Profile of Dr. Shams Shaila Islam


Dr. Shams Shaila Islam


Department of Agronomy (AGN)

Faculty of Agriculture

Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science & Technology University, Dinajpur.


Mobile: +8801709262888


    I want to be a good human being, good teacher, and good researcher with continuing quality teaching, learning and research


    Crop Simulation Modeling by using DSSAT-CERES-Rice Crop Model, AMMI Crop Modeling, INFOCROP Growth Modeling with Abiotic Stress


  1. Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D) in Plant Science, 2020

    Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai campus, Thailand

  2. Masters of Science in Agronomy, 2008

    Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensing

  3. Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (Honors), 2006

    Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensing

  4. Higher School Certificate (HSC), 2000

    Thakurgaon Government College, Thakurgaon

  5. Secondary School Certificate (SSC), 1998

    Thakurgaon Government Girls' High School


  1. Professor
    Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University, Dinajpur, Bangladesh

    February 01, 2024 to Present

  2. Associate Professor
    Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University, Dinajpur-5200, Bangladesh

    February 01, 2020 to Present

  3. Assistant Professor
    Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University, Dinajpur-5200, Bangladesh

    February 01, 2014 to February 01, 2020

  4. Lecturer
    Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University, Dinajpur-5200, Bangladesh

    February 01, 2012 to February 01, 2014


Journal Papers

  1. 1.     Hasan, A.K., Islam, S.S., Jahan, M., Kheya, S.A., Uddin, M.R., Islam, M.S. and Khomphet, T. 2024. Synergistic Effects of Vermicompost and Biochar Amendments on Soil Fertility and Wheat Productivity in Bangladesh Floodplain Soils. Scientifica Journal. 2024. 1-16. (Q1 journal ; IF = 2.5)

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  2.  Islam, S.S., Sarker, M. B.U., Rana, M.R., Hasan, A.K., Karim, R. and Khomphet, T. 2024. Comprehensive Assessment of the Genotype-Environment Interaction and Yield Stability of Boro Rice Genotypes under Four Environments in Bangladesh Using AMMI Analysis. Scientifica. 2024.1-16.  (Q1 JOURNAL)  IF = 3.75.

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  3. Islam, S.S., Anik, R.b.,  Hasan, A..K., Karim, R. and and Khomphet, T. 2024. Impacts of Vermicompost and Farmyard Manure as Organic Fertilizer with Biochar Amendment on Soil Quality, Growth and Yield of Sunflower. Indian Journal of Agricultural Research.58 (4): 10.18805 /IJARe.AF

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  4. Islam, S.S., F.K. Ousro, M.M. Kadir, S. Moonmoon, M.G. Azam, T. Khomphet, A.K. Hasan, W. Soufan, K. Rajendran, M. Abdelhamid and A. El-Sabagh. 2024. Investigating the effects of genotype and environment interaction (GEI) and stability analysis on short-duration rapeseed yield and oil content under different environmental conditions. Pak. J. Bot., 56(5): DOI: . (Q3 Journal ; IF = 1.3)

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  5. Intana, W., Khomphet, T., Srichai, N., Bundit, Nattawadee and Islam. S. S. 2023. Application of Azolla spp. as a Growing Medium Component for Melon Grown in a Soilless Culture System. applied sciences.2023 (13): 1-10. (Q1 Journal ; IF = 2.7)

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  6. Hosen, I., Moonmoon, S., Hannan, A., Hoque, M.N., Islam, S.S., Talukder, S. K., Islam, M. S. and Hasan, A.K. 2023.  Seed priming influences on yield and protein content of wheat sown at different time. Archives of Agriculture and Environmental Science. 8(2): 214 - 220.

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  7. Promwee, A. Islam, S.S. and Khomphet, T. 2023. Effect of Dissolved Oxygen and Chemical Scarification on Andrographis paniculata Seed Germination in Macrobubble Conditions. International Journal of Agronomy. Volume 2023, Article ID 3459377, 10 pages. (Q2 journal; IF = 2.07)

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  8. Shams Shaila Islam, A.T.M. Masum Billah, Ahmed Khairul Hasan, Rashed Karim, Thanet Khomphet *. 2023.  Evaluating the impact of Trichoderma biofertilizer and planting dates on mustard yield performance using the InfoCrop growth model.  PLOS ONE journal.  18(5): 1-15. (Q1 journal. IF = 3.75)  

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  9. Khomphet, T., Promwee, A. and Islam, S.S. 2023. Effects of foliar fertilizer application on the growth and fruit quality of commercial melon varieties grown in a soilless culture system. Peer J. 2023. 1-16. (Q1, IF =3.07)

