Profile of Dr. Md. Tariqul Islam

Dr. Md. Tariqul Islam
Department of Horticulture (HRT)
Faculty of Agriculture
Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science & Technology University, Dinajpur.
Mobile: +8801716017557
- To become an ideal teacher as well as a good researcher
- safe fruit production, molecular biology
- Post-doctoral Fellow, 2017
Fruit Research Division, National Institute of Horticultural & Herbal Science, RDA, South Korea
- Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in Agronomy in Horticulture, Pass, 2013
Yeungnam University, South Korea
- Master of Science (MS) in Horticulture, 1st Class, 2004
Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2202
- Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (B.Sc.Ag) (Honours), 1st Class, 2002
She-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka-1207
- Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC), 1st Division, 1994
Govt. Goal e Afroz College, Singra, Natore
- Secondary School Certificate (SSC), 1st Division, 1992
Shaghata Pilot High School, Shaghata, Gaibandha
- Executive member
HSTU teachers associationFebruary 22, 2024 to Present
- Chairman
Department of HorticultureMay 13, 2021 to May 12, 2024
- Professor
Department of Horticulture, Faculty of agriculture, HSTU, Dinajpur-5200May 15, 2017 to Present
- Associate professor
Department of Horticulture, Faculty of agriculture, HSTU, Dinajpur-5200May 15, 2013 to May 14, 2017
- Assistant professor
Department of Horticulture, Faculty of agriculture, HSTU, Dinajpur-5200January 15, 2008 to May 14, 2013
- Lecturer
Department of Horticulture, Faculty of agriculture, HSTU, Dinajpur-5200May 15, 2005 to May 14, 2008
- Director
Institute of Research & Training (IRT), HSTU, Dinajpur-5200January 18, 2019 to October 07, 2021
- Director
Student advisory & counseling section, HSTU, Dinajpur-5200January 13, 2018 to January 17, 2019
- Assistant Director
Student affairs and counseling section, HSTU, Dinajpur-5200February 13, 2017 to July 02, 2017
- Asst. Hall Super
Sheikh Fajilatunnesa Mujib Hall, HSTU, Dinajpur-5200October 03, 2013 to July 02, 2017
- Director (Transport)
Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University (HSTU), Dinajpur, BangladeshMarch 15, 2007 to August 19, 2010
- General Secretary
Teacher officer club, HSTU, DinajpurMay 15, 2007 to August 16, 2010
- Member
Korean Society of Horticultural ScienceMay 15, 2012 to Present
- Member
Bangladeh Krishibid InstituttionMay 15, 2002 to Present
Journal Papers
M.T. Islam*, Mosa. Sumi Aktar, Mosa. Lajina Begum and Md. Atikur Rahman. 2024. Effect of pre-harvest nutrients and packaging on quality, antioxidants and enzymatic activity of ‘Haribhanga’ mango during ambient storage.Int. J. Postharvest Technology and Innovation, Vol. 9, No.3, pp 208-231.
Read MoreM.A. Imran, M.H. Rahman*, M.T. Islam and M.S. Hossain. 2023. Effect of pre-harvest fruit bagging on biotic stresses and postharvest quality of banana. Journal of Applied Horticulture, 2023, 25(2): 194-198.
Read MoreA Khatun, M Ahmed, M S Uddin, M H Rahman, M. T. Islam*. 2024. On tree nutrients spray and bagging influenced the quality and postharvest physiology of mango (cv. Amrapali) at ambient storage . Plant Physiology Reports.29: 367-384.
Read MoreBegum, M.L., Ahmed, M., Rahman, M.A., Rahman, M.H., Afrin, M.S., Akter,N., M.T Islam *. 2023. Changes of postharvest nutritional quality and antioxidant enzymes in ‘Haribhanga’ mango by aloe vera gel with chitosan and coconut oil coating during ambient storage. Journal of Horticultural Research. 31(2):79-96.
Read MoreBegum, M.L., Ahmed, M., Rahman, M.A., M.T. Islam *. 2023. Pre-harvest bagging and ambient storage influenced fruit quality and post-harvest physiology of mango (cv. Gopalbhog). Plant Physiolology Reports. 28: 607-619.
