shelf life of harvested litchi fruits. By exploring these innovative storage methods, the study seeks to fill the existing knowledge gap and pave the way for sustainable and efficient postharvest management practices in the litchi industry. Implementing such a storage technique can contribute to reducing food waste, increasing market value, and meeting the growing demand for litchi fruits in both domestic and international markets.

  2. Sensor-based real-time seedling growth and stress symptom detection technology using AI for smart seedling production

    Funded by: National Research Foundation (NRF) of Korea (Brain Pool Program)

    Position: Outstanding Research Scientist

    Description: Objectives: - Growth and stress index selection for major horticultural crop seedlings - Fabrication of sensor-based real-time seedling stress symptom detection system and application to plant factory - Seedling growth and stress symptom detection algorithm using Artificial Intelligence (AI)

  3. IoT-based Real-Time Monitoring of Rice Fields using Wireless Sensor Networks and Mobile Applications

    Funded by: University Grants Commission (UGC), Bangladesh

    Position: Principal Investigator

    Description: Development of a wireless sensor network (WSN) to measure and transmit rice field conditions such as soil water content, water level, soil pH, crop health, and weather data to smartphones

  4. IoT-based Solar-Powered Smart Irrigation System using a Dual-axis Solar Tracker for Rice Field

    Funded by: Ministry of Science and Technology, Bangladesh (July, 2022 ~June, 2023)

    Position: Principal Investigator

    Description: In this research project, a dual-axis solar tracker with a smart monitoring and control system for a solar-powered smart irrigation system has been proposed, where the pump will be operated based on sensing soil moisture and water level. This smart irrigation system will be powered by solar power integrated with a dual-axis sun tracker, which will generate more electricity compared to the fixed solar panel. Furthermore, monitoring of the pump operation will be accomplished remotely via smartphone. The overall objective of this research is to design and implement an IoT-based solar-powered smart irrigation system to reduce excess water usage, time, and fuel costs and to utilize a renewable energy source. Hence, this smart monitoring system can be used for effective and efficient use of the irrigation water for rice plants and save time and power through the automatic irrigation system. This research also aimed to develop a dual-axis solar tracker system to maximize electricity generation by exposing the solar rays most of the time of the day. The specific objectives are: • The design and implementation of an IoT-based solar-powered smart irrigation system by sensing the soil moisture levels and water level conditions of the field and automatically controlling the pump operations when the soil moisture is below the required level. • Develop a dual-axis solar tracker system to generate more electricity by tracking the orientation of the sunlight. • Establishment of remote monitoring of automatic pump operation via smartphone.

  5. Design and Fabrication of a Single-Row Maize Picker for Small Scale Farming in Bangladesh

    Funded by: Institute of Research and Training (IRT), HSTU, Bangladesh (July, 2022 ~June, 2023)

    Position: Principal Investigator

    Description: Maize picking is one of the most critical issues throughout maize cultivation which has not been mechanized in Bangladesh. The objective of this research is to design and fabricate a small-scale maize picker to improve and mechanize the picking practices of maize crops considering our agro-climatic conditions and cultivation practices. On a test bench, a prototype of a single-row maize picker will be fabricated considering average plant to plant distance of 20.0 cm, row-to-row distance of 75.0 cm, and height of 215.0 cm. Tow spiral roller, picking board, shafts, pully with various diameters (22.8 cm, 19.0 cm, 12.7 cm), and an electric motor (1.25 hp) will be used for determining the optimized parameters of the single row maize picker. Fabrication of the maize picker prototype will be carried out considering the optimized design from the lab-based performance tests. Field performance tests of the single-row prototype will be conducted in the three different maize fields. This research is a step forward in developing a self-propelled, power tiller or tractor-operated maize harvester. If successfully implemented, this research would facilitate the development of a multi-row power tiller or tractor-operated maize harvester.

  6. Solar-Powered Smart Irrigation System with Sun Tracking Solar Cell and Soil Moisture Sensors for Agricultural Field

    Funded by: Ministry of Science and Technology, Bangladesh

    Position: Principal Investigator

    Description: Water management in irrigated agricultural fields is a critical issue in Bangladesh due to a lack of improved irrigation facilities for efficient use of irrigation water. Thus, the cost of crop production is high in agriculture with low agricultural productivity. Therefore, this research aimed to design and implement an IoT-based solar-powered smart irrigation system by sensing the soil moisture levels and weather conditions of the field and periodically controlling the pump operations when the soil moisture is below the required level. A sun-tracking solar system was also developed to generate more electricity by tracking the orientation of the sun. A comparison was made between the energy of a fixed-axis solar tracking system with a 24.950 tilt angle and a horizontal single-axis solar tracking system with no tilt angle. The designed single-axis solar tracker device tracks the sun using an LDRs sensor and orients the solar panel (150 watts) to the perpendicular of the sun to capture maximum energy, which is converted into electrical energy and stored in a battery (12V) for submersible pump (DC 12V, 150 watt) operation. This study implemented a wireless sensor network (WSN) with the Internet of Things (IoT) application for real-time monitoring of pumping status and energy comparison. One substation was established in a paddy field that sends water level data wirelessly to the main station, where the microcontroller processes and analyzes the data, and the relay module takes the action of the automatic pumping operation. This data was simultaneously sent to cloud storage. A Thingspeak server was used for data acquisition and to deliver data to the farmers through smartphones for better monitoring of water levels in the paddy field. There is a huge potential for solar irrigation systems in Bangladesh, and they can provide sustainable solutions with low irrigation costs. Therefore, this IoT-based solar-powered smart irrigation system could play a vital role in improving irrigation management systems with increased water use efficiency.