    1. Shultana, R., Zuan, A.T.K., Naher, U.A., Islam, A. K. M. M., Rana, M.M., Rashid, M.H., Irin, I.J., Islam, S. S., Rim, A.A. and Hasan, A.K. 2022. The PGPR Mechanisms of Salt Stress Adaptation and Plant Growth Promotion. MDPI Agronomy. 12(10): 1-18. (Q1 journal. IF= 3.95)

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  10. Islam, S. S., Arafat, A.C., Hasan, A.K., Khomphet, T. 2022. Estimating the optimum dose of nitrogen fertilizer with climatic conditions on improving Boro Rice (Oryza sativa) yield using DSSAT-Rice crop model. Journal of Research on crops. 23(2): 253-260. DOI: 10.31830/2348-7542.2022.035. (Q2 journal; IF = 0.26)

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  11.  Hasan, A.K., Islam, S. S., Yesmin, M.A., Salim, M., Monshi, F. I., Hannan, A., and Tabassum, R. 2022. Morpho-physiological and genetic characterization of transplanted Aman rice varieties under old Brahmaputra flood plain (AEZ-9) in Bangladesh. Tropical Agricultural Research & Extension. 25 (1): 2022. DOI:

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  12. Khomphet, T., Intana, W., Promwee, A. and Islam, S.S. 2022. Genetic variability, correlation, and path analysis of Thai commercial Melon varieties. International Journal of Agronomy. 2022:1-6. (Q2 journal; IF = 2.07)

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  13. Sarkar, M.J., Hasan, A.K., Islam, N., Yasmine, F., Islam, S.S. and Rashid, M.H. 2021. Evaluation of local, high yielding and hybrid transplanted aman rice varieties for phenology, grain morphology and yield. Fundamental and Applied Agriculture. 6(4): 415–426. DOI: 10.5455/faa.82922.

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  14. Islam, S.S., Hasan, A.K., Bhuiyan, M. M.R., Monshi, F.I., Begum, M., Tabassum, R. and Hoque, M. 2021. Maize-Chickpea Intercropping under Diverse Tillage Systems Enhance the Productivity and Economic Returns. World Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 17(6): 509-520. DOI: 10.5829/idosi.wjas.2021.509.520

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  15. Islam, S. S., Hasan, A.K., Khaldun, A. B. M., Nazir, N and Islam, S. 2021. Additive Main Effect and Multiplicative Interaction (AMMI) model analysis for yield performances and G×E Interaction in multi environmental trial of aromatic fine rice in Bangladesh. Journal of Cereal Research. 13(2):171-179. (IF=4.57)

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  16.  Islam, S.S., Kumar, S., Ali, B., Khaldun, A. B. M., Uddin, M.S., Latif Akanda, M. A. and Shohidullah, M.M. 2021. Genetic Diversity, Correlations and Path Coefficient Analysis among the F5 Populations of Brassica Species. Asian Journal of Advances in Agricultural Research. 16(2): 20-31.

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    1. Islam, S. S., Anothai, J., Nualsri, C., Soonsuwon, W. and Hasan, A. K. 2021. Determination of Upland Rice Cultivar Coefficient Specific Parameters for DSSAT (Version 4.7)-CERES-Rice Crop Simulation Model and Evaluation of the Crop Model under Different Temperature Treatments conditions. American Journal of Plant Sciences. 12(2021): 782-795. (IF-1.43)

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  17. Islam, S. S., Sanitchon, J. and Hasan, A.K. 2021. Rice phenology and growth simulation using DSSAT- CERES-Rice crop model under the different temperatures changing with climatic condition. International Journal of Agricultural Sciences and Technology. 1(2):1-11.

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  18. Islam, S. S., Anothai, J., Nualsri, C., Soonsuwon, W. and Hasan. A.K. 2021. Simulating upland rice yield at diverse temperatures using DSSAT4.7-CERES-Rice crop model under changing climatic Conditions.  Journal of Cereal Research. 13(1): 62-69.  http://doi. org/10.25174/2582-2675/2021/109954. (IF=4.57)

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  19. Islam, S. S., Anothai, J., Nualsri, C. and Soonsuwon, W. 2021. Evaluating DSSAT-CERES-Rice model using upland rice genotypes with different temperature stages under rainfed condition in Thailand. Journal of Agronomy. 20(2): 262-277 (IF=1.88)

  20. Islam, S. S., Anothai, J., Nualsri, C. and Soonsuwon, W. 2021. Correlation and path coefficient analysis studies of yield contributing traits in popular upland rice of Satun provinces in Thailand. Journal of Research on crops. 22 (2): 239-245. (IF=1.25)

