Profile of Dr. S.M. Harun-ur-Rashid


Dr. S.M. Harun-ur-Rashid


Department of Pathology & Parasitology (PPS)

Faculty of Veterinary and Animal Science

Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science & Technology University, Dinajpur.


Mobile: +8801716837362


    Clinical Pathology, Field Disease Investigation, Postmortem Pathology, Biotechnology.


  1. Ph.D in Applied Biological Sciences, 2013

    Institute of Biological Sciences, University of Rajshahi

  2. M.Sc in Pathology, 1989

    Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh

  3. Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (D.V.M.), 1987

    Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh

  4. Higher Secondary Certificate (H.S.C.), 1984

    1st division, Rajshahi Board

  5. Secondary School Certificate (S.S.C.), 1982

    1st division, Rajshahi Board


  1. Director, Student Affairs and Advisory division
    Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University, Dinajpur-5200.

    March 01, 2016 to November 30, 2017

  2. Director, Finance (In Charge)
    Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University, Dinajpur-5200.

    June 01, 2011 to May 30, 2012

  3. Proctor
    Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University, Dinajpur-5200.

    October 01, 2009 to December 30, 2013

  4. Hall Super
    Shahid Taj Uddin Ahmed Hall, HSTU.

    August 01, 2008 to October 30, 2009

  5. Chairman
    Department of Pathology and Parasitology, Faculty of Veterinary and Animal Science,HSTU.

    January 01, 2008 to December 30, 2012

  6. Professor
    Department of Pathology and Parasitology, Faculty of Veterinary and Animal Science,HSTU.

    December 01, 2012 to Present

  7. Associate Professor
    Department of Pathology and Parasitology, Faculty of Veterinary and Animal Science,HSTU.

    September 01, 2010 to November 30, 2012

  8. Assistant Professor
    Department of Pathology and Parasitology, Faculty of Veterinary and Animal Science,HSTU.

    September 01, 2008 to August 30, 2010

  9. Associate Professor
    Department of Pathology and Parasitology, Dinajpur Government Veterinary College, Dinajpur.

    September 01, 2004 to August 30, 2008

  10. Assistant Professor
    Department of Pathology and Parasitology, Dinajpur Government Veterinary College, Dinajpur.

    August 01, 2002 to August 30, 2004

  11. Veterinary Surgeon (BCS Livestock)
    Department of Livestock Services, Bangladesh

    September 01, 1992 to July 30, 2002

  12. Research Fellow
    Department of Pathology, BAU, Mymensing, Bangladesh

    October 01, 1991 to August 30, 1992


Journal Papers

  1.   K.D. Mostari, K.M. Al-Noman, S.M.H. Rashid, M.A. Haque and M.G. Azam (2020). Study on Status of Cattle Diseases in Relation to Age, Sex and Season at Debidwar, Bangladesh. IOSR Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science, 13(1):55-65.

  2. R. Khatun, M. Azam, M. Islam, M. Akther, & S.M.H. Rashid,  (2022). Prevalence and pathology of colibacillosis in broiler farms at Dinajpur Sadar Upazila. Bangladesh Veterinarian, 38(1-2), 10–16.

  3. M. G. Rahman, S. M.H. Rashid, M. H. Ali, & M. G. Azam (2021). Investigation of different parasites of farmed pigeons at Dinajpur Sadar Upazila. International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, 32(1), 144-155.

  4. A.A. Omar, S.M.H. Rashid, M.H. Ali, and B.A. Mohamed (2021) Prevalence of BovineTuberculosis in Sheep at Sadar and Parbatipur Upazila under Dinajpur District in Bangladesh. Open Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 11, 315-326.

  5. S.M.H. Rashid, M.I. Hossain, Mosleuddin, M.G.S. Alam, M. Masuduzzaman, and A.K.M. Fazlul Haque. Gynaecopathological disorders in rural buffaloes of Bangladesh. The Bangladesh Veterinarian, 11(1-2):41-44, (1994).

  6. M. Khatun, M.A. Awal, M. Mostofa and S.M.H. Rashid. Comparative efficacy of pine apple leaves with Fenbendazole against gastrointesinal nematodes in goats. Bangladesh Veterinary Journal, 29(1-4):75-78, (1995).