  7. Lab-Scale Prototype Design and Testing of a Corn Picker

    Funded by: Institute of Research and Training (IRT), HSTU, Bangladesh

    Position: Principal Investigator

    Description: The picking of maize ears is one of the most critical issues throughout maize cultivation. Except for the threshing process, the maize cultivation stages have not been mechanized yet in Bangladesh. The objective of this research was to design and fabricate a lab-scale corn picker to determine the optimum design variables for the efficient picking of maize ears. An initial design of a test bench, roller, picking board, shafts, and pulleys has been done on SolidWorks software considering the maize cultivation methods and growth parameters of Bangladesh. A pulley diameter of 22.8 cm, 19.0 cm, and 12.7 cm were considered as design variables for selecting the optimum diameter of the pulley. An electric motor of 1.25 hp was used to determine the optimized parameters of the single-row maize picker. Fabrication of the lab-scale corn picker prototype was carried out in the workshop and AIE lab. A test bench was fabricated to test the picking performance of the proposed corn picker prototype. The lab-based performance test of the prototype was conducted on the test bench with maize plants to determine the efficient picking parameters. This research is a step forward in developing a small-scale maize picker to improve and mechanize the picking practices of maize crops considering our agro-climatic conditions and cultivation practices.

  8. Design and Construction of a Low-Cost Greenhouse for Hydroponic Cultivation of Fruits and Vegetables

    Funded by: Institute of Research and Training (IRT), HSTU

    Position: Principal Investigator (PI)

    Description: The objective of this research is to design and construct a small-scale greenhouse for monitoring the internal condition in a greenhouse using a multistage hydroponic system. The specific objectives are: • Preliminary design of a low-cost greenhouse for cultivating fruits and vegetables hydroponically. • Construction and installation of the hydroponic system to create a favorable environment for fruits and vegetables inside the greenhouse for year-round cultivation.

  9. Development of a Low Cost Evaporative Cooling System for Storage of Fresh Tomato

    Funded by: University Grants Commission (UGC), Bangladesh

    Position: Project Director

    Description: The main objective of this research is to develop an energy efficient and environmentally friendly low cost evaporative cooling system for storing tomato over an extended harvesting season.The specific objectives are: • Design and construct of a low cost evaporating system • Construct a suitable storage structure for storing tomato • Fabrication of temperature and humidity sensor modules for recording environmental conditions • Remote monitoring of the internal environment of the storage structure

  10. Investigation of the Characteristics and Risk Factors Associated with Fetal Farm and Agricultural Injuries in Bangladesh

    Funded by: Ministry of Science and Technology, Bangladesh

    Position: Principal Investigator

    Description: Overall objective of this research is to investigate the characteristics and risk factors associated with agricultural fatalities and to develop as suitable structure around the tractor operator to prevent farm injuries. Specific objectives are: • Investigation of the characteristics and trends in farm and agricultural fatalities in Bangladesh • Identification of a wide range of risk factors associated with farm and agricultural fatalities • Development of a protective structure to minimize roll-over fatalities of agricultural tractor operator • Recommendations for immediate or preliminary steps to ensure the safety from agricultural injuries.

  11. Effect of Temperature and Humidity on the Storage Life of Fresh Tomato under Evaporative Cooled Storage Structure

    Funded by: University Grants Commission (UGC), Bangladesh

    Position: Principal Investigator (PI)

    Description: In this research, maintaining of deferent levels of temperature and humidity would be achieved for evaporative cooling system that could be effectively using for other fruits and vegetables.Effect of different temperature and humidity levels on the storage of tomato could be found from this research. So that appropriate temperature and humidity could be selected during storage of tomato under evaporative cooling system.

  12. Design and Development of a Manually Operated Garlic-Clove Planter

    Funded by: University Grants Commission

    Position: Principal Investigator (PI)

    Description: This research was aimed to design a manually driven single row garlic planter for planting garlic­cloves. The ground wheel diameter of the planter was 39 cm? the metering unit was with a vertical disk of 20 cm diameter and 0.8 cm thickness and 6 spoons were placed on its periphery maintaining a distance of 10 cm from spoon to spoon. Height, width, and thickness of the spoon were 2.5, 1.25, and 1 cm, respectively. The power was transmitted from ground wheel drive to metering plate by means of sprocket set arrangement. A rectangular plot of 26 ft. length and 6 ft. width was selected for preliminary evaluation of the planter. The planting depth of cloves was found as 5 cm, row to row and seed to seed spacing were found as 40 cm and 10 cm, respectively. Performance of the planter showed an efficiency of 61% with germination rate of 73% and missing hill 11%. This planter was designed for single row manually driven purposes? further improvement will be made with mechanically driven devices.


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