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  21. Islam, S. S., Anothai, J., Nualsri, C. and Soonsuwon, W. 2020. Analysis of genotype-environment interaction and yield stability of Thai upland rice (Oryza sativa L.) genotypes using AMMI model. Australian journal of Crop Science.14(2):362-370. doi: 10.21475/ajcs.20.14.02.p1847. (IF=2.30)

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  22. Islam, S. S., Anothai, J., Nualsri, C. and Soonsuwon, W. 2021. A Review article on Genotype Environment Interaction and Yield Stability measures by Additive Main effect and Multiplicative Interaction (AMMI) statistical analysis. Journal of Agricultural Reviews. 27(2):1056-1064. 

  23. Islam, S. S., Anothai, J., Nualsri, C. and Soonsuwon, W. 2020. Correlation and path analysis of phenological traits of Thai upland rice genotypes in Southern Thailand. Songklanagarin Journal of Plant Science. 7(2):133-142. 

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  24. Islam, S. S., Anothai, J., Nualsri, C. and Soonsuwon, W. 2019. Genetic variability and cluster analysis for phenological traits of Thai indigenous upland rice (Oryza sativa L.). Indian Journal of Agricultural Research. 54(2):211-216. doi:10.18805/IJARe.A-46. (IF=1.24)

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  25. Islam, S. S., Karim, R.H.U., Chaniago, H. and Hossain, S. 2020. Yield performance of mungbean genotypes as influenced by herbicides with different weed management practices. Journal of Applied Agricultural Science and Technology. 4(2): 80-100.

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  26. Islam, S. S., Hasan, A. K., Karim, R., Islam, A and Rahman, A. 2018. Influence of variety and sowing dates on the yield attributes of boro season rice in aerobic condition. Asian Journal of Science and Technology. 9(2):7570-7575. (Indexing: Open Access journal; Impact factor: 2.94)

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    1. Islam, S.S., Begum, M.A. , Alam, M.M., Rahman, M.A. and Rahman, M.S. 2017. Performance of aerobic method on five boro rice varieties. International Journal of Sustainability on crop production. 12(1):1-9

    1. Islam, S. S., Roshid, A.M.O., Sikdar, S.S., Hasan, A. K. and Hossain, S. 2021. Growth and yield performance of aromatic fine rice as influenced by varieties and fertilizer managements. Journal of Applied Agricultural Science and Technology. 5(1): 1-12.

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    1. Islam, S.S., Haider, M.K., Islam, S. and Sarker, N.I. 2015. Determination of crop coefficient for Trans planted Aman rice.  International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences. 2(2015): 34-40

    1. Islam, S.S., Aktar, M. M., Amin, M.H.A., Kayes, M.O. and Alam, M.R. 2014. Performance of spacing and level of nitrogen on the yield and yield contributing characters of aromatic rice cv. Kalizira. Bangladesh Research Publications, Bangladesh. 9(3): 168-174

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    1. Islam, S. S., Amin, M.H.A., Parvin, S., Amanullah, A.S. and Ahsanullah, A.S.M. 2010. Effect of seedling number, seedling age and different nitrogen fertilizers on the growth and yield of transplant Aman rice cv. BRRI dhan 41. Bangladesh Research Publications, Bangladesh. 3(4):1204-1213

    1. Islam, S. S., Amin, M.H.A., Parvin, S., Amanullah, A.S. and Ahsanullah, A.S.M. 2009. Effect of pre and post emergence herbicides on the yield of Transplant aman rice. Bangladesh Research Publications, Bangladesh. 3(6): 1242-1252.

Conference Papers

  1. Rahman, M.R., Islam, S.S., Hossain, M.S., Billah, A.T.M., Rahman, R.B., Ruman, M.F., Rana, M., Sayeed, A., Aziz, M.A., Sarker, B.U. and Khomphet, T. 2022. Application of biochar in alleviating drought stress of wheat-Biochar research advancement in Bangladesh as a tools for future Agronomy and Agriculture 4.0. 21st conference, Bangladesh Society of Agronomy. Bangladesh Society of Agronomy, 05 November 2022. Page 46.

  2. Islam, S.S., Billah, A.T.M., Rahman, R.B., Ruman, M.F., Rana, M.R., Rahman, M., Sayeed, A., Aziz, M.A., Sarker, M.B.U. and Khomphet, T. 2022. Effect weed management with Trichoderma enriched biofertilizer application on growth and yield of mustard. Ist International Conference. Weed Science Society of Bangladesh, 21 May 2022. Page 24.