Read MoreL. Ali, M. A. Rahman, M.H. Rahman, M.L. Begum, M. Rukunuzzaman, M.T. Islam*. 2023. Effect of pre-harvest fruit bagging on the quality of Gopalbhog mango. Journal of Science and Technology 21 (June 2023): 12-22
Read More
M. S. Hossain, K. Ramachandraiah, R. Hasan, R. Islam Chowdhury, K. A. Kanan, S. Ahmed, M. A. Ali, M. T. Islam and M. Ahmed. 2021.Application of Oxalic Acid and 1-Methylcyclopropane (1-Mcp) with Low and High-Density Polyethylene on Post-Harvest Storage of Litchi Fruit. Sustainability. 13:3703
Read MoreM. T. Islam, M. S. Zoha, M. S. Uddin, M. A. Bari, M. H. Rahman, M. M. Akter and N. Akter. 2020. Effect of different time of bagging for ensuring quality mangoes Cv. Mishribhog. Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research. 25(2): 2114-2121
Read MoreM. T Islam, MM Akter, MH Rahman, MS Uddin, M A Bari, M Islam and MA Rahman.2020. Effect of Bagging on Quality and Shelf Life of Mango (Mangifera indica L.) cv. BARI Mango- 4. Asian Journal of Agricultural and Horticultural Research, 6(3):37-45.
Read MoreM. A. Khan, M. S. Rahman, R. Ara and M.T. Islam. 2006. Effects of supplemental heated air drying on the loss of moisture content of pea and soybean. Journal of the Bangladesh Society for Agricultural science and Technology 3: 85-88
M.T. Islam, M. A. Khan, Fahimakhanam, M. S. Sayem. 2006. Effects of number of plants per hill and nitrogen on growth and yield of carrot. Journal of the Bangladesh Society for Agricultural science and Technology 3: 137-140.
A. Ahosan, M.T. Islam, M.Rokonuzzaman, M.T. A. Siddique, F.A. Banu. 2005. Women’s attitude towards homestead vegetable production program in Gazipur district. Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Agricultural Science 32: 197-201.
M. Moniruzzaman, M.T. A. Siddique, M. Rokonuzzaman, M.T. Islam and F.A. Banu. 2005. A study on homestead agroforestry systems as practiced by the farmers of shibcharupozila of Madaripur district. Bangladesh .Bangladesh Journal of Agricultural Science 32: 189-195.
M. T. Islam, M.H. Rahman, R. Yeasmin, M.A.A. Mamun and M.A. Rahman. 2015. Effects of number of plants per hill and irrigation intervals on the growth and yield of carrot. Journal of Science and Technology 13:112-117.
Read MoreM.S. Ali, M.A.A. Mamun, M.A. Khan, B.C. Halder and M.T. lslam. 2011. Effect of potassium on the growth and yield of two varieties of potato. Bangladesh Journal of Progressive Science & Technology IX: 217-220
M.T. Islam, M. A. A. Mamun, M. A. Khan, S. M. Sayem and M. H. Rahman. 2011. Effect of different level of irrigation and potassium fertilizers on the growth and yield of potato cv. Granola. Journal of Environmental Science & Natural Resources.4: 105-109.
Read MoreM.G. Azam, M.M. H. Bhuyain, M. N. Uddin, M.T. lslam and K. H. Kabir. 2008. Efficacy of some synthetics insecticides and neem seed oil for the management of the thrips of mungbea Vigna radiate (L.). Journal of Bio-science.16: 105-108.
Read MoreM.T. Islam, M.A.A. Mamun, R.Y. Lucky, M.A. Rahman and M.M. Akter. 2015. Evaluation of antifungal activity of some medicinal plant extracts against mango anthracnose. Journal of the Bangladesh Society for Agricultural science and Technology 12: 41-47.
M.M Akter, M.T. Islam, N. Akter, F.M. Amin, M.A. Bari and M.S. Uddin. 2020. Pre-harvest Fruit Bagging Enhanced Quality and Shelf-life of Mango (Mangifera indica L.) cv. Amrapali. Asian Journal of Agricultural and Horticultural Research, 5(3):45-54.
Read MoreM. T Islam, M.S. Rahman, M.M. Akter, M.N. Hasan and M.S. Uddin. 2019. Influence of Pre-Harvest Bagging on Fruit Quality of Mango (Mangifera indica L.) cv. Langra. Asian Journal of Agricultural and Horticultural Research, 4(4):1-10.