  7. M.K. Hossain, M.M. Amin, M.R.S. khan, M. Ahmed and S.M.H. Rashid. Control of infectious bursal disease in Bangladesh. Journal of Animal Science, 32(1-2):65-70, (2003)..

  8. M.K. Hossain, M.M. Amin, M.S.R. Khan, M.R.R. Sarker, Y. Akhter and S.M.H. Rashid. Local field isolates of Infectious Bursal Disease Virus (IBDV) in Bangladesh can induce higher immune response in chicken than that of the commercially available IBDV vaccines. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 3(2): 112-114, (2004).

  9. M.A. Jalil, M.M. Rahman, S.M.H. Rashid, M.R.I. Akanda, M.M. Rahman and M.R.R. Sarker. Effects of Dicalcium phosphate (DCP) and vitamin-D on heamoto-biochemical parameters and growth perfoermance in broiler chicks. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 3(7): 459-462, (2004).

  10. S.M.H. Rashid, M.I. Hossain, M. Khatun, M.G.S. Alam and M.K. Hossain. A slaughter house study on gynaecopathological disorders in buffaloes cows. The Bangladesh Veterinarian, 22(1):34-37, (2005).

  11. M.M. Rahman, Zaed, U.M. Khan and S.M.H. Rashid. Evaluation of the efficacy of a Bacterin against Salmonella gallinarum infection. Journal of Animal and Veterinary advances, 4(3):332-334, (2005).

  12. M.J.U. Sarder and S.M.H. Rashid. Effect of feed quality on reproductive and productive performance of cross-bred dairy cows in rural area of Bangladesh. Journal of Bio-Science, 13:45-54, (2005).

  13. R. Islam, S.M.H. Rashid, M.K. Hussain and M. Rahman. Effects of haematinics on body weight and some haematological values in sheep and goats. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology 7(4):582-584, (2008).

  14. M.N. Islam, S.M.H. Rashid, M.F. Hoque, M.T. Rahaman and M.S.B. Juli. Pathological and therapeutical investigation of poultry diseases encountered at Dinajpur district of Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Progressive Science and Technology, 6(2): 523-528, (2008).

  15. M.N. Islam, S.M.H. Rashid, M.F. Hoque, M.S.B. Juli and M. Khatun. Pathogenicity of IBDV related to outbreaks in the vaccinated flocks and the causes of vaccination failure. Journal of Innovation and Development Strategy, 2(3): 22-30, (2008).

  16. S.M.H. Rashid, M. Khatun, M.S.B. Juli, and M.N. Islam. Clinical investigation of Buffalo diseases in Dinajpur district of Bangladesh. International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Technology, 5 (4): 109-112, (2009).

  17. M.N. Islam, S.M.H. Rashid, M.S.B. Juli, M.F. Hoque3, and M. Khatun. Pneumomycosis in chickens: Clinical, Pathological and Therapeutical Investigation. International Journal of Sustainable Crop Production, 4(3):16-21, (2009).

  18. M.N. Islam, S.M.H. Rashid, M.S.B. Juli, M.R. Akter, and M. Khatun. Necrotic enteritis in chickens: Pathological, Bacteriological and Therapeutical Investigation. International Journal of Sustainable Crop Production, 4(3):1-7, (2009).

  19. S.M.H. Rashid, M.F. Hoque, M.M. I slam, M.N. Islam, and M. Khatun. Clinical study of goat diseases encountered at Dinajpur district veterinary hospital of Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Progressive Science and Technology, 9 (1): 65-68, (2011).

  20. M.G. Mostofa, M.M. Rahman, M.F. Hoque, S.M.H. Rashid and D.S.A.A. Maruf. Diarrhoea due to Escherichia coli in Zebu and Cross breed calves and its public health significance. Bangladesh Journal of Progressive Science and Technology, 9 (1): 69-72, (2011).

  21. M.F. Hoque, S.M.H. Rashid, D.S.A.A Maruf, and M.A. Hossain. An observation on bio-security measures taken at some commercial poultry farms (broiler and layer) of Naogaon District. Bangladesh Journal of Progressive Science and Technology, 9 (1): 73-76, (2011).