  3.  Islam, S. S. and Hasan, A. K. 2021. Analysis of BRRI Dhan34 (Aromatic) Rice Marketing Profitability with Supply Chain at Dinajpur District in Bangladesh. International conference on business and economic challenges. Oral presentation. Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University Dinajpur, Bangladesh. December 8, 2021.

    • Islam, S.S., Hasan, A. K., Khaldun, A. B. M., Arafat, A. C. and Alam. M. M. 2021. Impacts of vermicompost manure as a Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) for sustainable agriculture on boro rice Production in northern regions of Bangladesh. First Asian PGPR - Indonesia Chapter International e-Conference on Sustainable Agriculture & Eco-Tourism 28-30 August 2021. Udayana University, Bali, Indonesia. Page: 50 out of 300.

  4. Islam, S. S., Anothai, J., Nualsri, C. and Soonsuwon, W. 2019. Evaluation of DSSAT-CERES Rice model for simulating the impact of different temperatures on growth and yield of upland rice genotypes under changing climatic conditions. International Conference on Food and Agriculture Research (ICFAR)’ Marriot, Putrajaya, Organized by University of Putra Malaysia, Malaysia. Duration: November 22 – 24, 2019

  5. Islam, S. S., Hasan, A. K., Debnath, T and Islam, N.2019. Response of Wheat plant under system of Wheat intensification. The 7th International conference on Sustainable Agriculture, Food and Energy (SAFE 2019),18-21 October 2019. Phuket Rajabhat university, Thailand

  6. Islam, S. S., Hasan, A. K., Ymon, M. I., Begum, M. and Hoque, M. 2018. Genetic Gain in Yield and Associated Changes in Phenotype and Trait Plasticity of Bangladeshi Wheat Varieties Released till to-Date. Joint conference of the 8th international agriculture congress 2018 and 6th international symposium for food and agriculture 2018(8th IAC -6th ISFA 2018), Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia. Duration: 13-15 November 2018

  7. Islam, S. S., Anothai, J., Nualsri, C. and Soonsuwon, W. 2017. Analysis of G×E interaction using Additive Main effects and Multiplicative Interaction (AMMI) model for upland rice genotypes in Southern Thailand. The 11th Plant Science Conference. Department of Plant Science, Faculty of Natural Resources, Prince of Songkla University Pattani campus, Thailand. Duration: 18--20 September 2018

  8. Sikdar, S. I., Rahman, M., Islam, S.S. and Aktar, M. 2013. Screening of C-Hordein level among the cultivated varieties of Bangladesh. 36th Annual Conference. Bangladesh Chemical Society. Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University, Dinajpur, Bangladesh. 1st March 2013.


  1. Islam, S. S., Anothai, J., Nualsri, C. and Soonsuwon, W. Analysis of G×E interaction using Additive Main effects and Multiplicative Interaction (AMMI) for upland rice genotypes in Southern Thailand. The 5th Plant Science Symposium Conference. Department of Plant Science, Faculty of Natural Resources, Prince of Songkla University Hat Yai campus, Thailand. 14-15 August 2018 (oral presentation).


  1. Thailand’s Education Hub for ASEAN Countries (TEH-AC)

    Funded by: Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai campus, Thailand


  1. Silicon (SiO2) application on wheat to mitigate drought stress: An evaluation with the application of DSSAT (Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer) Crop model

    Funded by: Institute of Research and Training (IRT) funded by University Grand Commission (UGC),2022-2023

    Position: Principle Investigator (PI)

    Description: Wheat is a major cereal crop in Bangladesh. Over the last two decades, wheat consumption has passionately increased but production has declined due to various stress of environments. Drought stress causes a severe loss of wheat productivity in different growing regions. In Bangladesh, around 3.5 million ha of land are affected by drought stress. Water deficit at the critical growth stage causes a significant loss of yield. Drought stress affects every aspect of wheat growth from germination to maturity. It also hampers different metabolic processes like reduction in chlorophyll content and photosynthesis in the leaf of the wheat plant. Therefore, drought stress of climate change threatening the country’s food safety has become a serious concern. The stress can be mitigated by applying silicon micronutrients to enhance plant tolerance. Silicon increases drought tolerance in plants by maintaining plant water balance, photosynthetic activity, and erectness of leaves under high transpiration rates. Therefore, this research will examine how the DSSAT crop model can be used for yield forecasts and observe the effect of silicon micronutrients on wheat, under different soil moisture levels to mitigate drought stress, which will help the wheat growers to achieve maximum production in a drought stress situation.


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