Read MoreM. T Islam, M. S. Zoha, M. S. Rahman, M. A. Bari, M. M. Akter, A. Khatun, R. Huque and M. S. Uddin 2019. Influence of bagging time on fruit quality and shelf life of mango (Mangifera indica L.) cv. Amrapali in Bangladesh. International journal of Agriculture and Environmental Research, 5(4): 412-423.
Read MoreM. T Islam, M. S. Zoha, M. A. Bari, M. S. Rahman, M. M. Akter, M. Islam and M. A. Rahman. 2019. Effect of bagging time on fruit quality and shelf life of mango (Mangifera indica L.) cv. Langra in Bangladesh. International journal of Agriculture, Environmental and Bioresearch, 4(4): 279-289.
Read MoreM. A. Rahman, M. T. Islam, M. A. Al Mamun, M. S.Rahman. and M. S. Ashraf. 2018. Yield and Quality Performance of Carrot under Different Organic and Inorganic Nutrient Sources with Mulching Options. Asian Journal of Agricultural and Horticultural Research. 1(4): 1-8.
Read MoreM. T. Islam, M. Shamsuzzoha, M. S. Rahman, M. M. Haque and R. Alom. 2017. Influence of pre-harvest bagging on fruit quality of mango (Mangifera indica L.) cv. Mollika. Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research. 15(1): 1246-1254.
Read MoreM.T. Islam, M.S. Rahman, M. Shamsuzzoha, A.K.M.M.B. Chowdhury, R. Alom. 2017. Influence of pre-harvest bagging on fruit quality of Mango (Mangifera indica L.) cv. Mishribhog. International Journal of Biosciences. 11(3): 59-68
Read MoreM.T. Islam and M. A. Rahman. 2016. Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Phytochemicals in Some Medicinal Plants in Bangladesh. Journal of Chemical, Biological and Physical Sciences 6: 530-540.
Read MoreM.T. Islam, S.Y. Ahn, M. Z. Islam, S.A. Kim and H.K. Yun. 2014. Accumulation of stilbene compounds and induction of related gene expression by hairy vetch and ryegrass extracts in grape berries. Biologia 69: 1693-1700.
Read MoreM.T. Islam, S.Y. Ahn, V.K. Vajpai and H.K. Yun. 2012. In vitro studies on the antimicrobial activities and chemical characterization of six cover crops against grapevine crown gall pathogen. Journal of Plant Pathology 94: 591-599.
Read MoreM.T. Islam, S.Y. Ahn, S.M. Jo and H.K. Yun. 2013. Isolation of Antibacterial compounds from hairy vetch (Vicia villosa) against grapevine crown gall pathogen. Horticulture, Environment, and Biotechnology 54: 338-345.
Read MoreIslam MT, Ahn SY, Islam MZ, Kim SA and Yun HK.. 2014. In vivo antibacterial activity against Rhizobium vitis and the induction of defense-related genes in grapevines (Vitis spp.) by hairy vetch and ryegrass extracts. Plant omics Journal. 7(3): 133-141
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M.T. Islam, S.Y. Ahn, S.A. Kim and H.K. Yun. Purification and application of compounds from hairy vetch with antimicrobial activity against Rhizobium vitis. Korea of Republic patent 10-1599911. Issued date 26 February 2016
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- Postdoctoral Fellowship Program
Funded by: National Institute of Horticultural & Herbal Science, RDA, South Korea
- Foreign students scholarships for Ph.D
Funded by: Graduate School, Yeungnam University, South Korea
- Effect of on-tree bagging and post-harvest Aloe vera gel coating on quality and shelf life of ‘Haribhanga’ mango at ambient storage
Funded by: IRT, HSTU (2024-2025)
Position: PI
Description: The present study is to be performed with the following objectives- 1. To evaluate the impact of pre-and post-harvest treatments on the quality of mango fruits 2. To reduce the wastage of mango fruits in peak period by expanding the shelf life
- Effect of Pre-harvest Nutrient Application and Bagging Materials on Postharvest Quality and Shelf Life of Mango fruits cv. Amrapali
Funded by: Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST-2019-2020; ES 359)
Position: Principal Investigator
Description: Research Objectives (i) To determine the effect of pre-harvest nutrient application and fruit bagging on post-harvest quality and shelf life of mango fruits cv. Amrapali (ii) To control the pest and diseases of mango by applying minimum pesticide.
