Profile of Dr. Tahera Yeasmin

Dr. Tahera Yeasmin
Department of Dairy & Poultry Science (DPS)
Faculty of Veterinary and Animal Science
Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science & Technology University, Dinajpur.
Mobile: +8801711469301
- Primary: To develop the country by performing professional duties with impartiality, justice and devotion;.......................
Secondary: Prof. Dr. Tahera Yeasmin has 38 years of extensive experience in teaching, research, and administration in poultry science. She has taught numerous undergraduate and postgraduate courses and leads several research programs. Dr. Yeasmin has published 37 significant research articles in various international and national journals. She has successfully supervised 34 MS national and international students from diverse backgrounds and is currently supervising 10 more. Additionally, she has completed 18 research projects funded by various agencies and has traveled to 6 countries (France, China, Australia, Turney, Egypt, India) for professional activities. Dr. Yeasmin holds life memberships in the Krishibid Institution of Bangladesh (KIB), the World Poultry Science Association (WAPSA), and One Health Bangladesh.......................
Background info:
Origin: Village: Aramnagar, Post: Sarishabari, Upazila: Sarishabari, District: Jamalpur, Bangladesh
Religion: Islam
Parents: : Late Dr. Bhaijan Ali Sarker, Late Zohra Khatun
Spouse name: Lt. Col. (Dr.) Mosaddeque Billah (Rtd.), AMC.
- Animal protein, Poultry Nutrition, Poultry product development, Sustainable farm management, Poultry production, Poultry Genetics and Breeding
- Post Doc, 2011
Department of Poultry Science, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Bangladesh Agricultural University
- PhD in Poultry Genetics and Breeding, 2003
Department of Poultry Science, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Bangladesh Agricultural University
- M.Sc in Poultry Science, 1983
Department of Poultry Science, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Bangladesh Agricultural University
- B.Sc. in Animal Husbandry (Hon’s), 1982
Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh.
- Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC), 1978
Sarishabari Govt. College, Jamalpur, Dhaka Board
- Secondary School Certificate (SSC), 1974
Sarishabari Girls High School, Jamalpur, Dhaka Board
- Chairman
Department of Dairy and Poultry Science, Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology UniversityFebruary 15, 2023 to Present
- Member, Planning and Purchase Committee
Department of Dairy and Poultry Science, Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology UniversityFebruary 15, 2023 to Present
- Member, Self Assessment Committee
Faculty of Veterinary and Animal Science, Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology UniversityFebruary 15, 2023 to Present
- Member, Selection committee
Department of Dairy and Poultry Science, Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology UniversityFebruary 15, 2023 to Present
- Member, Academic Council
Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University, Dinajpur-5200February 15, 2023 to Present
- Chairman, Academic committee
Department of Dairy and Poultry Science, Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology UniversityFebruary 15, 2023 to Present
- Dean
Faculty of Veterinary and Animal science, Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology UniversityFebruary 13, 2021 to February 12, 2023
- Chairman
Department of Dairy and Poultry Science, Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology UniversityFebruary 23, 2017 to February 22, 2020
- Chairman
Department of Dairy and Poultry Science, Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology UniversityAugust 22, 2008 to December 21, 2010
- Hall Super
Ladies Hostel, Dinajpur Government Veterinary College, Dinajpur, BangladeshJanuary 01, 2003 to January 01, 2005
- Professor
Department of Dairy and Poultry Science, Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology UniversityDecember 12, 2015 to Present
- Associate Professor
Department of Dairy and Poultry Science, Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology UniversityDecember 11, 2011 to December 11, 2015
- Assistant Professor
Department of Dairy and Poultry Science, Dinajpur Government Veterinary College, BangladeshAugust 21, 2008 to December 10, 2011
- Assistant Professor
Department of Dairy and Poultry Science, Dinajpur Government Veterinary College, BangladeshAugust 26, 2002 to August 20, 2008
- Technical Consultant
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), FAO Representation in Bangladesh.January 01, 2023 to January 01, 2024
- Research Fellow
Bangladesh Chemical and Biological Society of North America (BCBSNA), BangladeshAugust 24, 1996 to June 17, 1997
- Technical Officer
Agro Serve NGOFebruary 25, 1989 to July 31, 1996
- Research Fellow
Bangladesh Agricultural University, MymensinghJanuary 01, 1986 to December 31, 1988
Journal Papers
Presenter: Dr. Yeasmin
Presented a paper on “Effects of autosomal dwarf gene on growth and shank length of chicken”. 23rd World’s Poultry Congress, Brisbane, Australia, 30 June to 4 July, 2008.