  22. P. Basak, S.M.H. Rashid, M.N. Islam, M.M. Islam, and M. Hossain. Pathological investigation of liver of slaughtered cattle in Dinajpur District of Bangladesh. Bangladesh Research Publication Journal, 5 (2): 86-91, (2011).

  23. M.A. Salam, S.M.H. Rashid, M.F. Hoque, M.M. Islam, and M. F. Hossain. Study of pathological conditions encountered in small scale commercial broiler farms at sadar upazilla of Dinajpur district of Bangladesh. Bangladesh Research Publication Journal, 5 (2): 111-116, (2011).

  24. M.S.B. Juli, M.F. Hoque, B.F. Zohra, S.M.H. Rashid, M.N. Islam, M.S. Rahman, and H.J. Song. Dermatopathology in respect to bovine cutaneous streptothricosis with clinical observations at Dinajpur of Bangladesh. Korean Journal of Veterinary Services, 34 (1): 55-61, (2011).

  25. Mohammad Abu Sayed Khan, Md. Nazrul Islam, S.M.Harun-ur-Rashid and Mir Rowshan Akhter. Winterfield 2512 g-61 Strain of IBDV Vaccine (CEVACIBDL) Showed Reduced Pathogenicity in Commercial Chickens. Journal of Microbes and Health. 1(2):21-25, (2012).

  26. M.M.Islam, S.S. Khanam, S.M.H. Rashid and M.N. Islam. Prevalence and Pathology of Demodectic mange in stray dogs in Bangladesh. Journal of Science and Technology,11: 118-121, (2013).

  27. S.Sultana, S.M.H. Rashid, M.N.Islam, M.M.Islam and M.G.Azam. Pathological Investigation of Avian Aspergillosis in commercial broiler chicken at Chittagong district. International Journal of Innovation and Aplied studies, 10(1): 366-376, (2015).

  28. Md Manik Hossain, Md Shahadat Hossain, Md Tareq Mussa, S.M.H. Rashid and Md Nazrul Islam. Pathological conditions of avian coccidiosis in the small scale commercial broiler farms in Dinajpur district. Research in Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, 3(3):425-431 (2016).

  29. Md. Mahabub Hasan, Md. Shahadat Hossain, Md. Tareq Mussa, Md. Raihan Nabi, Md. Muklesur Rahman and S.M.H. Rashid. Pathological investigation of diseases in Sonali cross bred at Joypurhat district, Bangladesh. International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 4(1): 11-18 (2017).

  30. Mahfuza Akther, Md. Nazrul Islam, Md. Haydar Ali, S.M. Harun-ur-Rashid and Md. Anowarul Haque. Pathoprevalence of infectious diseases of goat emphasizing on endoparasitic lesions at Dinajpur Sadar. Asian Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 3(2):254-266, (2017).


  1. Seroprevalence of PPR in Sheep at Dinajpur District

    Funded by: IRT, HSTU

    Position: Supervisor.

    Description: 2017-2018

  2. Prevalence of Bovine Tuberculosis in Sheep at Dinajpur District

    Funded by: IRT, HSTU

    Position: Supervisor.

    Description: 2017-2018

  3. Status of Bovine tuberculosis in the northern area of Bangladesh.

    Funded by: UGC, Bangladesh

    Position: Supervisor.

    Description: 2016-2017

  4. Epidemiological study on the impact of ticks and tick-borne pathogens in different cattle breeds in the south-west part of Bangladesh.

    Funded by: MOST, Bangladesh

    Position: Supervisor.

    Description: 2013-2014

  5. The Bionomics and management of Ticks (Acarina Ixodiae) and the pathogens transmitted to livestock in north-eastern barind area of Bangladesh.

    Funded by: UGC, Bangladesh

    Position: Supervisor.

    Description: 2012

  6. Prevalence of Ascariasis in calf at Dinajpur District

    Funded by: IRT, HSTU.

    Position: Supervisor.

    Description: 2012-2013

  7. Pathological investigation of bovine tuberculosis in Dinajpur District of Bangladesh.

    Funded by: IRT, HSTU

    Position: Supervisor.

    Description: 2011-2012


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