- Effect of pre-harvest bagging and post-harvest calcium application on fruit quality of ‘Amrapali’ mango during storage at room temperature
Funded by: MoST, Bangladesh (2023-24)
Position: Principal Investigator
Description: Research Objectives (i) To evaluate the effectiveness of pre-bagging and post-harvest CaCl2 application on the quality of mango (ii) To reduce the wastage of mango fruits in peak period by expanding the shelf life
- Evaluation of Aloe vera gel and Chitosan coatings on postharvest nutritional quality in ‘misribhog’ mango during storage at ambient temperature
Funded by: IRT, HSTU(2023-24)
Position: Principal Investigator
Description: Objective(s) of the project: The present study is to be performed with the following objectives- 1. To evaluate the impact of edible coating on the nutritional quality of mango fruits 2. To reduce the wastage of mango fruits in peak period by expanding the shelf life
- Effect of chitosan and coconut oil film coating on the quality of ‘misribhog’ mango
Funded by: IRT, HSTU (2022-23)
Position: Principal Investigator
Description: Research Objectives 1. To evaluate the impact of chitosan-coconut coating on the quality of mango fruits. 2. To meet the nutritional demand of the people.
- Effect of pre-harvest bagging and Cacl2 application on the quality of ‘mishribhog’ mango
Funded by: Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST-2022-2023; Project ID: SRG-223481)
Position: Principal Investigator
Description: Objectives: (i) To determine the effect of pre-harvest bagging and CaCl2 application on postharvest quality and storage life of mango fruits cv. Mishribhog (ii) To control the pest and diseases of mango by applying minimum pesticide.
- Effect of Aloe vera gel and coconut oil edible coating on postharvest quality and storage life of mango fruits
Funded by: UGC (2020-23), Bangladesh
Position: Project director
Description: The present study is to be performed with the following objectives: (i) To evaluate the impact of aloe vera-coconut oil combined coating on postharvest decay and quality of mango fruits. (ii) To expand the post harvest storage life of mango fruits. (iii) To extend the availability of mango in the market and meet the nutritional demand of the people.
- Effect of pre-harvest bagging on physio-chemical properties and shelf-life of mango cv. Gopalvo
Funded by: Institute of Research and Training (IRT 2021-22)
Position: Principal Investigator
Description: Research objective (s): (i) To investigate the effect of different bagging materials on the physio-chemical properties and extend shelf- life of mangoes. (ii) To protect mango from diseases, pest attacks etc using minimum pesticide application
- Effect of chitosan and aloe vera gel coating on postharvest quality and storage life of mango fruits
Funded by: Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST-2021-2022; ES 383)
Position: Principal Investigator
Description: Research Objectives (i) To evaluate the impact of aloe vera-chitosan combined coating on postharvest decay and quality of mango fruits. (ii) To expand the post harvest storage life of mango fruits.
- Effect of Pre-harvest Nutrient Application and Bagging Materials on Postharvest Quality and Shelf Life of Mango fruits cv. Amrapali
Funded by: Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST-2019-2020; ES 359)
Position: Principal Investigator
Description: Research Objectives (i) To determine the effect of pre-harvest nutrient application and fruit bagging on post-harvest quality and shelf life of mango fruits cv. Amrapali (ii) To control the pest and diseases of mango by applying minimum pesticide.
- Effect of Pre-harvest Nutrient Application and Bagging on Postharvest Quality and Shelf Life of Mango cv. Mallika
Funded by: Institute of Research and Training (IRT 2020-2021)
Position: Principal Investigator
Description: Objectives: (i) To increase quality production with prolong the shelf- life of mango. (ii) To obtain a profitable price of mangoes in domestic and export markets. (iii) To reduce the infection of diseases of mango fruits.
- Effects of pre-harvest bagging on physio-chemical properties of mango cv. Bari Aam-7
Funded by: Institute of Research and Training (IRT 2019-2020)
Position: Principal Investigator
Description: Research objective (s): (i) To investigate the effect of different bagging materials on the physio-chemical properties and shelf- life of mangoes. (ii) To protect mango from diseases, pest attacks etc using minimum pesticide application.
- Effects of pre-harvest bagging on physio-chemical properties of mango cv. ‘Khirsapat’
Funded by: Institute of Research and Training (IRT 2018-2019)
Position: Principal Investigator
Description: Research objective (s): (i) To investigate the effect of different bagging materials on the physio-chemical properties and shelf- life of mangoes. (ii) To protect mango from diseases, pest attacks etc. using minimum pesticide application.