Presenter: Dr. Yeasmin
Presented a paper on “Investigation on the effects of incorporated autosomal dwarf gene on egg weight, fertility, hatchability and chick weight in local chicken in Bangladesh.” third international poultry conference Hurghada, Egypt, April 4 to 7, 2005.
Khatun A, Salma U, Yeasmin T, Amin NN, Sabuz SH, Habib MA, Rahman M, Jha JK, and Jaman A,(2024). Determination of the risk factors of slaughter houses and butcher shops in public health, Eur. J. Med. Health Sci., 6(2), 50-56.
Jaman, M. A., Khatun, A., Yeasmin, T., Zohara, B. F., & Islam, M. F. (2023). Evaluation of Meat Processing Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice with Socio-Economic Condition Analysis of Butchers. Ecol. J. 5 (2) : 127-133.
Jaman, M. A., Yeasmin, T., Zohara, B. F., & Islam, M. F. (2023). Assessment of Risk Factors of EcoFriendly and Sustainable Beef Fattening in the Northern Part of Bangladesh. Asian Journal of Research in Animal and Veterinary Sciences, 6(4), 457-471.
Yeasmin T, Islam MK, and Jaman MA. (2023). Efficacy of star gooseberry (Phyllanthusacidus L.) feed additive on the performance of broilers with serum biochemical profile. Int. J. Agric. Vet. Sci., 5(6), 155- 163.
Yeasmin, T., Jaman, M. A., Uzzal, H., &Rahman M. G. (2023). Impact of betaine on the performance and specific haemato-biochemical parameters in heat-stress exposed broiler chickens. Journal of Istanbul Veterinary Sciences, 7(3), 154-162.
Ali, A. H., Yeasmin, T., Mohamed, Y. A., Mohamud, A. I., & Mishra, P. (2021). Evaluation of dietary supplementation of fenugreek seed (Trigonellafoenum-graecum L.) as a growth promoter in broiler diet and its impacts on growth performance, carcass quality and cost effectiveness. Journal of Istanbul Veterinary Sciences, 5(1), 6-12.
Hasan, M. N; Rabbani, M. A. G. Yeasmin T; Hasan, M. and Rashid, M. H. O. 2019. A Comparative Study of Carcass Characteristics and Meat Quality Traits of Breast Muscle Between Broiler And cockerel Chicken. International Journal of Poultry Science, 18(3).
Hasan, M.N; Yeasmin, T; Azad, A.K; Salahuddin, M; Yousuf, A; Rahman, S.M; Akter, S; Sakib, N; Khatun, M; and Billah, M. 2018. Evaluation of Nutrient Composition And Quality of Meats Derived From Different Species Consumed In Bangladesh. Journal of Meat Science and Technology, 25-29.
Hasan, M.N; Yeasmin, T; Azad, A.K; Salahuddin, M; Yousuf, A; Rahman, S.M; Akter, S; Sakib, N; Khatun, M; and Billah, M.2017. Strategic lighting and rest for ethical poultry production in Bangladesh and its impact evaluation on the performance of commercial Broilers. Asian Journal of Science And Technology, 8(11):6341-6344.
Islam, M.S.; Deb, G.K; Nurunnahar, T;Ershaduzzaman,Md; Habib,M.A; Yousuf Ali Md.;Kabir, M.H; Yousuf, M.A; Afroz,M.F; and Yeasmin, T. 2017. Identification of possible causes of repeat breeding in dairy cows at Baghabari milk shed areas, Sirajgonj, Bangladesh. Asian Journal of Medical Biological Research,3(2):186-190.
Islam, M.S.; Sarker, N.R.; Habib, M.A.; Yousuf Ali Md.; and Yeasmin, T. 2017. Effect of different soil types on growth and production of Napier-4 at the Regional Station of BLRI.Asian Journal of Medical Biological Research,3(2):182-185
Ali, J; Yeasmin, T;Yousuf Ali Md.; Sharmin, M.M.; and Afroz, M.F. 2017. Dietary effect of mushroom (Agaricusbisporus) powder on growth performance of commercial broiler. Asian-Australasian Journal of Bioscience and Biotechnology, 2(1):120-127.
Parvin, E; Khatun, M.A; Yeasmin,T. and Sharmin, M.M. 2016. Efficacy of exogenous phytase supplementation on production performance of commercial broiler. Bangladesh Journal of Animal Science. 45 (3): 31-39.