- Effect of different fruit bagging materials on the production of quality and safe mango
Funded by: CRG PIU-BARC, NATP-2, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council (BARC), Dhaka ( 2017-2018; ID 444)
Position: Principal Investigator
Description: Purpose/Objectives: (i) To control the pest and diseases of mango by applying minimum pesticide. (ii) To investigate the effect of bagging materials on the fruit development, physico-chemical compositions and shelf- life extension of mango. (iii) To create awareness of the mango growers through training and increase the production of exportable safe mango.
- Effects of pre-harvest bagging on physico-chemical properties and shelf-life of mango cv. BARI Aam-4 and 6
Funded by: Institute of Research and Training (IRT 2016-2017)
Position: Principal Investigator
Description: Research objective (s): (i) To investigate the effect of different bagging materials on the physio-chemical properties and shelf- life of mangoes. (ii) To protect mango from diseases, pest attack besides facilitating the farmers to get quality yield as well as good price.
- Effects of pre-harvest bagging on physio-chemical properties of mango cv. Misrivog.
Funded by: Institute of Research and Training (IRT 2015-2016)
Position: Principal Investigator
Description: Research objective(s): (i) To investigate the effect of different bagging materials on the development, quality and shelf- life extension of mangoes. (ii) To study the effect of fruit bagging on chemical properties of mango.
- Effect of number of plant per hill and irrigation intervals on the growth and yield of carrot
Funded by: Institute of Research and Training (IRT 2013-2014)
Position: Principal Investigator
Description: Research objective(s): i) To maximize the yield of carrot through planting more than one plant per hill; ii) To study the appropriate irrigation interval for carrot production in Bangladesh
- Antimicrobial activity and chemical characterization of some medicinal plants against anthracnose and stem-end rot of mango in northern part of Bangladesh.
Funded by: Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST 2014-2015; BS 329)
Position: Principal Investigator
Description: Research Objectives (i) To investigate the in vitro and in vivo antimicrobial activities of some medicinal plant extracts against mango anthracnose and stem-end rot pathogen. (ii) To screening and determination of various phtochemicals constituents from tested plant extracts.
- Effect of Pre-harvest Bagging on Physio-chemical Properties and Shelf-life of Mango cv. Misirivog and Langra in the district of Dinajpur
Funded by: Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST 2015-2016; BS 286)
Position: Principal Investigator
Description: Research Objectives (i) To investigate the effect of different bagging materials on the development, quality and shelf- life extension of mangoes. (ii) To study the effect of fruit bagging on chemical properties of mango. (iii) To protect mango from diseases, pest attack besides facilitating the farmers to get quality yield as well as good price.
- Effects of pre-harvest bagging on shelf-life attributes and creating awareness on it through training to mango growers for increase safe mango (cv. Amropoli and Harivangha) production at Dinajpur district
Funded by: Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST 2016-2017; BS 177)
Position: Principal Investigator
Description: Research Objectives (i) To investigate the effects of different bagging materials on the development, quality, shelf- life and chemical properties of mangoes. (ii) To protect mango from diseases, pest attacks etc. using minimum pesticide application. ( iii) To create awareness of mango growers on safe mango production. ( iv) To create export opportunity of Bangladeshi mangoes.
- Effect of Different Bagging Materials on the Production of Quality Mango (BARI Aam-4)
Funded by: Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST-2018-2019; ES 70)
Position: Principal Investigator
Description: Research Objectives (i) To control the pest and diseases of mango by applying minimum pesticide. (ii) To investigate the effect of bagging materials on the fruit development, physico-chemical compositions and shelf- life extension of mango. ( iii) To create awareness of mango growers on safe mango production. (iv) To create export opportunity of Bangladeshi mangoes.
- Effect of Pre-harvest Nutrient Application and Bagging Materials on Postharvest Quality and Shelf Life of Mango fruits cv. Amrapali
Funded by: Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST-2019-2020; ES 359)
Position: Principal Investigator
Description: Research Objectives (i) To determine the effect of pre-harvest nutrient application and fruit bagging on post-harvest quality and shelf life of mango fruits cv. Amrapali (ii) To control the pest and diseases of mango by applying minimum pesticide.
- ResearchGate Profile
- Google Scholar Profile