Yeasmin,T and Howlider, M.A.R; Kamruzzaman, M. and Khatun, A. 2014. Effect of autosomal dwarf gene to egg weight, fertility hatchability and chick weight. International journal of business, social,& scientific research. 2(1): 35-38.
Islam,M.R; Yeasmin,T; Sharmin M.M and Lucky N.J. 2014. Comparative study of the performance of Cobb 500 and Hubbard classic broiler strains under farm condition. Journal of science and technology. JST/12. 18-25.
Yeasmin, T. and Howlider, M.A.R. 2013. Effects Of Autosomal Dwarf Gene On Growth And Shank Length Of Chicken. The Bangladesh Veterinarian, 30 (1) :25-32.
Islam, M.R.; Yeasmin, T.; Sharmin, M.M. and Lucky N.J. 2014. Comparative Study On The Performance Cobb500 And Hubbard Classic Broiler Strain Under Farm Condition. Journal of Science & Technology, 12 (6):18-25.
Kamruzzaman, M.; Khatun ,M.A.;Islam, M.S.; Rahman, M.Z. and Yeasmin, T.2014. Effect of Dietary Mulberry Leaf Meal on Egg Quality of Laying Hens. Journal of Science & Technology, 12 (6):12-17.
Mondal, M.A; Yeasmin, T; Karim, R; NurealamSiddqui,M; Raihanun-Nabi, S.M; Sayed, M.A and Siddiky, M.N.A. 2015. Effect of dietary supplementation of Turmeric (Curcuma longa) powder on the growth performance and carcass traits of Broiler chicks. SARRC Journal of Agriculture,13(1):188-199.
Hai, M. A.; Mahiuddin, M.; Howlider, M.A.R. and Yeasmin, T. 2008. Pattern and problem of poultry consumption by the rural and urban family of FulbariaUpazilla. Journal of Bangladesh Agricultural University, 6 (2):307-313.
Yeasmin, T; Ahammad, M.U; Rahman, M.S. and Howlider, M.A.R. 2005. Investigation on Effects of Incorporated Autosomal Dwarf Gene on egg weight, fertility, hatchability and chick weight in local chicken of Bangladesh. Proceedings of 3rd International Poultry Conference 4-7 April 2005. Hurghada, Egypt.
Ahammad, M. U; Mahmud, M. R.; Bulbul, S. M. and Yeasmin, T. 2005. Effect of Oystershell, Limestone and calcium premix on egg shell and egg quality of laying hens. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 75 (7): 823-826.
Yeasmin, T and Howlider, M.A.R. 2004. Effects of autosomal dwarf gene on growth and shank length of chicken. The Bangladesh Veterinarian, 21(2).
Yeasmin, T and Howlider, M.A.R. 2004. Autosomal dwarfism and reproduction fitness of fowl. The Bangladesh Veterinarian 21 (2): 109-113.
Yeasmin, T and Howlider, M.A.R. 2003. Effects of Incorporating Dwarf gene on egg production and egg quality of chicken. Proceedings of 3rd International poultry show and seminar organized by World’s Poultry Science Association, Bangladesh Branch held from 28 February to 2 March 2003 at Dhaka, Bangladesh.
12. Ahammad, M.U.; Swapon, M.S.R and Yeasmin, T. 2003. Replacement of Fishmeal by Duckweed (Lemna minor) in Broiler Diet. Pakistan Journal of Biological Science, 6 (16): 1450-1453.
Yeasmin, T.; Howlider, M.A.R and Ahammad, M.U. 2003. Effect of introgressing autosomal dwarf gene form Bangladesh indigenous chicken to exotic breeds on egg production. International Journal of Poultry Science, 2(4): 264-266.
10. Howlider, M.A.R and Yeasmin, T. 2001. Autosomal dwarfism and Egg Production Performance of Fowl. Proceeding of the First South Asian Regional Poultry Conference, held at Pune, India. 26-28 September, 2001 Vol. 1.
Yeasmin T. and Howlider, M.A.R. 1998. Assessment of Comparative Physical Features. Egg Production Egg Quality Characteristics of Normal and Dwarf Indigenous (Deshi) Hens of Bangladesh. Journal of Applied Animal Research, 13(1&2): 191-196.
Yeasmin, T. 1997. Synthesizing Dwarf Egg Type Chickens Utilizing Local Dwarf Gene of Bangladesh. BCBSNA News Latter, 7(4): 6.
Islam, M.N.; Yeasmin, T.; Islam, M.S. and Howlider, M.A.R. 1994. Effect of using sunfac in the diet of broilers. Bangladesh Journal of Animal Sciences, 23(1): 133-137.
Hossain, M.J.; Salahuddin, M.; Jalil, M.A.; Yeasmin, T.; Paul, D.C. and Canda, G.C. 1994. Meat composition of indigenous pigeons as influenced by sex, age and seasons. Asian-Australian Journal of Animal Sciences, 67(3): 321-324.
Salahuddin, M.; Yeasmin, T and Howlider, M.A.R 1993. Egg weight, fertility and hatchability in free range native Bangladeshi chicken. Bangladesh Journal of Training and Development, 8(1-2): 99-102.
Ali, M.I.; Wahid, M.A.; Howlider, M.A.R and Yeasmin, T. 1992. Reproduction and growth of Rhode Island Red (RIR), Fayoumi (FO) and RIR x FO hens in Bangladesh Poultry Adviser, 26(4): 47-50
Islam, M.A.; Yeasmin, T.; and Howlider, M.A.R. 1992. The effects of day old weight on the growth and dressing yield of broilers. Poultry Guide, 29(11): 89-91.
Bhuiya, M.K.R; Yeasmin, T.; Howlider, M.A.R and Bulbul, S.M. 1992. Use of calf manure as a feed ingredient for growing chicken. Poultry Adviser, 25 (1-2): 29-35
Yeasmin, T.; Husain, S.S and Hamid, M.A. 1992. Investigation on the qualities of eggs of different genetic groups of birds in different seasons. Bangladesh Journal of Animal Sciences. 21(1-2): 29-35.
Conference Papers
Presenter: Dr. Yeasmin
Presented a paper on “Autosomal dwarfism and egg production performance of fowl”. 25th World’s Poultry Congress Beijing, China, 5-9 September 2016.
Presenter: Dr. Yeasmin
Presented a paper on “Effect of cassava tuber and leaf meal on the growth and production of broiler”. 18th European symposium on Poultry Nutrition (ESPN) Cesme, Ismir, Turkey, 31 October to 4 November 2011.
Presenter: Dr. Yeasmin
Presented a paper on “Effects of autosomal dwarf gene on growth and egg production of localchickens in Bangladesh.” 13th European Poultry Conference, Tours, France, 23 to 27 August, 2010.
Presenter: Dr. Yeasmin
Presented a paper on “Effect of Introgressing Dwarf gene on egg production and egg quality of chicken” held at Third International Poultry Show and seminar, organized by World’s Poultry Science Association, Bangladesh branch (WPSA-BB), February 28 to March 2, 2003.
Prsenter: Dr. Yeasmin
Presented a paper on “Autosomal Dwarfism and egg production performance of foul” held at First SAARC conference, Pune, India, 26 to 28 September 2001.
- Supplement of Natural Ascorbic Acid on Growth Performance & Serum Biochemical Values in Broiler Chickens Exposed to Heat Stress
Funded by: Institute of Research and Technology, HSTU, Year: 2023-24
Position: Project Investigator
Description: Supplement of Natural Ascorbic Acid on Growth Performance & Serum Biochemical Values in Broiler Chickens Exposed to Heat Stress
- Potential Effects of Mango Seed Kernel (Magniferindica L) and Vit-B Complex on Growth Performance and Hemato-BiochemicalParameter in Broiler
Funded by: Institute of Research and Technology, HSTU, Year: 2022-23
Position: Project Investigator
Description: Potential Effects of Mango Seed Kernel (Magniferindica L) and Vit-B Complex on Growth Performance and Hemato-BiochemicalParameter in Broiler
- Combined Effect of Ginger and Black Tea powder on antioxidant status and the Production Performance of Broilers
Funded by: University Grants Commission, Bangladesh, Year: 2022-23
Position: Project Investigator
Description: Combined Effect of Ginger and Black Tea powder on antioxidant status and the Production Performance of Broilers
- Serum biochemical profile and performance of broiler chickens feed ration enriched with star gooseberry (phyllanthusacidus I)
Funded by: Institute of Research and Technology, HSTU, Year: 2021-22
Position: Project Investigator
Description: Serum biochemical profile and performance of broiler chickens feed ration enriched with star gooseberry (phyllanthusacidus I)
- Dietary effect of tamarind (Tamarindussindica) seed powder as a replacer of antibiotic and antioxidant on the production performance of broiler
Funded by: Institute of Research and Technology, HSTU, Year: 2020-21
Position: Project Investigator
Description: Dietary effect of tamarind (Tamarindussindica) seed powder as a replacer of antibiotic and antioxidant on the production performance of broiler
- Dietary effect of different levels of honey on productive performance of broiler during summer season
Funded by: Ministry of Science and Technolohy, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, year: 2019-20
Position: Project Investigator
Description: Dietary effect of different levels of honey on productive performance of broiler during summer season
- Dietary effect of Fenigreek (Trigonellafoneumgraecum) as a growth promoter on the performance of broiler
Funded by: Institute of Research and Technology, HSTU, Year: 2019-20
Position: Project Investigator
Description: Dietary effect of Fenigreek (Trigonellafoneumgraecum) as a growth promoter on the performance of broiler
- Use of mushroom (Aguricusbisporus) extract as a replacer of antibiotic and antioxidant on the performance of broiler.
Funded by: University Grants Commission, Bangladesh, Year: 2018-19
Position: Project Investigator
Description: Use of mushroom (Aguricusbisporus) extract as a replacer of antibiotic and antioxidant on the performance of broiler.
- Dietary effect of black cumin (Nigella sativa) seed powder as a replacerof antibiotic and antioxidant on the performance of layer chicken and isolation identification and characterization of infection bursal disease virus
Funded by: Ministry of Science and Technolohy, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, Year: 2018-19
Position: Project Investigator
Description: Dietary effect of black cumin (Nigella sativa) seed powder as a replacerof antibiotic and antioxidant on the performance of layer chicken and isolation identification and characterization of infection bursal disease virus
- The effect of black tea leaves on reduction of cholesterol level on broiler
Funded by: Institute of Research and Technology, HSTU, Year: 2018-19
Position: Project Investigator
Description: The effect of black tea leaves on reduction of cholesterol level on broiler
- Dietary effect of moringa (Moringaoleifera) leaf powder as a replacer of antibiotic and antioxidant on performance of broiler
Funded by: Ministry of Science and Technolohy, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, Year: 2017-18
Position: Project Investigator
Description: Dietary effect of moringa (Moringaoleifera) leaf powder as a replacer of antibiotic and antioxidant on performance of broiler
- Combined Dietary effect of Garlic and Ginger as a replacer of antibiotic and antioxidant on the performance of broiler
Funded by: Institute of Research and Technology, HSTU, Year: 2017-18
Position: Project Investigator
Description: Combined Dietary effect of Garlic and Ginger as a replacer of antibiotic and antioxidant on the performance of broiler
- Potential effect of different levels of betaine on the production performance of broilers
Funded by: University Grants Commission, Bangladesh, Year: 2016-17
Position: Project Investigator
Description: Potential effect of different levels of betaine on the production performance of broilers
- Dietary effect of Garlic (Allium Sativam) powder as a replacer of antibiotic on the performance of broiler
Funded by: Ministry of Science and Technolohy, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, year: 2016-17
Position: Project Investigator
Description: Dietary effect of Garlic (Allium Sativam) powder as a replacer of antibiotic on the performance of broiler
- Use of Mushroom as an antioxidant, anticoccidial and growth promoter in broiler production and development of least- cost balanced ration with locally available feed ingredients for dairy animal using feed master android software
Funded by: Ministry of Science and Technolohy, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, year: 2015-16
Position: Project Investigator
Description: Use of Mushroom as an antioxidant, anticoccidial and growth promoter in broiler production and development of least- cost balanced ration with locally available feed ingredients for dairy animal using feed master android software
- Effect of Ginger root powder (Zinger official) supplementation of broiler chicks performance
Funded by: Institute of Research and Technology, HSTU, Year: 2015-16
Position: Project Investigator
Description: Effect of Ginger root powder (Zinger official) supplementation of broiler chicks performance
- Dietary effect of garlic as a replacer of antibiotic on the performance of broiler
Funded by: Institute of Research and Technology, HSTU, Year: 2013-14
Position: Project Investigator
Description: Dietary effect of garlic as a replacer of antibiotic on the performance of broiler
- Dietary effect of turmeric as a replacer of antibiotic on the performance of broiler
Funded by: Institute of Research and Technology, HSTU, Year: 2012-13
Position: Project Investigator
Description: Dietary effect of turmeric as a replacer of antibiotic on the performance of broiler